Can services like NCS remove fingerprints or corrosion?

I've seen many coins with fingerprints, or dark/black spots of what appears to be some corrosion, on otherwise nice coins which (one can only presume) would benefit by the removal of these impediments.
I've not read much in this forum which speaks to this specifically, nor read of any personal experience regarding the success of companies like NCS, for instance. They show an example of a gold coin severly damaged as a result of fire, and it turned out looking as if it just left the Mint... how they do that?
IN any case, I have a few coins with prints I was considering sending in to NCS, but before I do, anyone care to post their own experience (be it NCS or anyone/thing else)?
I've not read much in this forum which speaks to this specifically, nor read of any personal experience regarding the success of companies like NCS, for instance. They show an example of a gold coin severly damaged as a result of fire, and it turned out looking as if it just left the Mint... how they do that?
IN any case, I have a few coins with prints I was considering sending in to NCS, but before I do, anyone care to post their own experience (be it NCS or anyone/thing else)?
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