Home Metal Detecting

I wish there were a mentoring program

BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,464 ✭✭✭✭✭
I kind of wish there was a local mentoring program to have a non-experienced detectorist able to be paired up with an experienced detectorist and "shown the various ropes"......

Man - I wish I lived close to come of the dudes in this forum....many of you guys ROCK!

I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment


  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ron, try the White's distributor down in Renton.. she has some connections and you may be able to get together with some of the local MD'rs... Mary has quite a good business there (or did while I lived in WA). Cheers, RickO
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,464 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Rick.
    I know the place you are talking about. I just don't get down there much.
    Since you left, traffic from my area to there has gotten way worse image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • There are many specialised forums for detecting Ron , you could do worse than spend time reading some.When i began detecting there was no internet and research was something to do at various libraries.I think it's like anything else, a case of come on in the waters fine , nothing beats hands on experience.
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