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The Future of the Coin Business - Today's Children

At the coin shows I notice the average age of coin collectors, and realize it isn't a young persons domain, for many reasons.

However, that does NOT mean the underlying interest isn't there.

Here is an unsolicited email I received a few weeks ago:

My name is So and So and I am a teacher at XXXYYZZ Charter School. Next week we are starting our afterschool programs and I volunteered to be the numismatic club coordinator. I have over 15 students from K-6 signed up. It gets me so excited that so many young people are interested in learning about money. I think the different state quarters had a lot to do with kids starting their own collection and wanting to learn more.

I just happened to come across your page (my web page) while I was looking for some resources and information on numismatics to help with some activities and lessons I have lined up. I just wanted to take a quick second and say how grateful I am for all the information and resources you took the time to post, they were very helpful. I thought I could recommend another link I came across while searching. This page xxxxx has a ton of great resources and some pretty cool sections on valuable coins and I thought you might want to add it as another resource. Thanks again and I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
Sincerely, So and So"

(and no, I checked - this was NOT a spam email from someone posing as a teacher while promoting their own site. Just an ordinary yet interested/interesting reader).

Don't see the future through your eyes alone...


  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep...plenty of kids out there interested in coins....I do not worry about the future of the hobby.... it will take care of itself. Cheers, RickO
  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,822 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey I just seen something a few minutes ago, it was memorable and this thread, a good post to add it.

    I seen a group of like six kids throwning around a football. really, they were OUTSIDE! can you believe it? I didnt see any xBoxes or anything around either.
  • MeltdownMeltdown Posts: 8,844 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • TURBOTURBO Posts: 494 ✭✭✭
    For some reason this post made me remember what I witnessed not to long ago.

    A young boy in a coin shop with his father looking at coins that the father had asked to have laid out on the counter.... the coin dealer telling the kid in a angry voice to "keep your hands up on the counter!" That turned the kid off real fast. Good job!image
  • keojkeoj Posts: 980 ✭✭✭
    I worry the most about kids/young people having the patience to participate in this hobby. It takes focus and diligence, both of these attributes run contrary to the current culture norms.


  • << <i>I worry the most about kids/young people having the patience to participate in this hobby. It takes focus and diligence, both of these attributes run contrary to the current culture norms.

    keoj >>

    Very perceptive post!

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