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How about a give away.....ANACS photo cert. style.****Winner, Winner, Winner***

relicsncoinsrelicsncoins Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭✭✭
I recently replaced this coin in my type set with a business stike. I meant to give this away for my 5000th post, but procrastinated until now.

Nothing difficult, just guess a number between 1 and 300. I will use a random number generator at the end of the contest to determine the winner. One guess per person and the contest will run until next Monday. In the event two people guess the same number the first guess will win.

Thanks and good luck!!

The Winner is edix2001. PM me your address, and I will get it in the mail.


Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions


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