<< <i>No....I think his sales are to people that are impatient, or too lazy to do their homework on what a card truly costs. You can equate that to having more money than sense. >>
One thing for sure is, he won't try to pawn off a trimmed card on anyone. >>
Steve...you are so clever............you are beyond witty...........I'll have you know that the Mays card was bought raw off Ebay from an Ebay seller with a feedback larger than mine (and my feedback is over 5,000).......For some reason, he gets a free pass, but all you care to talk about is that one card, instead of the 4,999 others. Keep on Steve.
<< <i>One thing for sure is, he won't try to pawn off a trimmed card on anyone >>
You keep paying 707's bloated prices buddy boy!! He has his eyes on the new BMW 7 series!! As far as trimmed cards go, who said it was trimmed? A 3rd party grader? I guess they don't make mistakes. They said it was trimmed, so it must be so. I wish the seller would have disclosed to me that it was trimmed when I bought it from him.....I guess it's too easy to pass the buck like you do all the time!! I paid....wait Steve..I hear someone knocking at the door.....let me see who this is......oh my!!! It's my good friend WALTER HAGAN!!!
Long time no see buddy!! Now wait a minute....are you trimmed, or are you a '3'? Cause if you don't know, I sure as heck don't know!! I play the game just like everyone else, and rely on 3rd party graders to do their job and tell me if a card is real/fake, trimmed, good, what have you! But Steve still wants to hash over one single solitary card over a 6,000 transaction span. For all I know, that card now resides in a PSA 8 holder.....
<< <i>Don't forget the Jordan rookie with the paper loss that you tried to flip faster than green grass through a goose. >>
You talking about the Jordan that I won from Memory Lane and they didn't show the scan of the back?? The one that I sold cheaply just to help out a fellow board member who pointed it out, and I overlooked it? The one that I shipped back to PSA under their 'Grade Guarantee' and they said that the '8' was indeed the correct grade???? I had my money tied for my MONTHS with that card, and then wound up selling it on Ebay for $100 more than the price the board member got it for!!!! Go away little puppet.....your stuff is getting OLD!
<< <i>Don't forget the Jordan rookie with the paper loss that you tried to flip faster than green grass through a goose. >>
You talking about the Jordan that I won from Memory Lane and they didn't show the scan of the back?? The one that I sold cheaply just to help out a fellow board member who pointed it out, and I overlooked it? The one that I shipped back to PSA under their 'Grade Guarantee' and they said that the '8' was indeed the correct grade???? I had my money tied for my MONTHS with that card, and then wound up selling it on Ebay for $100 more than the price the board member got it for!!!! Go away little puppet.....your stuff is getting OLD! >>
Yes, that is the one. The one that you had to start an entire thread about when the board member who you tried to "help" wanted to return the card to you, and only after heavy board pressure did you return the card. That's the one.
<< <i>Yes, that is the one. The one that you had to start an entire thread about when the board member who you tried to "help" wanted to return the card to you, and only after heavy board pressure did you return the card. That's the one. >>
Why are you even responding little puppet?? You are like 0-2 now.......
PSA said the card was an '8'. I tied up my money for MONTHS!! little puppet - "I don't care what they said!! PSA got it wrong....they know NOTHING!!! Nevermind that Memory Lane sold the card and ANY of us could have been stuck with it! You are the keeper of ALL bad cards!! Now, as long as I get a bump, everything is golden!"
Go away little puppet.....I am begging you PLEASE!!!!!!
<< <i>Yes, that is the one. The one that you had to start an entire thread about when the board member who you tried to "help" wanted to return the card to you, and only after heavy board pressure did you return the card. That's the one. >>
Why are you even responding little puppet?? You are like 0-2 now.......
PSA said the card was an '8'. I tied up my money for MONTHS!! little puppet - "I don't care what they said!! PSA got it wrong....they know NOTHING!!! Nevermind that Memory Lane sold the card and ANY of us could have been stuck with it! You are the keeper of ALL bad cards!! Now, as long as I get a bump, everything is golden!"
Go away little puppet.....I am begging you PLEASE!!!!!! >>
Just so I understand the rules, you can bash anyone you please for having high prices, and call their customers unsavvy, and it's okay (despite your previous post about 10 rules the board should live by), but if someone calls you out for anything, they are "puppets", whatever that is. As long as we agree on the rules, I'm out.
<< <i>707 takes returns without whining and creating threads and asking half arse questions. >>
Go suck an egg. Charging the kind of prices he does, no wonder he is taking returns. I cleared a grand total of $10 bucks on the Jordan. $10. After dealing with the return, I actually went in the hole. If Levi is selling the same card, he is asking $1,500 for his........get a clue.
<< <i>No....I think his sales are to people that are impatient, or too lazy to do their homework on what a card truly costs. You can equate that to having more money than sense. >>
One thing for sure is, he won't try to pawn off a trimmed card on anyone. >>
Oh no you di'unt just do the slapdown on Bobby-san. Sideline Steve my a$$.
Dan.......I think I hear my good friend Walter Hagen knocking again! Do you want to meet him? How about my good friend Nat Holman?? You met him yet? You wannna meet him????
<< <i>Dan.......I think I hear my good friend Walter Hagen knocking again! Do you want to meet him? How about my good friend Nat Holman?? You met him yet? You wannna meet him???? >>
Bobby, you and Steve should just grab a beer at the next National and bury the hatchet. Hell, if Scott and Tom can do it, can't you?
Oh wait, that means another year of back and forth. In that case...carry on my wayward son...
I constantly read on here about how this guy Levi from 707 charges high prices. Good for him.
I can have a Vodka drink at home for a few bucks. The same drink at the airport is $18. It is called convience.
Not everyone has the same pricing strategy and not everyone is desperate to move their product. We can debate all day if he could make more with higher volume and lower prices but he has decided to carve out a niche in the market.
If someone has a card you need and you really want it, you are at their mercy no what you tell yourself.
I am not a big seller but when I do it is either a $0.99 auction with no reserve or what many would call an over priced Buy it Now. If you have a rare item and hold firm buyers will come to you and your so called over priced Buy it Now is not so over priced after all.
Really Bob? You made 10.00 even after dealing with the return?
Didn't you come back later and claim:
PSA deemed under the "Grade Guarantee" policy, that the '8' was INDEED the correct grade for this particular card. They said the back, WAS NOT paper loss, but was rather a 'print defect' that is acceptable for this particular issue in this particular grade. Which suits me fine, because I sold it for $75 more than I sold it for on the BST board, and the buyer LOVED the card!.....
<< <i>and then wound up selling it on Ebay for $100 more than the price the board member got it for!!!! Go away little puppet.....your stuff is getting OLD! >>
So which is it? Were you lying then, or are you lying now?
<< <i>
<< <i>No....I think his sales are to people that are impatient, or too lazy to do their homework on what a card truly costs. You can equate that to having more money than sense. >>
One thing for sure is, he won't try to pawn off a trimmed card on anyone. >>
Cmon Steve, that's just being savvy.
<< <i>One thing for sure is, he won't try to pawn off a trimmed card on anyone >>
You keep paying 707's bloated prices buddy boy!! He has his eyes on the new BMW 7 series!! As far as trimmed cards go, who said it was trimmed? A 3rd party grader? I guess they don't make mistakes. They said it was trimmed, so it must be so. I wish the seller would have disclosed to me that it was trimmed when I bought it from him.....I guess it's too easy to pass the buck like you do all the time!! I paid....wait Steve..I hear someone knocking at the door.....let me see who this is......oh my!!! It's my good friend WALTER HAGAN!!!
Long time no see buddy!! Now wait a minute....are you trimmed, or are you a '3'? Cause if you don't know, I sure as heck don't know!! I play the game just like everyone else, and rely on 3rd party graders to do their job and tell me if a card is real/fake, trimmed, good, what have you! But Steve still wants to hash over one single solitary card over a 6,000 transaction span. For all I know, that card now resides in a PSA 8 holder.....
Don't forget the Jordan rookie with the paper loss that you tried to flip faster than green grass through a goose.
So that's 2. At least that we know of.
<< <i>You keep paying 707's bloated prices buddy boy!! >>
Too savvy for that, I cherry picked a few times.
But Steve and I both collect 66 dots so doing silly things is par
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
<< <i>Don't forget the Jordan rookie with the paper loss that you tried to flip faster than green grass through a goose. >>
You talking about the Jordan that I won from Memory Lane and they didn't show the scan of the back?? The one that I sold cheaply just to help out a fellow board member who pointed it out, and I overlooked it? The one that I shipped back to PSA under their 'Grade Guarantee' and they said that the '8' was indeed the correct grade???? I had my money tied for my MONTHS with that card, and then wound up selling it on Ebay for $100 more than the price the board member got it for!!!! Go away little puppet.....your stuff is getting OLD!
<< <i>
<< <i>Don't forget the Jordan rookie with the paper loss that you tried to flip faster than green grass through a goose. >>
You talking about the Jordan that I won from Memory Lane and they didn't show the scan of the back?? The one that I sold cheaply just to help out a fellow board member who pointed it out, and I overlooked it? The one that I shipped back to PSA under their 'Grade Guarantee' and they said that the '8' was indeed the correct grade???? I had my money tied for my MONTHS with that card, and then wound up selling it on Ebay for $100 more than the price the board member got it for!!!! Go away little puppet.....your stuff is getting OLD! >>
Yes, that is the one. The one that you had to start an entire thread about when the board member who you tried to "help" wanted to return the card to you, and only after heavy board pressure did you return the card. That's the one.
<< <i>Yes, that is the one. The one that you had to start an entire thread about when the board member who you tried to "help" wanted to return the card to you, and only after heavy board pressure did you return the card. That's the one. >>
Why are you even responding little puppet?? You are like 0-2 now.......
PSA said the card was an '8'. I tied up my money for MONTHS!!
little puppet - "I don't care what they said!! PSA got it wrong....they know NOTHING!!! Nevermind that Memory Lane sold the card and ANY of us could have been stuck with it! You are the keeper of ALL bad cards!! Now, as long as I get a bump, everything is golden!"
Go away little puppet.....I am begging you PLEASE!!!!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>Yes, that is the one. The one that you had to start an entire thread about when the board member who you tried to "help" wanted to return the card to you, and only after heavy board pressure did you return the card. That's the one. >>
Why are you even responding little puppet?? You are like 0-2 now.......
PSA said the card was an '8'. I tied up my money for MONTHS!!
little puppet - "I don't care what they said!! PSA got it wrong....they know NOTHING!!! Nevermind that Memory Lane sold the card and ANY of us could have been stuck with it! You are the keeper of ALL bad cards!! Now, as long as I get a bump, everything is golden!"
Go away little puppet.....I am begging you PLEASE!!!!!! >>
Just so I understand the rules, you can bash anyone you please for having high prices, and call their customers unsavvy, and it's okay (despite your previous post about 10 rules the board should live by), but if someone calls you out for anything, they are "puppets", whatever that is. As long as we agree on the rules, I'm out.
Just keeping this sports related.
<< <i>707 takes returns without whining and creating threads and asking half arse questions. >>
Go suck an egg. Charging the kind of prices he does, no wonder he is taking returns. I cleared a grand total of $10 bucks on the Jordan. $10. After dealing with the return, I actually went in the hole. If Levi is selling the same card, he is asking $1,500 for his........get a clue.
<< <i>
<< <i>No....I think his sales are to people that are impatient, or too lazy to do their homework on what a card truly costs. You can equate that to having more money than sense. >>
One thing for sure is, he won't try to pawn off a trimmed card on anyone. >>
Oh no you di'unt just do the slapdown on Bobby-san. Sideline Steve my a$$.
<< <i>707 has lots of lunch money. >>
Lunch money!! Shoot, he made so much money off the suckers...err....his customers, I think he owns a Mickey D's franchise in his hometown!
<< <i>
<< <i>707 has lots of lunch money. >>
Lunch money!! Shoot, he made so much money off the suckers...err....his customers, I think he owns a Mickey D's franchise in his hometown! >>
He certainly has plenty of Mickey M's.
<< <i>Dan.......I think I hear my good friend Walter Hagen knocking again! Do you want to meet him? How about my good friend Nat Holman?? You met him yet? You wannna meet him???? >>
Bobby, you and Steve should just grab a beer at the next National and bury the hatchet. Hell, if Scott and Tom can do it, can't you?
Oh wait, that means another year of back and forth. In that case...carry on my wayward son...
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
I can have a Vodka drink at home for a few bucks. The same drink at the airport is $18. It is called convience.
Not everyone has the same pricing strategy and not everyone is desperate to move their product. We can debate all day if he could make more with higher volume and lower prices but he has decided to carve out a niche in the market.
If someone has a card you need and you really want it, you are at their mercy no what you tell yourself.
I am not a big seller but when I do it is either a $0.99 auction with no reserve or what many would call an over priced Buy it Now. If you have a rare item and hold firm buyers will come to you and your so called over priced Buy it Now is not so over priced after all.
<< <i>Go away little puppet.....I am begging you PLEASE!!!!!! >>
Sometimes it ain't too good being called Little Puppet
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Didn't you come back later and claim:
PSA deemed under the "Grade Guarantee" policy, that the '8' was INDEED the correct grade for this particular card. They said the back, WAS NOT paper loss, but was rather a 'print defect' that is acceptable for this particular issue in this particular grade. Which suits me fine, because I sold it for $75 more than I sold it for on the BST board, and the buyer LOVED the card!.....
<< <i>and then wound up selling it on Ebay for $100 more than the price the board member got it for!!!! Go away little puppet.....your stuff is getting OLD! >>
So which is it? Were you lying then, or are you lying now?