Home Metal Detecting

April 1, 2012 - Four pieces of silver

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
Got out today to a lake area dubbed "Silver Park" because it seems I find silver each time I'm there. The lake was drained so I was figuring I'd be on the hunt for jewelry, etc. dropped last year. So, I figure I'd have the area covered quickly as there was "probably" nothing deep left.

First signal was a ring! But it was a bent, junk Avon ring. Still not bad for the first find. The second signal was another ring! But, it's another junk ring. Looked gold at first but signaled like copper/silver. There were barely any surface items to be found.

Probably 20 minutes later I get the ever so slightest signal on the detector. Not really even repeatable...but took a shovel full of dirt and still not much. Was about to cover the hole when I stuck my pinpointer in... it picked up on something. "Alright, might as well see what it is." A couple more shovels later and a very high pitched signal screams from the dirt piles. A little scraping and silver appears!! It's sure ugly... a star, moon and circle with some black stuff in and around it, but she's silver! 4.3 grams. Almost walked right past it.

About a half hour later, another ever so slight flicker of a signal... Decided to try again. Dug a big open hole about 5 inches down and stuck the coil in. Another high pitch signal! At about 8 or 9 inches down out comes a small Sterling ring with the black "stone" in the center. Looks to have a couple years to it.

About 15 minutes later... another slight flicker... dig again. But, instead of a ring, out pops a 1942 Merc. Totally unexpected. I had pounded this dirt part to death over the past 3 years and to find 3 silvers was utterly shocking.

It started raining, so I tried a grassy area and got a 53 Roosie to round out the day.

Also found a button?? Does this look old? I've never found anything older than a merc at this site... if this is an old flat button, that's a game changer as the field could have been farm land!

Ok, I apologize for rambling! Had my tonsils out on Monday, and I'm just getting back into feeling myself.

Here are the pics:

What's hiding in that plug? Can you see the silver rim?


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