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A newp for my Exonumia collection! A unique plaque called The National Medallion

AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,370 ✭✭✭✭
A description from Heritage:

George Washington: A Beautiful 1859 Copper Plaque Titled "The National Medallion"

This imposing display piece was manufactured by the famous New York City electrotyper Samuel H. Black, but was not signed. At the center are four roundels, representing the obverse and reverse of the Washington Before Boston 65 mm medal and C.C. Wight's 86 mm Declaration of Independence medal. Above is the entire text of the Declaration of Independence, while below are listed all the engagements of the Revolutionary War. Also included is a list of all the presidents up through Buchanan, the incumbent when it was made. In the corners are vignettes with numismatic themes.

The numismatic themes of course are the Fruechtenwagner composition cent, and the obverse of a Libertas Americana Medal! A gorgeous design.
The image is of one Heritage sold, but mine is the same except it was never cleaned.


Thanks to Joe Levine for this one!
All coins kept in bank vaults.
PCGS Registries
Box of 20
SeaEagleCoins: 11/14/54-4/5/12. Miss you Larry!


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