Scale question
Posts: 1,374
picked up a Tanita mini scale and a 200 gm calibration weight. In gram mode the weight of the calibration weight says 200.0 grams so the scale is obviously calibrated. So in the ounce mode i weigh an ASE and it reads 1.10 OZ, a 5oz JM bar reads 5.50 OZ and a 10oz Engelhard bar weighs 11.00 oz. ????? Can that be the case? I also weighed an AGE and it said 1.1oz as well. I just cannot imagine a 10% diff with every piece in the ounce mode
"If you hit a midget on the head with a stick, he turns into 40 gold coins." - Patty Oswalt
You want to use the ozt, or toz mode to weigh in troy ounces.