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i found the end of the 1963-d rainbow !

drove down to the hot springs coin show this weekend looking forward to finding some toned franklins, roosevelts, and double mint sets. i arrived friday ready to cherry pick , ( i haven't been to a show in two or three months ), anyway i searched for two hours finding nothing that caught my eye and started to think that this would be another dull coin show. so i decided to make another round of the dealer tables , but this time i was determined to slow down and really look at what the dealers had to offer. then things really started to pop for me, found two obw rolls of 63d halves setting in a dealer's case and i could see the most amazing rainbow end roll coins ! i couldn't belive it took him so long to pull out the rolls !! he wanted $240 per roll, i said ok !

after taking my time looking at the dealers tables and talking to the dealers to ask what they had to offer i was able to purchase some nice original double mint sets and an original gemmy roll of 1950 franklins ! i have learned my lesson, slow down and enjoy the coin show and talk to the dealers, they really want to help me find what i'm looking for !

here's my newps ; four end roll 1963d franklins , double mint sets and a 1950 roll of franklins



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