Home Metal Detecting

April 10, 2011: Massachusetts Cent, Seated Dime, Seated Half Dime, Shield 5¢, 2 V 5¢, 2 Buffalos, S

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
My goodness... you ever have one of those days where stuff just keeps coming up? I decided to give the recent field a rest and try my hopes for a silver roosie or Merc. Believe it or not I was looking forward to picking up a silver Roosie!

The day started with a Buffalo nickel after only 5 minutes. Then, about 10 minutes after that, out comes a 1912 V Nickel. Cover the hole and retry... another nickel signal - out pops another V nickel, worn nearly smooth. "If I could just get a Jefferson I'll have a trifecta!" A little while later, out comes a shield nickel - 1870. Obverse is pretty much toast, but good enough for a date. "Huh, never imagined the Jefferson would be the tough one." Finally, after a little bit, I get a jefferson! Sometime later another Buffalo pops out, and also a 1922 Canadian Nickel at some point (it's all a blur).

Sometime in the hunt I get a deep 12/43 reading - expecting roughly a wheat I dig probably 9 inches but instead it's silver! "Now that's a deep merc... no wait.. a barber... no wait... it's Seated!" It's an 1877-S and I think it could go F-VF.

About 5 feet later I get another 12/43 reading. "Ok, this time it's really going to be a wheat..." Dig deep... probably another 9 inches or so but instead is a large copper. "What the heck is this?" Couldn't get any detail then so wrapped it up and moved on.

Some time later a roughly lincoln cent tone rings - dig deeper again - 8 or so inches I'd guess and out comes a sterling pin for "Estevan". Any idea of its age?

Finally, at some later point, I get a sort of scratchy 11-39 signal, usually a zincoln. Not sure how deep it was, but must've been 7 or more inches... Got a deja vu feeling as a small disc came up. "NO??" It's a seated half dime! Higher grade, maybe XF? 1853 with arrows. Did I just get a 5-cent quin-slam?

Got in the car and took another look at the copper. Wet it slightly... and saw the outline of an eagle. No, no no... is this a Mass copper? Yes, yes it is. It's pretty rough but I'm a bit hesitant to drop it in hydrogen peroxide. Could I soak it in mineral oil first?

I suppose this is better than digging a silver roosie eh? For the record, still haven't found a Washington quarter this year.

So, for a recap, today unearthed:
1787 or 1788 Massachusetts Cent
1877-S Seated Dime
1853 with Arrows Seated Half Dime
1870 Shield Nickel
2 V Nickels
2 Buffalo Nickels
Sterling Silver Pin
Couple of wheat cents too, didn't check them yet.



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