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1928-S Large "S" Mercury 10c. Is it rare?

I just purchased a choice, original AU of this variety. Any Mercury collectors have an opinion of the scarcity of this variety? CPG states this variety "quite rare in mint state". Thanks in advance.


  • keyman64keyman64 Posts: 15,499 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In MS...kinda rare...but not really.
    In MS FB...yes, RARE.

    PCGS has holdered 3 in FB. A 62FB(mine), a 65FB and a 67FB that just sold for about 14K(cheap if you ask me).
    PCGS has holdered 12 in non-FB but only 7 of those have been MS. Of those 7: 2 in MS63, 1 in MS64, 4 in MS65.

    2 have been holdered in AU.

    A nice AU would certainly carry a premium over a regular 28-S but nothing big IMO. Depending upon if you can find a buyer that is interested...and it would have to be in an attributed PCGS Holder... $50 - $100. If you bought the coin in a PCGS Holder already then Good For You! If it is not in a PCGS Holder then it is probably not worth putting it into a holder.


    "If it's not fun, it's not worth it." - KeyMan64
    Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners. :smile:
  • pursuitoflibertypursuitofliberty Posts: 6,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
    choice, original AU

    For a MM'd Winged Lib' in the 20's ... that alone makes it kinda rare image

    Would love to see pictures

    My take is similar to Greg's in that there does not seem to be much premium (10-15% in most grades) on these ... but I could be wrong ...

    HOWEVER ... it was estimated in the 60's IIRC, that as few as 1% of the survivng circulated popluation (all grades) exhibit a Large S MM

    So, my answer is an unequivocal YES! it is rare


    just my humble opinion

    “We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”

    Todd - BHNC #242
  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    The 1928 Large S is realitivly easy to find in lower grades. I have seen some in MS holders but not attributed. I have about 10 not in pcgs holders ranging from Good to AU. Many people get these confused. Check my variety resource page to see the differences in the mint marks.

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • rld14rld14 Posts: 2,390 ✭✭✭
    Yeah I know.. it's an SLQ image.. but while we're at it I ought o post this...

    Bear's "Growl of Approval" award 10/09 & 3/10 | "YOU SUCK" - PonyExpress8|"F the doctors!" - homerunhall | I hate my car

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