Sports Stars You have seen in public

in Sports Talk
Last Night Im at a local Bar drinking beers and listening to a Band and I look to my left and 3 bar stools away I see Ray Bourgue, I went over and said Hi Ray and extended my hand for a shake and he shook my hand, being drunk I asked him where his Ring was and he pointed to his wedding ring, I laughed and so did he, I then said Hey I bet that ring holds more weight than your Championship Ring huh, he laughed and nodded with a grin, I went back to me stool after that as I didnt want to bother him. He was a enjoying the music chilling out just like a regular guy, funny thing was the place was packed with kids in their early 20's and none of them knew who he was it seemed- Im getting Old!
Thats the 3rd Sportstar Ive seen in public, I was on my way to work one day and stopped at a Dunking Donuts and was right behind Jim Rice in line, another time Im in a Liquer Store and bumped right into John Hannah. Both guys I said hello to and they said hi back, that was the extent of it.
Thats the 3rd Sportstar Ive seen in public, I was on my way to work one day and stopped at a Dunking Donuts and was right behind Jim Rice in line, another time Im in a Liquer Store and bumped right into John Hannah. Both guys I said hello to and they said hi back, that was the extent of it.
On separate occasions in 2000, the entire Seattle Mariners team and Eric Lindros at the Toronto Airport.
Hulk Hogan at Logan Airport in line at a Dunkin Donuts about 10 years ago. He was being a real a-hole to the lady behind the counter, because they didn't have any low fat muffins.
David Ortiz at a restaurant in Baltimore grabbing lunch.
Derek Lowe at bars in Boston, too many times/places to count. The best was when he was at the Rack one time with Pete Schourek...and Schourek was rocking a Champion sweatshirt...needless to say the 4 girls hanging around them were all focused on Lowe.
Lawyer Milloy at a bar on Marathon Monday in 2002, a few months after the Super Bowl win, he was behind the bar and served me a beer. He appreciated it when I said "thanks for the beer, champ!". Gave me a fist bump.
2) My friend has a coin store in Cranford, NJ, and Phil Rizzuto parks in front of his store (Cora is sitting in the passenger's seat). Phil gets out his car and asks Rich for directions. It is important to note that Phil is my friend's favorite Yankee along with Thurman Munson.
Blair Jones and Dana Tyrell (not really sports stars at all) at a restaurant/bar after a game.
Josh Freeman at my school (his younger brother goes there).
David Price, BJ Upton, and Desmond Jennings walking outside of the stadium before a Bucs game.
Derek Jeter at lunch.
Chris Dingman and Dave Andreychuk at a bar.
A lot of pro surfers...most on here probably won't know any of them except for maybe 11-time world champ Kelly Slater.
Various athletes I've gone to school with that are now in the pros like Dominique Jones (Mavs), Jason Pierre-Paul (NYG), Nate Allen (Eagles), to name a few.
Ronde Barber, BJ Upton, Raheem Morris, Lou Piniella, Jon Gruden, Mike Alstott, and Wade Boggs at different USF basketball games.
Desmond Jennings next to me at a stoplight in his yellow Range Rover.
Evan Longoria at an ATM in downtown Tampa.
I wish I lived in Tampa when the Super Bowl was here...I heard it was CRAZY. A friend of mine saw Michael Jordan at the Hard Rock Casino. (what do you expect?)
Saw Vlade Divac (Sacramento Kings) shopping at the mall.
Saw Hedo Turkoglu (Sacramento Kings) walking out of a movie theater.
Saw Mike Bibby (Sacramento Kings) and his entourage at the Cheesecake Factory.
Saw Greg Vaughn (MLB, Brewers) at a TGI Fridays.
Saw Mark Eaton (Utah Jazz) at the Sacramento Airport, waiting for a flight.
Saw Tony "The Tiger" Lopez (boxer) around the Sacramento courthouse several times. He owns a bail-bonds company in town, so he was probably working.
WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
We were almost at the end of our tour and we were in a room with athletes figures. They had a Troy Polamalu wax figure there which I was checking out. (Even though I'm a Patriots fan, Troy is my favorite non Patriots player.) So I'm standing there looking at Troy's figure and I comment to my wife how his helmet is filled with Head and Shoulders when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and an attractive woman is standing there and she points at the figure and asked me if I knew who the figure was. I replied, "Troy Polamalu of the Steelers." She then points over my shoulder and asked me who that was. I turn around and there is Troy Polamalu in the flesh!
I was totally taken off guard, I just stood there like a big kid who is star struck. Troy walks over to me, shook my hand and said hello then went up to pose with his figure. The lady who talked to me asked me if I would like to take a picture with Troy and his figure. Troy looked at me and invited me up with him, so I shot up there after giving my wife the camera. She snapped a couple of shots of us, he shook my hand again as I thanked him and he left.
I didn't know it at the time, but they unveiled his wax figure that morning, he was there to promote it and I just happened to catch him after all the press photos and such were done.
Needless to say, that capped off our vacation on a high note.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Being from Baltimore , I've met many , many Orioles . I've had lunch with Brooks Robinson , as at that time I was a landscaper at a retirement community and he was having lunch with a friend. I came in , saw him , introduced myself , told him about how much I admired him over the years. He asked me to sit down with them . We started talking baseball , when I realized it was Johnny Neun that he was with. From there I dazzled Johnny with detailed knowlegde about HIS scouting picks.
I met Jim Palmer at the movies. Mark Belanger argueing with his wife. I met Jim Presley ( Seattle) one night and helped him as his wife was home delivering their first child. He felt terrible , as he couldn't be there. He wasn't exactly a nice guy in real life , but he was down to earth that night.
I met Scott MacGregor selling christmas trees at his church. We went to pick up a tree late one night a few years back. This guy had a hoodie and wool hat on. He was very helpful and we said thanks. I remember telling the guy , " Hey I know you've probably have heard this before but you look just like Scott MacGregor ." He laughed . It was .
I met Ralph Houk in Florida , at his home. That was in the late 70's.
My favorite was Tommy John and Don Mattenly . They were both wonderful people.
I've had two bad encounters with Curt Shilling . Nice guy but very rude when he was young . A bit on the wild side.
I could go on and on , but then I would kill this thread. --- Sonny
Kenny Florian in a coffee shop in Cincinatti circa 2007.
Dwight Evans walking in downtown Chicago circa 1988.
Dave Rozema Detroit Tigers Pitcher at my store where I worked.
Dave Bergman Detroit Tigers I was coaching against him in Federation Ball.
Ernie Whitt Blue Jays I coached against him also in Federation Ball.
Bart Star down in Kentucky during a buisness trip.
Steve Owens Detroits Lions Runnung Back.Sat next to him on a flight from Laguaria to Detroit Metro.
Andre the Giant back in 1990 on a flight from Detroit Mero to Charlotte SC.
<< <i>Ted Lindsay at the store I was working at.Nice Man. >>
Tony, how about the time you went out for drinks with Shoeless Joe Jackson?
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Ricky Henderson at an airport in North Carolina on a layover to the Bahamas, he dresses well.
Gary Cater in Chantilly, Va. at a steakhouse, I assume after he was finished signing at a card show.
Those are the ones I remember most. Was too polite, or scared, to approach any of them.
More recently, I have seen Kevin Ollie several times, as he lived in my town during the NBA offseason. Made a nice living as an NBA journeyman ($3 million per year with the Sixers at one point), is now a coach at UConn.
For football, the biggest star was John Madden. In 1987 my wife and I spent a few days in Carmel, Cal. Early on Sunday morning (about 7:00 a.m.) we sent to downtown Carmel to have breakfast at a local restaurant. We had parked our car and were walking about one block to the restaurant. We see this huge, dark Mercedes pull up and try to pull into a parking space, via parallel parking. The driver could not parallel park very well. The Mercedes backed into and out of the parking space about 5 times before finally stopping (far away from the curb and at an angle with its driver's side front fender and bumper extending out into the lane of traffic). We watched and laughed at how lousy the driver was. Then the driver side door opened and out stepped John Madden. We said hello, he said hello and we kept walking. Fast forward 10-15 years later and I see John Madden again, this time at a local restaurant having lunch with some friends. I was tempted to go up to him and ask if he had gotten better at parallel parking, but decided not to
Here is a story for you, I took a BS class in high school, "gourmet" cooking it was called. Well im sitting there and this white porsche pulls up, mcgwire gets out and starts doing BP in the enclosed tennis courts.....I then asked to go to the rest room, went out met him got his autograph. I ended up selling it to Rich Altman at a show in Strongville Ohio. I wonder what ever happened to that thing. It was a one of a kind autograph.
I asked Shaq for his autograph, he kindly rejected my request, I shook and hand and said it was a pleasure to meet him and went on my way. (The dude is huge)
M.Jordan, M.Schmidt, Hull, and many more who play that tournament. Had Mario sign a poker chip, and he was very
easy to talk to. His caddy was sitting next to him when we played, and the next night after a bad round of golf, his caddy
was sitting at a different table. I guess that speaks to the competitiveness that was in Mario when he was younger. We met
about 15 years ago when the tournament first was taking off.
steve carlton at an AC bar after the national
charles barkley at a golf course/wedding got to talk to him for a while, while waiting for his ride. great experience.
tim biakabutka at U of M
great pic with ozzy and nick...GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
- I sold movie tickets to Magic and his lady, summer of '86, late show, Sly Stallone movie... spacing on the movie name, in Westwood;
- Mitch Kupchak came in another night to see a movie back when he played with Lakers;
- Group of St. Louis Cardinals were sitting at table next to us in Chicago, nice steak house, a few years ago;
- Jamal Wilkes at local golf course (Rancho Park) driving range back when I was in high school and he was still on the Lakers;
- Dave Stewart, during his hey-day with the A's, at a bar in SF, Marina district, and he was whooping it up making friends with everybody;
- Bobby Jackson at Galleria Mall in Roseville with big Louiv Vuitton shopping bags and also at a kid's basketball games as our kids are in same league;
- Steve Sax at the bar he used to own in Folsom;
- Lastly, Shareef Abdur Raheem's daughter is on my daughter's soccer team so I see him most every Saturday! Nice guy.
and the one that got away.... Back in college, in the 80's, I spent a semester in London. One night my friends went out to Hard Rock Cafe but I didn't want to go. Mistake. They all took pictures with Mahamed Ali that night at the restaurant!
- Mark Rypien walking around downtown Spokane (he lives in the area). On a sidenote - he is GIGANTIC. It is unreal that he was a QB. I don't mean fat or anything either. He looks to be a good 6'5" or 6'6" and probably 275. He just seems HUGE. Have also seen him and his brother playing golf in the foursome behind mine.
- John Stockton - on campus at Gonzaga Prep. His son attended GPrep and played QB for the football team. I ran into John when I was walking into a football game one night. Said hello, got a hello back.
As a sidenote, Stockton was getting left alone by the crowd at the football game. Of course, seeing John around town here in Spokane is nothing unusual and people at GPrep are very definitely used to seeing him so they are not at all starstruck at the sight. Also, unlike Rypien, Stockton seemed really small, even though he's hardly a small man.
As for Gretzky & his jeans, a LOT of people have made that same comment. And yet I'm sure he paid more for those jeans than I paid for all of my pairs of pants combined
I saw Seattle Supersonic legend Fred Brown at a local park in the Seattle suburbs around 1979 or 1980. He was just hanging out with his family by the lake. When he walked to his car to get something, my step brother and I got autographs on the back of my Mom's business card. I was 11 or 12 at the time and totally stoked! Of course if this had happened today, I wouldn't bother any athlete for an autograph. I don't like all these idiots who hassle athletes away from the ballpark or stadium. (totally classless for an adult to bother a man spending time with his family).
When I was a kid I lived down the street from Wes Chandler of the Saints, so I met him a few times. And my dad did business with Chuck Muncie, Conrad Dobler, and Billy Kilmer, so I was able to meet them too. My wife was the veterinarian for several of the Carolina Hurricanes at various points in time, so I've met them, but nobody that was a star or anything.
at a Phoenix Suns game... very nice man.
<< <i>Last month my wife and I were in NYC for a vacation. It was our last day in the city and we were looking for something to do, so we went to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. There were some really cool figures in there, world leaders, musicians, movies stars and sports stars included.
We were almost at the end of our tour and we were in a room with athletes figures. They had a Troy Polamalu wax figure there which I was checking out. (Even though I'm a Patriots fan, Troy is my favorite non Patriots player.) So I'm standing there looking at Troy's figure and I comment to my wife how his helmet is filled with Head and Shoulders when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and an attractive woman is standing there and she points at the figure and asked me if I knew who the figure was. I replied, "Troy Polamalu of the Steelers." She then points over my shoulder and asked me who that was. I turn around and there is Troy Polamalu in the flesh!
I was totally taken off guard, I just stood there like a big kid who is star struck. Troy walks over to me, shook my hand and said hello then went up to pose with his figure. The lady who talked to me asked me if I would like to take a picture with Troy and his figure. Troy looked at me and invited me up with him, so I shot up there after giving my wife the camera. She snapped a couple of shots of us, he shook my hand again as I thanked him and he left.
I didn't know it at the time, but they unveiled his wax figure that morning, he was there to promote it and I just happened to catch him after all the press photos and such were done.
Needless to say, that capped off our vacation on a high note. >>
Ted, lets see one of the pictures of you and polamalu and the polamalu wax figure!
<< <i>
<< <i>Ted Lindsay at the store I was working at.Nice Man. >>
Tony, how about the time you went out for drinks with Shoeless Joe Jackson? >>
Doug, thanks for reminding me!!
<< <i>Me and Wayne Gretzky at a Spokane Indians game this summer:
Tabe >>
That is rubbing elbows with greatness!
D's: 50P,49S,45D+S,43D,41S,40D,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
Q's: 52S,47S,46S,40S,39S,38S,37D+S,36D+S,35D,34D,32D+S
74T: 241,435,610,654 97 Finest silver: 115,135,139,145,310
95 Ultra GM Sets: Golden Prospects,HR Kings,On-Base Leaders,Power Plus,RBI Kings,Rising Stars
<< <i>That is rubbing elbows with greatness! >>
Thrill of a lifetime. Only meeting Steve Yzerman would ever top it for me.
Man was is tall!
Great guy but one of the worst auto's ever!
You could pass for Wayne Gretzky's son.