What are your predictions of the following, by 2012

1. PMs
2. Housing values
3 Unemployment
4.Inflation or deflation
5. War with Iran
6. Resolution with Libyan situation
7 Value of dollar compared with other National currencies. Stronger or weaker
11. Will Egypt stabilize
10How will the dollar compare with other world currencies
8. Price of barrel of oil
9. Price at pump for gallon of regular gas
10. Inflation rate
11. Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical
12. Coin market overall Higher or lower
2. Housing values
3 Unemployment
4.Inflation or deflation
5. War with Iran
6. Resolution with Libyan situation
7 Value of dollar compared with other National currencies. Stronger or weaker
11. Will Egypt stabilize
10How will the dollar compare with other world currencies
8. Price of barrel of oil
9. Price at pump for gallon of regular gas
10. Inflation rate
11. Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical
12. Coin market overall Higher or lower
There once was a place called

<< <i>1. PMs - Steady and up overall from todays numbers
2. Housing values - very flat and slowly losing value in niche markets
3 Unemployment - mediocre improvements, still a concern to recovery.
4.Inflation or deflation - inflation
5. War with Iran - Verge of WW3
6. Resolution with Libyan situation - All out Civil War, not much different than today's situation.
7 Value of dollar compared with other National currencies. Stronger or weaker - low 70s on the index
11. Will Egypt stabilize - not realistic within a year
10How will the dollar compare with other world currencies - same as today or worse
8. Price of barrel of oil - $95
9. Price at pump for gallon of regular gas - 3.99
10. Inflation rate - i'm too dumb to answer this one
11. Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical - No
12. Coin market overall Higher or lower >>
- There is a market to pay premiums for coins? LOL
CU Ancient Members badge member.
Collection: https://flickr.com/photos/185200668@N06/albums
2. stagnate.
3. Down from today.
4. inflation will begin growing.
5. US war with Iran - no
6. a resolution on who will pay for the weapons.
7. weaker if #4 is correct.
11. No.
10. similar to what it is today.
8. $110 - $125.
9. $4.50 - $5.50.
10. 3.0 - 3.5.
11. No.
12. Higher - for high quality.
"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
1. PMs - 15-20% higher than current levels
2. Housing values - same to slightly lower
3 Unemployment - same +/- 1.5 points
4.Inflation or deflation - higher
5. War with Iran - same as today
6. Resolution with Libyan situation - unresolved, but expensive
7 Value of dollar compared with other National currencies. Stronger or weaker. - Weaker
11. Will Egypt stabilize - slightly, still working on a new government structure
10How will the dollar compare with other world currencies - see #7
8. Price of barrel of oil - $125
9. Price at pump for gallon of regular gas - $4.50 max
10. Inflation rate - 4% annually
11. Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical - yes
12. Coin market overall Higher or lower - higher
2. Housing values-- Down, continuously
3 Unemployment-- 25-35%
4.Inflation or deflation-- Inflation up
5. War with Iran-- Yes, maybe not the U.S. directly, possibly through Isreal
6. Resolution with Libyan situation-- No, we will go and intervene like always, possibly install a new strongman who is U.S. controlled
7 Value of dollar compared with other National currencies. Stronger or weaker-- Weaker if still in existence
11. Will Egypt stabilize-- See Libya
10. How will the dollar compare with other world currencies-- See #7
8. Price of barrel of oil-- $175-$200
9. Price at pump for gallon of regular gas-- $7-9
10. Inflation rate-- Who knows
11. Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical-- Yes, along with most of the Mid East, and South East Asia
12. Coin market overall Higher or lower-- Higher
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>1. PMs...........................Will be slightly lower
2. Housing values..............will continue to sluide. New housing dead in the water
3 Unemployment................The real unemployed , underemployed and dropped of UI list is presently at 22%. It will improve slightly to about 18%
4.Inflation or deflation.......The real inflation weighing cost increases correctly to what people buy every day is presently around 4.2%. Will increase to 5-6%
5. War with Iran.................Will not be started by USA, but we may become involved in order to keep the Arabian Gulf oil flowing
6. Resolution with Libyan situation....This will drag on thru the year. Possibly split the Nation in two parts, east and west. USA will train Insergents but will not supply heavy weapons to them.
7 Value of dollar compared with other National currencies Stronger or weaker.... Weaker as all Nations rush to the bottom of the barrel.
11. Will Egypt stabilize....Not for a few years, as regional powers and USA vie for influence. USA will have to give significant financial support to the new Government to
prevent food riots, as the fledgling government seeks a new direction for this important mid East Nation. The chances of avoiding a new strong man do not look good.
10How will the dollar compare with other world currencies It is in our Nations interest as we lead the pack of Nations to the bottom. Not a good thing but
apparently the only way for our government to extend the period before financial meltdown and disaster.
8. Price of barrel of oil......150 - 200 dollars in response to falling value of all money as well as possible interdiction of Gulf oil supply.
9. Price at pump for gallon of regular gas....I most cities, gas at the pump will breach 5 dollars a gallon in response to #8. While we get most of our oil from S. America and
Canada, their pri ces will reflect world prices even though their supply lines will be uneffected.
10. Inflation rate.........will continue to increase by 1-2% points but nothing overwhelming as yet this year. However it may well be coming by the year 2014.
Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical ....Yes, gradually, over the next 2 tears, Turkey will seek to regain the influence held by the Old Ottoman Empire. It will seek
to replace Egypt, successfully as the dominant Nation in the Arabian middle east. A strange dicotomy will exist between Turkey and Iran. While they will seem to cooperate
in actuality, they are both in quiet conflict for regional dominance. It may well be in Turkeys best interests to insure that Iran does not get the bomb, however, since Pakistan
sold Saudi Arabia the supposed use of two nuclear tipped rockets, Turkey may cut the same deal to equal the playing field.
The Middle East, with the present replacement of Governments whose leadership we could do business with , whil make trouble for America thrughout the entire region.
While the revolutions may offer a new way forward for this backward region of the world, I fear instead of leaving the 15th century we are headed for an unstable extended
period leading to a general war that will replay the Muslim vrs christianity wars for world dominance.
12. Coin market overall Higher or lower >>
...For most average collectors side ways to down. For the really expensive rare coins, who knows. They may increase or crash
as money seeks the best avenue for profit and return.
2. Housing values - Down 5-10%
3 Unemployment - Real Value of 18-20%
4.Inflation or deflation - Inflation
5. War with Iran - Tense, but no action till after elections
6. Resolution with Libyan situation - Nope
7 Value of dollar compared with other National currencies. Stronger or weaker - Stronger against Euro, Weaker against the pound
11. Will Egypt stabilize - Nope
10How will the dollar compare with other world currencies - Stronger overall
8. Price of barrel of oil - $91
9. Price at pump for gallon of regular gas - In my area of Texas at 3.95 (Currently 3.74)
10. Inflation rate - Annualized rate of 3.5-4%
11. Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical - Not by the years end
12. Coin market overall Higher or lower - Sideways
BSTs with: Coll3ctor, gsa1fan, mkman123, ajbauman, tydye, piecesofme, pursuitofliberty
Travelog - 20in20travels.com
<< <i>1. PMs
2. Housing values--within 3% of today
3 Unemployment--within 5% of today
4.Inflation or deflation--both
5. War with Iran---no
6. Resolution with Libyan situation--thought it was resolved
7 Value of dollar compared with other National currencies. Stronger or weaker---within 5% of today
11. Will Egypt stabilize--seems historically stable now.
10How will the dollar compare with other world currencies
8. Price of barrel of oil---within 5% of today
9. Price at pump for gallon of regular gas---within 5% of today
10. Inflation rate---same as today
11. Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical ---not yet
12. Coin market overall Higher or lower >>
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I predict general stabilization, offset by occasional small, medium, and huge swings in values (both economic and cultural)
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
You say, inflation and deflation will increase. If you please, would you give further explanation on this point?
I would expect both, just as we have both right now. Some things go up, while others go down. And those that go to high, will suffer demand destruction thus limiting the rate of increases.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
If you want to make a pile of money just listen to what the JP Morgue tells their customers to buy, because they are sure to do the opposite to make money. Then just follow what the boys at JPM are doing secretly (normally the opposite of what they tell their customers to do) and Bob's your uncle.
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
It's 2008 all over again, european style:
PMs - sideways
Housing values - continuing down
Unemployment - continuing up
Inflation or deflation - Money supply will not get smaller, QE3 is not likely before 2012, but very likely after first of year. Wages (or their equivelent benefits) will deflate.
War with Iran - involving US troops? No. Involving US taxdollars? Very Likely, probably already underway.
Resolution with Libyan situation - Nothing will change. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Value of dollar compared with other National currencies. Stronger or weaker - Stronger, but only because everything else will appear to be failing faster.
How will the dollar compare with other world currencies - More flight to US$ as europe implodes.
Price of barrel of oil - wants to go up, but like every thing else, who can afford to pay more.
Price at pump for gallon of regular gas - sideways.
Inflation rate - whatever Washington wants it to be.
Will Turkey turn more Islamic radical - Is there a such thing as Islamic non-radical?
Coin market overall Higher or lower - lower.
Will Egypt stabilize - meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Proud recipient of two "You Suck" awards
get used to it
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry