Ice Ice Baby

Man - I'm just east of Columbus in Ohio, and we've been pounded all day with freezing rain. From Buffalo, I'm used to 3 feet of the white powder, but this is crazy. Me and the 2 dogs just slid about 200 feet down my front lawn, which isn't even steep. The freezing rain on top of a few inches of snow we had has turned the grass into a solid 4" sheet of ice. Crazy.
Hope the rest of you are safe and sound as well. Global warming, bullsheit.
Hope the rest of you are safe and sound as well. Global warming, bullsheit.
My Registry Sets
Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
Got that same crap here today, although not as bad. The STORM pushed north at the last minute and we avoided a lot of the snow.
January 2011 was a record for snowfall in January here on Long Island. I HATE WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been a while since we have seen a pic of the 'lil guy. How is he doing? I hope well.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Remember these Chuck Norris Facts
1. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down
2. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday
3. There are no such things as lesbians, just women who have not yet met Chuck Norris
Tough on your home, tough on your cars, tough on your wallet and tough on your back.
Would rather have 3 feet of snow than this ice.
I don't blame global warming for this at all, I blame ManBearPig.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Good luck with the crazy cold conditions!
Ralph link to Massillon
I would rather have two feet of snow instead of this crap.
"Molon Labe"
Just saying...
<< <i>Im sick of New England winters.
Tough on your home, tough on your cars, tough on your wallet and tough on your back.
Well I am in Hartford and it has been absoulutly killer on everything. I shoveled the roof of my house yesterday!!!
Now they are saying that this stuff in Eygpt is going to raise oil prices here. Whatever .................
T206 Set - 300/524
<< <i>Im sick of New England winters.
Tough on your home, tough on your cars, tough on your wallet and tough on your back.
Agree 100%, and I was just thinking this as the engine block on my 9 year old $899 Ariens Snowblower cracked/siezed tonight while I was stupid enough to try to remove snow in thunder snow (never seen lightning and thunder with snow).
Winter in the Midwest...higher utility costs, higher fuel costs, and higher living costs in general. Now that the jobs are gone, why do we live here?
Remember these Chuck Norris Facts
1. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down
2. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday
3. There are no such things as lesbians, just women who have not yet met Chuck Norris
My Podcast - Now FEATURED on iTunes
<< <i>I played 18 holes today in Los shorts...and made a birdie for each foot of snow that fell in my native Boston (2). Guys, just move where it's warm.
I will take your sunny weather. Not much else. Southern cal is too crowded. I was in san diego/anaheim for a week, and have no plans on going back.
<< <i>It's 54 degrees in Phoenix, -3 in Dallas........Al "Chicken Little" Gore came out today and said this is consistent with global warming, all while that fat f*** lives in his mansion with the HUGE carbon footprint...... >>
Not to get overly political, I promise...
but if they (aptly) named it "climate change" as opposed to "global warming" nobody would get hung up on semantics. #annoying
My Podcast - Now FEATURED on iTunes
I'm waiting to see what that groundhog over the hill said this morning, but I think we all know what we are in for. I'll be sick of Winter in a month or so.
Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
My Pirates Collection
Up, making Coffee for work, then my 59 mile commute to work here in the Beautiful Colorado Rockies (Which I still love all Spring/Summer/Fall). Just looked at the thermometer on the back deck...-23. More snow this Jan than decades, I am so over this crap!!! None last night though, just Butt Cold!!
Two boys 14 years old, 4 more years and then its boot out of the house, College or whatever, and Mama and I are out of this place to Western Colo. out of the 10-12K ft. high mountains.
Just keep saying...Only 4 More...Only 4 More...Only 4 More !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<< <i>The freezing rain on top of a few inches of snow we had has turned the grass into a solid 4" sheet of ice >>
Sounds like hockey time!
Drove 400+ miles in snow, ice, sleet and more snow yesterday. It was fun on the highways, you could see the spins coming, a slight shift, a wiggle, then around and around.
Went from Hershey, PA to Salem, MA in just over 10 hours, only 1.5 hours more than it took to get there and half that time was waiting for plows to get out of the way. Schools closed here again today, more snow. 5+ feet here in the last 30 days. Snowbanks are up to the street signs and climbing.
Think I will take advantage of our spring like weather in Sunny Southern Calipornia.
I'm going to head to my local lake this afternoon after I pick up my son and go Largemouth Bass fishing. If anyone goes there, I'll be wearing my t-shirt and shorts.
P.S. No worries guys, I'm a Catch and Release Bass Fisherman.
I live in Stark County, and we have over 50,000 residents without power (luckily I have power). They're saying those without power could be off for days. With the 40 degree rain we had this morning, it made a ton of standing water, which is now freezing back over with snow and 40+ mph wind gusts. Gotta love it!
Cold for us!
<< <i>I played 18 holes today in Los shorts...and made a birdie for each foot of snow that fell in my native Boston (2). Guys, just move where it's warm.
#jerk >>
Get back to me when the Colorado river runs dry, Mike. I'll keep a seat warm for you up here by the Great Lakes.
<< <i>
<< <i>I played 18 holes today in Los shorts...and made a birdie for each foot of snow that fell in my native Boston (2). Guys, just move where it's warm.
#jerk >>
Get back to me when the Colorado river runs dry, Mike. I'll keep a seat warm for you up here by the Great Lakes. >>
It just gets better and better around here. At work now it has dropped to -27 now, not even leaving the shop unless its an emergency call. Got a call to one of our buildings that the heat was going full blast but its only 64 degrees inside, had to explain to them that design Temp is for @74 degrees inside at 0 outside Air Temp, there lucky its doing as well as it is!!! There calling for -37 to -40 tonight where I live (Little town at 9 thousand feet). And that's Air temp NOT Wind Chill!
All of the operators hopped in Equipment and are there out hiding with the engine idling all day, until quiting time.
Oh and as far as the Water for Southern Ca. goes, that belongs to us Coloradoans and we are taking a close look at all Water rights deals and Agreements over the last 10-150 years and coming in the next 5-10 years So. Ca. is going to be in a world of hurt as some of the Court challenges finally find there way in front of Colorado State & Federal Judges!!
Us Coloradoans are a little tired of having our drought situations, while LA residents waters lawns!!!!!!!!! Time for them to learn some desalinization techniques!!!!!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>
Went from Hershey, PA to Salem, MA in just over 10 hours, only 1.5 hours more than it took to get there and half that time was waiting for plows to get out of the way. Schools closed here again today, more snow. 5+ feet here in the last 30 days. Snowbanks are up to the street signs and climbing. >>
Hockey tournament ? Vacation ? Business ?
I'd grab a book, my laptop and crawl back into bed - turn on the TV - food - and vege out! See ya in a few days.
It was 20 degrees this AM - very uncharacteristic for my area.
Made it to work today. Things are still iced up good. Sound like you guys up north are a little worse off. Snowing here now. All the rain we got last night froze. Wife can't make it up the driveway. Salt is not working.
Flight to Vegas for the superbowl still on schedule for tomorrow at 3:40pm, direct out of Columbus. Get me to the desert.
<< <i>bring your winter coats to Vegas..currently 35 feels like 28 >>
It's always a nice and comfortable 68 degrees at the sportsbook, Crazy Horse and Cheeta's. I think I'll leave the heavy coats here.
<< <i>Hockey tournament ? Vacation ? Business ? >>
American Hockey League (AHL) All-Star weekend and a Hershey Bears game thrown in on Saturday. My son, 11 years old, walked out with the Bear's game puck from the referee, and and All-Star game puck from an AHL official. I just put him in the right place and he works his magic looking cute and not being obnoxious like most kids.
Snow here is not at street sign levels I should have some pics of both later if I have the energy.
View from our seats:
Signs are 11 feet or so off of the ground.