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Todays Estate Sale finds

KISHU1KISHU1 Posts: 2,118 ✭✭✭
Today I stopped at an "Estate Sale". When I pulled up to the house there were about 50 people waiting to get in, so I was not optomistic about getting first pickens. The sale was being run by a "professonal" outfit so all prices were firm and usually high. To my supprise the crowd was mostly looking at jewelery and I had to wedge myself in to see the coins. There were a couple of Morgans for $30 ( not bad) many state quarter sets in aftermarket packaging, Ikes for $1.25
Then I saw a WLH for $10! I'll take it then 2 silver quarters for $6 each then 2 Franklins for $3 each!. I took the silver and then negotiated for 6 modern commems for $24 each, not bad for being 58th in line.
Happy pickens at tommorows sales



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