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Official Puck (ATB) dirt bag Ebay buyer block thread - Post your bad stories and block the dirt

I will probably end up selling some extras, maybe even buy some I can't make myself. So semi-selfish reason's, I don't want to get burned by a dirt bag, but then again neither does anyone else.

There are two stories I know about about dirt bags on Ebay with the pucks, holding the seller hostage, sending back because price changes etc. Post your story, the ebay buyer and we will block them (at least I will)!

Here are the buyers so far: systemsservices, gurallah


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    I've added them.
    Thanks for starting this thread.
    It will turn out to be very usefull.

    Successful BSTs with lordmarcovan, pontiacinf, Harry779, ajia, jfoot13, coinfame, Hammered54, fivecents, Coll3ctor, al410, commoncents123.
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    OPAOPA Posts: 17,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I already had gurallah on my list...added the other one.
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
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    CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>I already had gurallah on my list...added the other one. >>

    I blocked gurallah twice, and added the other one...image

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