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Just a quick observation of board traffic



  • << <i>I join when I feel like it which is not as often.I like to stay clear of the critisizing type articles.Also with out mentioning names I have been made fun of my spelling and grammer one too many times so I just reply where a short sentence will do.
    I did not know you needed a college degree to express your opinions on this forum. >>

    I'm totally with you fiveniner. Although I think my grammar is usually pretty good, I don't focus on it, and I especially don't think about it when reading what others have written. As long as the writer's point comes across and is easy to understand, that's all that matters. I read fast, so I often skip over words without losing meaning, and I hardly ever notice anything about someone else's punctuation, since I usually don't even look at it. I have a couple pet peeves that annoy the crap out of me, but I never call anyone out on them. Improper use of apostrophie's (sic) and referring to "data" and "media" as singular items when they are in fact plural get under my skin, but those are the only problems I ever notice, mostly because they jump off the screen at me and interrupt me from my usual reading style. Still, it's pointless to go off-topic just to give someone an unsolicited linguistics lesson.

    It's also not fun to be unjustly called out for criticizing the spelling and grammar of others when you did no such thing, and then have that same person use it as justification for criticizing your writing style (not even grammar, spelling, or punctuation) without cause or provocation. I write the words I would say if I were speaking to someone face to face, and that sometimes means I include extra words that are mostly unnecessary and cumbersome in written form. That doesn't mean it's cool for someone to make fun of my style of expression. And from a Johnny Bench fan, no less. That's really pouring salt in the wound.
  • I agree.. Many of the "old guys" are gone, and the picking on the newbies ran away many people early.

    I think the economy has some to do about it, but the cards business hasn't had much to talk about lately. Strasburg goind down hurt, and no one came up to the plate.. I think more and more people are not willing to pay the prices of modern cards.
    Working on:
    1973 Topps PSA 8+ (99.81%)
    1976 Topps PSA 9+ (36.36%)
    1977 Topps PSA 9+ (100%)

    1938 Goudey (56.25%)
    1951 Topps Redbacks PSA 8 (100%)
    1952 Bowman PSA 7+ (63.10%)
    1953 Topps PSA 5+ (91.24%)
    1973 Topps PSA 8+ (70.76%)
    1985 Fleer PSA 10 (54.85%)
  • tennesseebankertennesseebanker Posts: 5,433 ✭✭✭
    Just dropped by to say "Hello"image

  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Just dropped by to say "Hello"image >>

    hey, there's an old guy right there! image
  • tennesseebankertennesseebanker Posts: 5,433 ✭✭✭
    Lol, Thanks, I feel Old. I had to buy a pair of reading glasses yesterday from Walgreens. For Realz.

  • +1 for tennesseebanker sighting
  • Holla!

  • +.75 for Ted sighting... image

  • << <i>+.75 for Ted sighting... image >>


    since when did we go to .25 grades

  • << <i>mike

    over the past year or two i have noticed a real exodus of some guys who used to be consistent contributors. some have turned their attention to cbt, while others just disappeared altogether.

    for awhile there it was nothing but arguments and the like. things seemed to have settled down and while the number of posts has definitely declined there is also less acrimony in my opinion. hopefully some of the "good guys" will return.

    eyebone >>

    many got chased away by Trolls and haters....
  • Trolls and Haters 1
    Cry Babies 0
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    I don't post often, but I do enjoy reading the posts and browse it almost every day for over 4 years now - mostly on vintage and/or heritage stuff. I thought the heritage community here was the best, and maybe it still is. I haven't found that kind of kinship elsewhere either. I do think some of the riff-raff has been nicely weeded out, or maybe they just don't post anymore. Hey, it is just an internet msg board, but it CAN be capable of providing a very nice feeling of community with similar-interested folks as well. The economy has definitely had a major impact - the number of really nice personal collections becoming available for purchase here on B/S/T and elsewhere is on a major uptick now.
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>It is actually peaceful here with the exodus of the dudes that lived here wreaking havoc. Let them enjoy their own CBT board. At least they are don't attack anyone new here anymore, which caused most of the churn. I am sure they sleep together peacefully after talking to themselves all day with the power they have on their own board. Just think, the power of one's own message board.. KING OF THE KITCHEN ! This is at least a legit huge friggin company public place unafraid of mcoking people, then runnig scared when they get mocked.

    (it ain't much fun watching things there, same old) >>

    Quiet kdouche... I mean kshorton. How many alts do you need? You're just mad I bammed you from cbt.

    edit: If you're wondering why I know it's you, it's because you registered on cbt with the same email address that shows in your cu profile.

    :insert head smack here:
  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭

    another trip around the sun for the ol' lawnmowerdude, and he ain't lost a step.

  • Hi Matt !image


  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good to see some old faces!

  • image
    Posts: Not a chance
    Joined: Oh no you didn't
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