CNS Type set updates!!!!
Posts: 10,017 ✭
Registry set award in progress! The CNS Type Set was updated today and a new set was added in 100% completion! Way to go. Pictures are even included. Is this a board members collection?
Cameron Kiefer
Cameron Kiefer
Bill Walser is a frequent poster as "billywls" here on the boards. His Complete Set lacks only a couple of coins, and it's just as nice.
I'm glad people are putting up their pictures now!
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Cameron Kiefer
Bill Walser is a Type Set demigod. I had the pleasure to meet him (and some of his shiny, round metallic objects) in person at the last FUN show. (Along with the esteemed D. Poole, of course...)
It's got to be hard for you. On one hand, you shop for the best of the best for your "competitive" sets and then look for the worst of the worst. Would hate to see the results to your set if you forgot which mode you were supposed to be in and picked up a high grade CSN Type piece.