A Quarter of a Year Later and Still Waiting for Poppage!

Come Saturday, a quarter of a year will have passed since my review submission was logged in. I don't think I'll be doing any more review orders in the future. Is anyone still waiting for a sub older than mine?
Total Items: 182
Date Received: 11/5/2010
Date Shipped: N/A
Order Status: Your order is still being processed.
Edited to add: My raw card sub logged in on January 12 and popped on January 18. They must have one grader doing reviews with everyone else focused on raw grading. Maybe they can loan a raw card grader to catch up on the backlog of reviews?
Total Items: 182
Date Received: 11/5/2010
Date Shipped: N/A
Order Status: Your order is still being processed.
Edited to add: My raw card sub logged in on January 12 and popped on January 18. They must have one grader doing reviews with everyone else focused on raw grading. Maybe they can loan a raw card grader to catch up on the backlog of reviews?

<< <i>have you tried calling yet and asking politely why it's taking so freaking long? put in those terms it does sound like an eternity >>
I did. They said it takes typically 45 working days. With the holidays, it gave them extra time to process the order. But now we're at 15 working days per month at this rate.
<< <i>that is a huge review order >>
A nice interest free loan for them.
<< <i>I called PSA on my review just to ask how many business days it had been. They told me 51. They said they would contact operations because it should not take that long. I never asked them to do that. That was on a Friday and my grades popped Monday morning. >>
When was yours logged in? Were you happy with the results or do you feel they rushed the review past the grader?
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<< <i>PSA will continue to operate with long wait times as long as their customers allow it to happen. There is a black label company that you might want to try. >>
Not really an option for the issues I collect (Mostly 50s through early 70s baseball). In fact, I have another submission with some green label cards awaiting crossover.
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<< <i>that is a huge review order >>
A nice interest free loan for them. >>
In what way? The money's gone no mater how long it takes.
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<< <i>that is a huge review order >>
A nice interest free loan for them. >>
In what way? The money's gone no mater how long it takes. >>
Yes. However, when a company takes in an accounts receiveable (my payment) and doesn't deliver a service (my poppage) for a period of time (three months in this case), that is the same as loaning them money. This is why many cheap companies push for terms much greater than net 30 (not implying PSA is cheap) as a customer or pushing for the shortest terms (net 10 or lower) when they are providing a product or service. They can make money off of either delaying payment for products or services received, or delaying products or services rendered following payment.
You can't be serious.
Can you?
<< <i>As much grief as this board has given me, I can't believe my order hasn't been logged in yet....what is the record wait time for simply logging the order in? >>
most recent for me is 12/31 and logged in 1/8/11..but i've seen longer on the boards.
<< <i>But now we're at 15 working days per month at this rate >>
That would be about twice the # of work days that teachers have had up here in Massachusetts lately. Between so called "professional days", fake holidays, and snow days, there have been quite a few 3 day weeks lately, Not to mention field trips for almost anything. No wonder kids seem so stupid now.
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
Date Received: 12/3/2010
Date Shipped: N/A
Order Status: Your order is still being processed
I was charged when they posted the cards. I have spoken with them and they told me they were extremely busy due to all the specials they ran and the holiday season.
Currently collecting 1934 Butterfinger, 1969 Nabisco, 1991 Topps Desert Shield (in PSA 9 or 10), and 1990 Donruss Learning Series (in PSA 10).
<< <i>Come Saturday, a quarter of a year will have passed since my review submission was logged in. I don't think I'll be doing any more review orders in the future. Is anyone still waiting for a sub older than mine?
Total Items: 182
Date Received: 11/5/2010
Date Shipped: N/A
Order Status: Your order is still being processed. >>
I am curious, when did you ship them to PSA how long did it take for them to log in?
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
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Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
- uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
<< <i>I am curious, when did you ship them to PSA how long did it take for them to log in? >>
For obvious reasons, I am curious about this as well!
<< <i>
<< <i>But now we're at 15 working days per month at this rate >>
That would be about twice the # of work days that teachers have had up here in Massachusetts lately. Between so called "professional days", fake holidays, and snow days, there have been quite a few 3 day weeks lately, Not to mention field trips for almost anything. No wonder kids seem so stupid now. >>
Carefull with the Teacher bashing: My wife, has worked MLK day (No Students..Meetings all day, will work Presidents Day, No Students...Meetings all day), 3 Furlough days without pay so far this school year ,while at the same time she works from 6:30 am to 6 or 7 at night, 5 days a week, then goes in, works half to a whole day Saturdays and if she doesn't go in to the class room on Sundays she is spending hours at home grading papers.
She has all of two months off during the Summer which school starts on Aug 15th, but she is required by her contract to report 7 days earlier and in reality goes in for most of the two weeks prior to that to do lesson planning and set up to teach the school year. So that has reduced her summer to a month and a half.
She spends most of her currucilum time teaching to a test standard, not What is usefull in real life and will help a child in the future....Have to meet those No child left behind requirements, evidently in today world "You Can teach Stupid!".
She has at least one 2-4 hour meeting per week, after school hours with some parent and the childs Lawyer to explain how she is going to teach little Johnny who has a IQ of 13 or is Maniac Bi-Polar Depressive and has threatened himself, the teacher, and other students with death. How she is going to design a carriculum, and teach it to Johnny fulltime, 1 on 1, with 36 other children in the class.
She is required to be on 3-5 different committees/meetings per month in the evenings, she, because of tenure is required to be a Team leader and mentor up to 8 1st-3rd year teachers!
Oh and by the way, No field trips this year....No money!!
And third year now, No Raises, but more Furlough days!!
So Put your Teacher bashing in a bag and stick it where...well you know where!!!!
Here they have negotiated the Friday before MLK day off, + the weekend, + MLK day. We had snow the Tue and Wed before (both called off), and because so many teachers were playing the "I can't make it Thursday" they had to call it again because they didn't have enough subs to cover.
Plenty of money here for a weekly field trip, parents pay or the kid doesn't go, period. It included a RED Sox game last year! Real educational...
They have the city here by the nads, and they take advantage of it at every chance. One was interviewed in the paper as she was a first year teacher. They asked her why Salem and Special Ed., her answer was "the short commute", she had to drive 15 miles the year before. She lasted one year, got knocked up and bailed. Quite the professional.
Edited to add: they also no longer cover supervision at lunches or recess either. Either the Principal and other staff do it, or parents are told that they have to volunteer.
If a teacher takes a Friday or Monday off involving a weekend with a Holiday, they are deducted a day from their pay. They are told at the beginning of the school year, "Do Not request a Fri. or Monday off with your personal days, it will be denied.
We live in one of the most expensive cost of living areas by County in the country. I believe the last survey was #8 or the like. It includes Vail and Aspen as the counties we live and work in, yet after 28 years of teaching with a 6 Yr Masters degree in education and 4-year degree in Counseling my Wife makes what a third year 20 year old 2nd year Certified Teacher (Not degree..Certification) makes in Denver!
My wife has had no less than three instances this year with spoiled Brat children that have threatened to sue her for implementing discipline and or Parents who have relenquished their Parenting role and expect the school/teacher to step up and do it!
I am not exagerating about meeting with Parents and their lawyers, she has one tonight for a Mentally handicapped child who has a Full Time Classroom aid (Paid for by some Federal grant) and is taking up 1/2 of her time in class with the disturbances. She is to explain how she is going to improve this vegetables performance, nary a care about the affect on the other 35 children!
And before your say it, we'd move tomorrow, except we both have Shared Custody of our two Boys, and in 4 years when they leave for college, we will be gone from here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Wife who is the epitomy of the dedicated Teacher has been worn down completely, out of her Love for her job, mostly in the last few years with the Idiotic "No Child Left Behind" Which should be named "You Can't Fix Stupid!", and School Boards that are more scared of being sued than providing an education. If there were any other job in this area that was even decent paying she would have already quit!!
<< <i>They asked her why Salem and Special Ed., her answer was "the short commute", she had to drive 15 miles the year before. She lasted one year, got knocked up and bailed. Quite the professional. . >>
Yeah, because clearly taking a job to be closer to home makes one unprofessional.
<< <i>dont count Groudhog Day... >>
Or from GlenGary Glen Ross: "I only have three days." "Three days for what?" "To cancel the deal!" "You don't count Saturday." "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...three days." "But you don't count Saturday." "I'm not counting Saturday!"
Or something to that effect.
<< <i>Yeah, because clearly taking a job to be closer to home makes one unprofessional >>
You have to read the whole sentence, not just a clip.
That was her ONLY reason for taking the job. She was a no-show quite a few times, usually Mondays or Fridays. She was young, just out of school with one year experience, and was just doing it for some $$. She didn't care and it was obvious. Principal's hands were tied, but he did allow several kids to be removed from her class and re-assigned.
I find that differentiating my teaching methods, using "Gifted-Talented" techniques, and having appropriate expectations are the only way to meet my challenge. Fortunately, GT methods seem to work wonderfully with special education students and even benefit my "normal" learners; while the successes I've had with such an approach are for vastly different reasons, higher level questioning, paired with tactile stimulation, keep even my least interested students engaged.
All of that said, the ill-effects of the vacation days your local union has negotiated for your teachers pale in comparison to the "test-based" teaching style the Federal Government has mandated. Rather than create real expectations for our learners, we've lowered the bar to encompass the weakest of performers.
In the end, we're still providing a "free" education to every young person in the United States, citizen or not. 50 years ago below average learners (and those needed to work the farm) wouldn't have made it to high school. Today, in nations with the highest international testing performance, many are only providing education to their top 10% or so learners; special education isn't even a consideration.
We're developing some amazing minds, despite the challenges we've been charged to meet.
Fiscal Year 2009: total salaries paid to teachers: $25,294,055
Total # of teachers: 400.6
Average salary: $63,140
Average salaries the previous years: FY08: $57,731 FY 07: $49,602
63K AVERAGE for 185 contracted days of work sounds pretty good to me. People who work round year 5 days a week with 2 weeks vacation have to put in 250 days. BTW, Salem is one of the lower paid districts, many in the area are over 70K. Not to mention the premium benefits packages that they get.
EDIT (addition):
—New insurance plan includes higher co-pays for doctor’s visits, prescription drugs and other medical care...the new health insurance plan is tiered; depending on the doctor one sees and who the doctor is affiliated with, the co-pay for a visit will be $10, $15 or $20. There will no longer be a $5 co-pay.
—City still pays 75 percent of employees’ health insurance; employees pick up 25 percent
—Teachers in steps one through seven get 1 percent raise next year; teachers at step eight get 2 percent raise
—School aides get a 2 percent raise, paid day off before Thanksgiving
—Teachers will have one fewer staff training day
I don't know about Salem, but here, we must serve every day of our contract, even if it means completing makeup days due to weather on weekends.
edited to add:
Total Staff: 7,585
Teachers: 4,120
Professional support personnel: 507
Administrators: 218
Support staff: 2,739
These numbers are in support of more than 60,000 students.
<< <i>Here in Katy, the average salary for fiscal year '09 was just over $50k (187 day contract). In reality, with CE hours, it's more like 195 days a year. That's considered a strong salary here in Houston, as we are one of of the two highest paying districts. Teachers in this district have received an average of 2 to 3% annually for the last 5 years, but that will change this coming year; however, the years served increase will remain.
I don't know about Salem, but here, we must serve every day of our contract, even if it means completing makeup days due to weather on weekends.
edited to add:
Total Staff: 7,585
Teachers: 4,120
Professional support personnel: 507
Administrators: 218
Support staff: 2,739
These numbers are in support of more than 60,000 students. >>
I want to tread lightly here, as I'm firmly in the camp that teachers are very underpaid and overworked. That being said, I also firmly believe that education as a whole is grossly top-heavy and inefficient. The numbers you post give a ration of 1 employee for every 8 "customers", which would be a recipe for failure in any other line of business.
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
Many of the support mechanisms that an average corporation farms out via contract do not exist in our culture, which is completely in house...facilities, IT, education, and beyond.
With all of that, we're a competitive district, my school alone produced more than $3.2 million in scholarship acquisition for the 2010 graduating class. At some point the sacrifices and superfluities must have meaning.
<< <i>1/40th of a decade is entirely too long to wait. >>
Get right with the Lord.....
But, when times are tough, some people feel the need to blame them and the labor unions for the state of the economy.
Just wanted to add...If you want to enjoy the "benefits" that a teacher receives, get a degree and become a teacher. Police and Fire have open exams every other year in Mass., take a test.
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<< <i>Can any of the teachers grade cards >>
Yes, but they grade them on a hundred scale (so they have to work at SGC) and often grade on a curve so little Johnny Submitter doesn't get disappointed and cry because his grades are not as high as everyone else's.
No thanks, I'm good. I appreciate the concern, though.
but, she also said i could use a haircut and a change of clothing.
<< <i>
<< <i>Can any of the teachers grade cards >>
Yes, but they grade them on a hundred scale (so they have to work at SGC) and often grade on a curve so little Johnny Submitter doesn't get disappointed and cry because his grades are not as high as everyone else's. >>
Not anymore.......................With "No Card Left Behind", There is no more Bell curve! Any Cards that do not recieve a high Grade to begin with, my wife must seperate, re-study, re-loupe, re-grade, then have special one on one's re-inspection to make sure little 79 Topps #600 is not being overlooked in the group of 36 Cards. Then when little Card #600 still can't make the Grade, she must meet with the owner, explain why she has failed to get little 79 Topps to Grade high, explain to the Cards investors (Lawyer) why she has failed them as well, and devise a plan to make little Card #600 become a Hi Grade. All of this extra time, not allotted or paid for, average per group of cards, 3-4, and take 2 hours each to do special grading criteria. When all of the extra hours she spends on little Card #600 become on issue, because other cards in the group are not grading high as well, she has to justify why she is not accomplishing this when she is working 10-12 hours per day (And being paid for 8.5), and 8-12 hours on weekends (And being paid nothing).
Once again, as somebody said, Whomever has one Bad word to say about a teacher, I guarantee doesn't have the huevos to walk one day in their shoes!!
Its Superbowl Sunday morning, where do you think my Wife is? The Classroom, doing lesson plans, She left at 8:00 am and will be back she said, would try by 2:00!
Try being Married to One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<< <i>
Its Superbowl Sunday morning, where do you think my Wife is? The Classroom, doing lesson plans, She left at 8:00 am and will be back she said, would try by 2:00!
Don't they have all summer to get those plans done? Maybe a week or two at Xmas? A few in-service days sprinkled in over the year? Maybe another week at spring break?
At worst case couldn't she use last years? Can I assume nothing has changed since last year?
I am not looking for a fight, but there are tons of people who have to work after hours or on the weekends. And most of them also have to work summers.
Josh Wilker - Cardboard Gods
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<< <i>
Its Superbowl Sunday morning, where do you think my Wife is? The Classroom, doing lesson plans, She left at 8:00 am and will be back she said, would try by 2:00!
Don't they have all summer to get those plans done? Maybe a week or two at Xmas? A few in-service days sprinkled in over the year? Maybe another week at spring break?
At worst case couldn't she use last years? Can I assume nothing has changed since last year?
I am not looking for a fight, but there are tons of people who have to work after hours or on the weekends. And most of them also have to work summers. >>
you are looking to fight with an idiotic statement like "Don't they have all summer to get those plans done?"
Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
- uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
<< <i>
<< <i>
Its Superbowl Sunday morning, where do you think my Wife is? The Classroom, doing lesson plans, She left at 8:00 am and will be back she said, would try by 2:00!
Don't they have all summer to get those plans done? Maybe a week or two at Xmas? A few in-service days sprinkled in over the year? Maybe another week at spring break?
At worst case couldn't she use last years? Can I assume nothing has changed since last year?
I am not looking for a fight, but there are tons of people who have to work after hours or on the weekends. And most of them also have to work summers. >>
Not that a dipwad with the kind of statement like that, of which you have no knowledge, has a ounce of experience, deserves an answer, but for anyone else keeping score who knows how to keep there mouth shut about which they know nothing. My Wife who teaches 7th Grade Science has been ordered that for the next three weeks she needs to prepare and teach the 8th grade Unit on Energy. So, since that is not her normal carriculum, she has to prepare for it, which takes hours because with No Child left behind it is like preparing 4 or 5 different classes all teaching the exact same thing.
1. She must prepare for the 5-10% who already know the material and are 3 grades ahead of the rest of the class because if they are not engaged they can sometimes be the most disrupptive.
2. She must prepare a different outline for the 10-20% who may not know all the material, but are very smart and pick it up lickty split, they are almost as disrupptive as the top 10-15% can be.
3. Then the regualr outline for the 30-50% who are average middle of the road students, and need hands on guidance through the course and take individual one on one in some cases.
4. The next 10-15% who are Dumb as a Frickin Rock, don't speak English, or are just plain Evil, and take the preponderance of her time and almost constant instruction and supervision. But remember because of "No Child Left Behind", 100% of these Idiots have to become proficient in the course, who has to make sure this happens, THE TEACHER!!!!
5. The Specials, the 3-5% who are mentally and/or physically handicapped, for the most part 100% disruptive and Require their own supervision/instruction 100% of the time, who have to be also Proficient (Although impossible for the most part), by "No Child Left Behind" Standards.
So she has to do this for 190 Students, 6 classes of approx 30-36 each. And for all this prep work, what does she get paid for it ZERO! And you have the nads to compare the hours she works to somebody who goes in occasioanlly on a weekend usually for overtime!
And to your statement showing your ignorance again, about "At worst case couldn't she use last years? Can I assume nothing has changed since last year?"
Ya are Frickin' joking aren't you. Because of Test Scores Fed/Statewide/District wide and ever the changes at the Federal "No Child Left Behind" level, they are lucky if they are only tweeking and changing the Lesson Plans a few times a year, ...............use the same from last year. Wow....Ignorance is Bliss isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Its Superbowl Sunday morning, where do you think my Wife is? The Classroom, doing lesson plans, She left at 8:00 am and will be back she said, would try by 2:00!
Don't they have all summer to get those plans done? Maybe a week or two at Xmas? A few in-service days sprinkled in over the year? Maybe another week at spring break?
At worst case couldn't she use last years? Can I assume nothing has changed since last year?
I am not looking for a fight, but there are tons of people who have to work after hours or on the weekends. And most of them also have to work summers. >>
Not that a dipwad with the kind of statement like that, of which you have no knowledge, has a ounce of experience, deserves an answer, but for anyone else keeping score who knows how to keep there mouth shut about which they know nothing. My Wife who teaches 7th Grade Science has been ordered that for the next three weeks she needs to prepare and teach the 8th grade Unit on Energy. So, since that is not her normal carriculum, she has to prepare for it, which takes hours because with No Child left behind it is like preparing 4 or 5 different classes all teaching the exact same thing.
1. She must prepare for the 5-10% who already know the material and are 3 grades ahead of the rest of the class because if they are not engaged they can sometimes be the most disrupptive.
2. She must prepare a different outline for the 10-20% who may not know all the material, but are very smart and pick it up lickty split, they are almost as disrupptive as the top 10-15% can be.
3. Then the regualr outline for the 30-50% who are average middle of the road students, and need hands on guidance through the course and take individual one on one in some cases.
4. The next 10-15% who are Dumb as a Frickin Rock, don't speak English, or are just plain Evil, and take the preponderance of her time and almost constant instruction and supervision. But remember because of "No Child Left Behind", 100% of these Idiots have to become proficient in the course, who has to make sure this happens, THE TEACHER!!!!
5. The Specials, the 3-5% who are mentally and/or physically handicapped, for the most part 100% disruptive and Require their own supervision/instruction 100% of the time, who have to be also Proficient (Although impossible for the most part), by "No Child Left Behind" Standards.
So she has to do this for 190 Students, 6 classes of approx 30-36 each. And for all this prep work, what does she get paid for it ZERO! And you have the nads to compare the hours she works to somebody who goes in occasioanlly on a weekend usually for overtime!
And to your statement showing your ignorance again, about "At worst case couldn't she use last years? Can I assume nothing has changed since last year?"
Ya are Frickin' joking aren't you. Because of Test Scores Fed/Statewide/District wide and ever the changes at the Federal "No Child Left Behind" level, they are lucky if they are only tweeking and changing the Lesson Plans a few times a year, ...............use the same from last year. Wow....Ignorance is Bliss isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neil >>
All of this points out my problems with the whole debate: any critique of the system is viewed as an assault on teachers, when the real problem is up the food chain. Your example of the 8th grade science unit is a perfect example - WTF sort of justification was given for that change? Standards didn't suddenly change mid-year!! Were they teaching below level and it suddenly was realized that the 8th grade unit should've been taught to the 7th graders all along?? Or did someone up the food chain get a bright idea that the 8th grade unit would be "cool" for some topical reason?
Also, why CAN'T there be more standard lesson plans/templates/etc that only need mild "personalization" by each teacher? Do things REALLY change that much from year to year? Have new numbers been invented that throw the whole process of teaching math into chaos? Since every year finds a new set of students in a given classroom (well, with a few exceptions of course), there isn't a huge need to freshen things up to keep the kids engaged like there would be with social sciences, etc. But you hit the nail on the head - the "educational system" (not the teachers themselves) forces a lot of that change at least in part to justify the huge "educational science" industry that "educates the educators", and this change falls on the backs of the teachers to somehow make it work with a growing set of constraints.
And yes, my family is chock-full of teachers and administrators.
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq