1989 Fleer Bill Ripken F$%& Face Question - Is this a likely test proof card or something differ
Posts: 1,308
I saw this 1989 Fleer Bill Ripken black & white card online this morning. It appears to be a "test run" card. Anyone have experience here with these types of cards? Is this the real deal and is it worth anything? Thank you. Meatloaf
many are "home made" paper stock items...
Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
- uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
<< <i>This card is a verified fake. Edited to add the guild is actually from a member here.
Link >>
Sean & Swartz...TY for your insight. WOW. TY for this weblink as well! What a great resource of information. Meatloaf
billripken.com pic
billripken.com article
billripken.com article 2
Real (imo) B/W
GEM will grade anything
Am I still drunk?
Most have white on the outer edge. The sheet color. Wrong color.
Ever see any of these other than the FF?
I bought one in ?'03 when I started FF hunting. Never seen one. Paid like $75. Week later 10 were on ebay...lol
Cards have a one sided glossy feel. Kinda like photo paper.....
The link I posted earlier has a sheet pic. Not a industry sized sheet.
Topps White Out (silver) letters Alex Gordon
80 Topps Greg Pryor “No Name"
90 ProSet Dexter Manley error
90 Topps Jeff King Yellow back
1958 Topps Pancho Herrera (no“a”)
81 Topps Art Howe (black smear above hat)
91 D A. Hawkins BC-12 “Pitcher”
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
<< <i>This card should go down in history not only for its' greatness but for being the only item I can think of in this world where the eff word is clearly visible for all to see yet is allowed to be pictured here, ebay, and wherever without anyone throwing down some hissy fit about being offending. FF Rules. >>
Yep, and the grading companies think nothing of falling over themselves to get the $6 submission fees (or whatever it is) to slab these puppies, but will bend over backward to avoid slabbing my Mickey Mantle autographed quotes because, aghast, they mention sex and have some "language". I guess it's appropriate to teach kids the "F" word, but not appropriate to mention activities that potentially lead to bringing them into this world.
Makes me want to yack
<< <i>Bunt ... let's not forget the "other" Billy who flipped off the world in this Topps card:
Apparently some jokes never got old for Bill...
<< <i>Apparently some jokes never got old for Bill... >>
Great catch, I haven't seen anyone highlight that one before.
ETA: The closer I look, that may be his pointer finger and not the middle one.
Still with his track record - you definitely make a double take.
And from a team photo:
Radbourn is believed to be the earliest example of a person giving the finger in a photo.
That really had me laughing for some reason. Maybe he was a time traveler - definitely ahead of his.
<< <i>Don't forget Frank Thomas' 91 UD and his 94 Stadium Club Award Winner "finger". >>
I am embarrassed to admit I never noticed the 91 Thomas (was out of collecting by '94 so never saw his encore). Looking up the images, I found this "Top 10" list:
Top 10 "Obscene" Cards
The zipper ones are great.