Need someone to talk me into paying $25.00 more for a card...

There is a card on Ebay that I want.
It has a buy it now for $25.00 more then the opening bid. The card VCP's average at the opening bid and I haven't seen one up on the bay for a while.
That being said. I'm I stupid for waiting and trying to get it for the opening bid? Or should I just pull the trigger and save the stress of the next 7 days hoping that no one else snags it or bids?
and yes...I know this is a stupid question but I have no one else to ask....
It has a buy it now for $25.00 more then the opening bid. The card VCP's average at the opening bid and I haven't seen one up on the bay for a while.
That being said. I'm I stupid for waiting and trying to get it for the opening bid? Or should I just pull the trigger and save the stress of the next 7 days hoping that no one else snags it or bids?
and yes...I know this is a stupid question but I have no one else to ask....
baseball & hockey junkie
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NHL hall of fame rookies
If it's a 100% that might be a stretch, but if it's just 25% or less probably not a big deal. Also if the card hasn't come up in a while you can pretty much throw the VCP numbers out the window.
Since it seems to be not very common, go with your instinct.
Is this a high dollar card? Is it graded to begin with? Which ones condition seems to be better?
"Live everyday, don't throw it away"
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
For Sale
<< <i>I'm dead. Send me $25.
Check is in the mail!
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NHL hall of fame rookies
<< <i>Buy the card. I would rather spend the extra $25 than kick myself in the rear because someone else spent the $25. >>
Between that and the idea of spending the next week looking at it several times a day and hoping some other schmoe didn't pull the trigger for it, I would go ahead and make the move.
dont fall for it.... dont pay insane "card show prices" when you dont have to.
when searching, Everyone needs to Click the button that says "AUCTIONS ONLY" and maybe it might slow down the "showing off my card but I dont want to sell it" listing BS! ie Mike Wheat and all his kine.
PS. IMO If your auction in question has a BIN and an opening bid, bid once, kill the BIN, and win it the old fashion way with a last second proxy bid
$25 is play money. Go ahead and buy the card if its something you truly want.
Authorized wholesale dealer for BCW, if you need any supplies let me know and I will get you a quote
I pay over VCP all the regrets...
Ebay Store:
phone: 973 747 6304
Probstein123 is actively accepting CONSIGNMENTS !!
WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
"Molon Labe"
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Go for it!
I can't imagine letting $25 hold me back from an item I really want. Unless you plan to turn around and sell it who cares. And if another one comes along cheaper buy it too and lower your cost basis.
It never hurts to have as many of a great card as you can get your hands on.
Anyway, he had a BIN of $200 or starting bid of $110. I almost just hit the buy it now, but decided to bid on it at $110 and then offered the guy $175 for it. He said no, since he had 6 watchers already on it. I ended up winning the card for $140.
If the BIN had been only $25 different than the opening bid, I probably would have just bought it.
Lord hates a coward.
<< <i>Lord hates a coward.
Great song by Tomahawk (Mike Patton from Faith No More)
But I digress... buy the card!
<< <i>There is a card on Ebay that I want.
It has a buy it now for $25.00 more then the opening bid. The card VCP's average at the opening bid and I haven't seen one up on the bay for a while.
That being said. I'm I stupid for waiting and trying to get it for the opening bid? Or should I just pull the trigger and save the stress of the next 7 days hoping that no one else snags it or bids?
and yes...I know this is a stupid question but I have no one else to ask.... >>
if it is a star player and has great eye appeal and one hasn't been offered on ebay for a while and it is over a hundred dollars hit the BIN and don't sweat it, because there might be 2 or more people asking their self the same question and then the bidding war begins or the snipe war. I had a card for 2 months with a BIN for 19.99 (great eye appeal & possible bump VCP was like 16 or 17) and No one bought it, ran it on a 7 day 99 cent auction with a BIN of 19.99 and it ended at 51+ dollars (go figure). VCP is just a guide not the bible. plus if it is PSA graded in an old holder it might bump up. the real question is "do you feel lucky? well do you? " or just email the seller an offer him 10 dollars over the starting bid and see if he takes it. who cares what VCP says.
Not sure if you should buy it
<< <i>
<< <i>Lord hates a coward.
Great song by Tomahawk (Mike Patton from Faith No More)
But I digress... buy the card!
With zero digression, here's God himself 'buy the card'
The card won. Thanks for talking me into what I already wanted to do.
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NHL hall of fame rookies
JC... Thanks Thunder... just spit my drink all over my monitor.
ALWAYS Looking for Chris Sabo cards!
<< <i>So what was the gem card that you bought? pics please
I post some scans of it as soon as it arrives...It is a 1988 Joe Nieuwendyk PSA 10 O-pee-chee hockey rookie.
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NHL hall of fame rookies
I'm looking forward to the scan.