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Finished my Mercury Dime Short Set Date Run!

coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,308 ✭✭✭✭✭
All in all I am quite pleased. One coin has a small potential for upgrade, but I think as a whole they are well matched and meet the criteria that I originally set for the collection. I may add backwards to the set one at a time (1939 next), but only if something great comes along. I think I am quite happy to never buy another Mercury Dime for my collection again. image

Enjoy the collage. I purchased the coins in the following order.

1940, 2005, LincolnCentMan
1941, 2010, Seth Chandler (gift)
1942, 2011, Glenn Holsonbake
1943, 2010, KryptoniteComics
1944, 2009, Can't remember! image
1945, 2008, Evan Gale

I can say that in my experience, 1941 and 1942 were the hardest to find in nice condition with original color. 1944 was the most common. My favorite in the set is still the 1940. I lost my butt on the 40-D and 40-P after buying and selling them multiple times from the original deal from LincolnCentMan. I think all in all, I broke even on the 1940 PDS set. Kenny O, and TDN both owned at one time or another.

I can't believe the major swings in price that monster toners have gone through in the past 5 years (especially with full bands).



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