Home Metal Detecting

Ok Ok, the much anticipated PCGS69's mid-May finds update!

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
Didn't mean to keep you all in suspense!

PPC, unfortunately, the "old find" field has been planted - or at least "fertilized" so it might be a little stinky to try. It has been plowed though, so I thought about braving it!

Last week (9th - 14th) I was in NJ visiting family and was able to get out a few times. This past week was here in NH. All of the finds have been combined from the past two weeks. For some reason it was the month of Wheat Cents - my goodness they keep popping up.

in NJ I was about a half hour from the beach and a lot of sand that was removed (looked like 3 feet or more). Unfortunately, I missed most of the bananza as there was a swarm of detectorists out there. One area looked like a mine field as they didn't cover up their holes. One guy heard that someone walked away with 60 silvers!

Finds are:

6 IHC cents - a couple dateless, 1865, 1875, 1906
60 wheat cents
2 Buffalo Nickels
2 Barber dimes at the beach
1 Merc at the beach
1 Silver Roosie at the beach
1 Regular silver roosie here in NH
1 cookie coin (any suggestions on how to clean it??)
State of NJ seal watch fob
some buttons and a small thimble

Thanks for looking!



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