The difference between flipping and scalping

What is it to you? Here is why I ask... Often for very popular concerts that I want to go to and I know will sell out fast, I will buy the maximum of 4 tickets and sell the extra pair on eBay to essentially get my pair for free. I've done that for the Austin City Limits fesitival the past 2 years and saved over $500. Those tickets sell out within an hour every year. Whenever I'm doing this, I always feel a little guilty and in the back of my mind I know that what I am essentially doing is scalping.
Today I bought 3 of the 25th Anniv. ASE sets. They are beautiful, and I want one! I bought the other two knowing I could sell them to make up most if not all of my cost for the one I am going to keep. I noticed on this forum that the majority of buyers are all posting that they got 5 or more sets and are ready to flip them. I find this interesting, from a sociological standpoint I guess. Don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with a little self-driven capitalism and I don't judge anyone for flipping. I just could never imagine in a thousand years a forum where people sit around posting how many tickets to a concert they bought and are going to scalp on eBay. If you ask most people what they think of scalpers, you will only hear negative replies. Not trying to ruffle any feathers, like I said... I'm flipping two myself.
Just think it's interesting is all. Flipping vs. scalping... semantics?
Today I bought 3 of the 25th Anniv. ASE sets. They are beautiful, and I want one! I bought the other two knowing I could sell them to make up most if not all of my cost for the one I am going to keep. I noticed on this forum that the majority of buyers are all posting that they got 5 or more sets and are ready to flip them. I find this interesting, from a sociological standpoint I guess. Don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with a little self-driven capitalism and I don't judge anyone for flipping. I just could never imagine in a thousand years a forum where people sit around posting how many tickets to a concert they bought and are going to scalp on eBay. If you ask most people what they think of scalpers, you will only hear negative replies. Not trying to ruffle any feathers, like I said... I'm flipping two myself.
Just think it's interesting is all. Flipping vs. scalping... semantics?
Lincoln Cent & Libertad Collector
If you want price controls, try eastern Europe.
The one drawback I do see with today's action is that there are a lot of collectors out there who tried but were not able to take advantage of a mint offering at a mint price. The mint let them down by not limiting sales to one per household.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
There are always people who are willing to buy things to resell them, and always people willing to buy things at a "premium". Just as someone who decides they want a ticket at the last minute buys from you (the scalper), these sets are the same. Someone who didn't want to or couldn't fight to get one out of the gate will be willing to pay a little extra to not have to deal with all the rest.
The people who bought them either had the insight, the time, the energy, etc...and are essentially getting paid for that.
No one will be forced to buy these sets for double what they sold for today (or more)...but they will, all day long.
That is any resale business. Anything you buy at Walmart is being "flipped" etc etc.
There's been a few people complaining that flippers are greedy. That is just insane. If someone wants to tell me that they wouldn't want to make some money on something they know more about than someone else, (or love dealing in), then go for it. They are either jealous because they don't have the initial investment to pay for something and resell it, or they don't understand simple business...
Why shouldn't coin collectors be the ones re-selling coins? Someone is going to do it. Dealers don't typically get attacked for reselling...and they are "scalping" more than a casual collector.
If you don't like flipping, don't do it.
If you can do it, then go for it
my 2c
<< <i>The one drawback I do see with today's action is that there are a lot of collectors out there who tried but were not able to take advantage of a mint offering at a mint price. The mint let them down by not limiting sales to one per household. >>
I agree and would have been fine with a limit of one or two per household. The flipping frenzy is entertaining though.
I agree---if the Mint made any mistake with the set, it was not limiting HH limits a bit more.
<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
It will never happen as the mint has a "contract" with us on the mintage.
Why do you hope people and business break their "contracts" ?
<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
I don't think you should always be able to get what you want. But, I think if you try, you may sometimes be able get what you like. To me that's the essence of collecting.
<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
The mint should have sold them for $600 at one per household. That way everyone would have gotten scalped and those who wanted one would have gotten one.
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The one drawback I do see with today's action is that there are a lot of collectors out there who tried but were not able to take advantage of a mint offering at a mint price. The mint let them down by not limiting sales to one per household. >>
I agree with everything you've said, and there is an exact parallel to the concert tickets. The concerts I am talking about sell out within a couple of hours, and not everyone who buys a ticket off a scalper was lazy and waited to the last minute, as another poster inferred. I have been on the other side of the coin, where I sit there reloading for 2 hours and never get a ticket and have to buy one on eBay, just like many tried and didn't get an ASE set today. Most Ticketmaster shows have a limit of 4 or 8 and you also hear blaming Ticketmaster for letting them down at times. And for the person who said the difference is if you sell for double face value or more.... if these ASE sets start going for over $600 should we start calling ourselves coin scalpers?
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<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
It will never happen as the mint has a "contract" with us on the mintage.
Why do you hope people and business break their "contracts" ? >>
Why do you state false conclusions? The mint has stated that they will have a minimum of 100,000 sets. They could make more and NOT break any "contract".
I don't mind the capitalism part, and I don't mind the normal flipping. I, too, feel for those that wanted these, for their own collections, and were locked out. For some of those that think that "oh well...if someone wants one bad enough, they will buy them at a higher price", while that is true for a lot of it, there will be those with more fixed income than many on these forums who would stretch to meet $300 but may not be able to stretch for that $500+. THOSE are the folks I feel sorry for.
May those who believe that everyone whol really wants one will pay the higher prices never become one of those without the money to do so.....I was there before, for a long time. It isn't a nice place to be
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
If they did state that the MAX mintage is 100,000, then I would agree that they could not make more as those who have bought them based on the mint statement would lose money. That type of statement and followup action would be very illegal in a stock market situation for example.
But the (very minor) risk that the mint could announce they will make more is a reason to presell on ebay and a risk that buyers are taking.
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<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
It will never happen as the mint has a "contract" with us on the mintage.
Why do you hope people and business break their "contracts" ? >>
Why do you state false conclusions? The mint has stated that they will have a minimum of 100,000 sets. They could make more and NOT break any "contract".
I don't mind the capitalism part, and I don't mind the normal flipping. I, too, feel for those that wanted these, for their own collections, and were locked out. For some of those that think that "oh well...if someone wants one bad enough, they will buy them at a higher price", while that is true for a lot of it, there will be those with more fixed income than many on these forums who would stretch to meet $300 but may not be able to stretch for that $500+. THOSE are the folks I feel sorry for.
May those who believe that everyone whol really wants one will pay the higher prices never become one of those without the money to do so.....I was there before, for a long time. It isn't a nice place to be
Um, they never said a MINIMUM of 100,000 sets...they said a SET mintage..which means maximum, not minimum...
And legally, that is a "verbal" contract of sorts. People paid the $300 price based on that mintage, obviously. I highly doubt they would break that and risk whatever legal repercussions that could come.
I'm confused
With the advent of a ready made and liquid market (EBay) many who would otherwise have not had a ready market to "flip" something, now have an avenue. This has cut out many of the wholesalers, or at least reduced their margins. In the end its a win for the collector. It is much better to have 2000 selllers of an item vs. 20. Of course in my own humble opinion.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
if it irks you enough, change your collecting niche
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<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
It will never happen as the mint has a "contract" with us on the mintage.
Why do you hope people and business break their "contracts" ? >>
Why do you state false conclusions? The mint has stated that they will have a minimum of 100,000 sets. They could make more and NOT break any "contract". >>
From the Mint's product page: "2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set – Product Limit: 100,000"
Exactly, either build a website that doesn't suck or limit it to 1 per household for the first 24/48 hours.
While I did get my order placed with visions of Obscene Profit™ dancing in my head (or at least the sweet deal segoja offered), I agree that it should have been obvious to the mint and those writing the enabling legislation that there'd be a run on these with the 100,000 set limit.
If they do figure out how to make more of the 2011-S and Reverse Proof™ eagles, there'll be a lot of people that will be "haftin' to be uproared."
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
face value at the venue from these "so-called" scalpers. That can also be said for mint issued products after the new or"hype" wears
off. I suggest taking your profit while the getting is good.
there is no comparision here whatsoever
and your no where near scalper status.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
For future reference Errorsinjudjemnt, please keep my name and actions off of your topics. Your weird man crush, stalker vibe is creepy and not appropriate in a public forum.
This is the last time I will ever respond to your buffoonery here on CU.
edit for 2 typos.
Posted by ErrorsOnCoins.
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<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
It will never happen as the mint has a "contract" with us on the mintage.
Why do you hope people and business break their "contracts" ? >>
Posted by Bochiman.
Why do you state false conclusions? The mint has stated that they will have a minimum of 100,000 sets. They could make more and NOT break any "contract". >>
Posted by comma.
From the Mint's product page: "2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set – Product Limit: 100,000" >>
Now you guys cant be going around telling Bochiman he is wrong!!! he never is... at least in his mind.
But just to let you know.. from the mint website...
the number of orders we have taken meets the... "maximum"... limit for the 2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set. You may still place an order for this product, which will go on a waiting list. If a product becomes available due to an order cancellation, we will fulfill orders from the waiting list on a first-in, first-served basis. We cannot provide information about your position on the waiting list.
<< <i>Posted by ErrorsOnCoins.
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<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
It will never happen as the mint has a "contract" with us on the mintage.
Why do you hope people and business break their "contracts" ? >>
Posted by Bochiman.
Why do you state false conclusions? The mint has stated that they will have a minimum of 100,000 sets. They could make more and NOT break any "contract". >>
Posted by comma.
From the Mint's product page: "2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set – Product Limit: 100,000" >>
Now you guys cant be going around telling Bochiman he is wrong!!! he never is... at least in his mind.
But just to let you know.. from the mint website...
the number of orders we have taken meets the... "maximum"... limit for the 2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set. You may still place an order for this product, which will go on a waiting list. If a product becomes available due to an order cancellation, we will fulfill orders from the waiting list on a first-in, first-served basis. We cannot provide information about your position on the waiting list. >>
Why take an unnecessary dig at Bochiman?
Coin flipping implies a quick transaction of a commodity. In this case a commodity with numeristic value. There is no expiration date. The people who are forced to buy from the secondary market can time their transactions.
The people who buy from coin flippers also want to participate in the anticipated increase of value that comes from ownership of that specific coin. The increase in cost from a flipper is a transaction cost to coin ownership. Maybe not today or tomorrow but at some point they or their heirs will want to sell that coin; hopefully for a profit.
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<< <i>Posted by ErrorsOnCoins.
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<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
It will never happen as the mint has a "contract" with us on the mintage.
Why do you hope people and business break their "contracts" ? >>
Posted by Bochiman.
Why do you state false conclusions? The mint has stated that they will have a minimum of 100,000 sets. They could make more and NOT break any "contract". >>
Posted by comma.
From the Mint's product page: "2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set – Product Limit: 100,000" >>
Now you guys cant be going around telling Bochiman he is wrong!!! he never is... at least in his mind.
But just to let you know.. from the mint website...
the number of orders we have taken meets the... "maximum"... limit for the 2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set. You may still place an order for this product, which will go on a waiting list. If a product becomes available due to an order cancellation, we will fulfill orders from the waiting list on a first-in, first-served basis. We cannot provide information about your position on the waiting list. >>
Why take an unnecessary dig at Bochiman? >>
Just pointing out the hypocrisy..... and wrong stament he made to the mintage.. JMHO.. not a dig at all. However its clear that ErrorsOnCoins and comma where correct in their statements.
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<< <i>Posted by ErrorsOnCoins.
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<< <i>I for one hope the Mint makes another 100000 of them so the people who truly want one won't have to pay 500$ to get one. >>
It will never happen as the mint has a "contract" with us on the mintage.
Why do you hope people and business break their "contracts" ? >>
Posted by Bochiman.
Why do you state false conclusions? The mint has stated that they will have a minimum of 100,000 sets. They could make more and NOT break any "contract". >>
Posted by comma.
From the Mint's product page: "2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set – Product Limit: 100,000" >>
Now you guys cant be going around telling Bochiman he is wrong!!! he never is... at least in his mind.
But just to let you know.. from the mint website...
the number of orders we have taken meets the... "maximum"... limit for the 2011 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set. You may still place an order for this product, which will go on a waiting list. If a product becomes available due to an order cancellation, we will fulfill orders from the waiting list on a first-in, first-served basis. We cannot provide information about your position on the waiting list. >>
Why take an unnecessary dig at Bochiman? >>
Just pointing out the hypocrisy..... and wrong stament he made to the mintage.. JMHO.. not a dig at all. However its clear that ErrorsOnCoins and comma where correct in their statements. >>
I'm fine being wrong if I am. I think you are still stinging from your Precious Metals thread where 99.9999% of the people thought you were wrong at your public attack on someone who didn't do a deal the way you wanted.
For this, I stated "wrong" because previously there were published statements saying a minimum of 100,000 sets. It led to a lot of speculation that the mint may make more. Saying a product limit of 100k is not, to me, a declarative "and there will be NO MORE after that" type of statement, from an entity like that mint.
Unless, and until, the USMint makes such a declarative statement, then I think that anyone saying differently is wrong to believe it. While I agree that it is most unlikely to be more than 100k minted/sold, and I have bought my sets as well so I am hoping it stays at 100k, I would not bet my life on it.
That said, I think it is too late in the year, and they will be switching to 2012 minted SAEs soon, to release the bullion ones in January, as they have done in the past, and I think these are done and minted. Again though, I don't think saying there is a contract with us is a legit call.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
I think it's production and marketing, not flipping and scalping.
Oh, you're referring to the secondary market that dictates the real value.
NGC registry V-Nickel proof #6!!!!
working on proof shield nickels # 8 with a bullet!!!!
<< <i>When I read the US Mint description, it says "Product Limit 100,000". Don't know where this minimum talk comes from. >>
Well the talk come from a SUPERIOR poster to this thread.... without a clue... shoots mouth and raises his post count [COOL!].... but hold on they may make more according to him... and everyone will be happy too!
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<< <i>When I read the US Mint description, it says "Product Limit 100,000". Don't know where this minimum talk comes from. >>
Well the talk come from a SUPERIOR poster to this thread >>
Superior to some for sure
The mint placed a limit. They placed rules of engagement, they placed order maximums--and then opened the gates.
We complain all the time about how virtually EVERY regular mint issue of the last 50 years is over minted, over valued and a piece of junk--so when the mint allows something to be truly collectible, we complain again that how unfair it is, and that everyone should have at least one--The mint reads these boards--and when they throw a bone to the collectors, we whine and complain--its easier for them to just mint 2 billion worthless pieces of metal and not deal with us.
What will make everyone happy? I'm all ears
Personally, I dont mind the hoops they make us jump through for some things--its an even playing field, you know the rules, you know your price, and off you go. Id prefer to have something exciting once a year than junk after junk after junk. The only reason some of the recent stuff has value is mint errors--which they say they dont make or release--or items tied to the price of their metals--which the mint has nothing to do with.
So, to the mint, I say Thank you, Sir, may i have another! of something else, not more of these or lower limits or whatever will please everyone.
No problem from me if you're going to make some profit.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
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<< <i>When I read the US Mint description, it says "Product Limit 100,000". Don't know where this minimum talk comes from. >>
Well the talk come from a SUPERIOR poster to this thread >>
Superior to some for sure
I'm sure he is your Superior.... the color of yor nose is showing!
<< <i>sometimes these discussion confuse me. We don't complain about $4 water at the country fair, or a $12 beer at a game, or $300 tickets to see someone sing from 50 yards away. >>
Oh, yes I do
I am so cheap on things that I refuse to pay to see sporting events (hey...most of them are on TV and those guys make enough money as is), pay for snacks or drinks in the movies (that's what pockets and stopping at the grocery store first, are for.....assuming I even pay for the movies instead of waiting for them or paying a small fee to watch at home instead of 3 tickets at the movies (the actors make enough without me supporting them)), etc.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Dude, I do nothing BUT complain about those things.
And I made arrangements. I sat clicking reload for 5 hours...
My mother in law got 5 so i ended up with a free one anyway. lol
NGC registry V-Nickel proof #6!!!!
working on proof shield nickels # 8 with a bullet!!!!
<< <i>There is no way to please everyone, so as long as i am happy i could care less about the rest of you. I am picking my Browning M71 up in the morning compliments of a father/son duo that just had to see the game in person. ( personally i thought the tickets were not that good)
My mother in law got 5 so i ended up with a free one anyway. lol >>
Hoard the keys.