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Interesting photo comparison - dealer image and Trueview - 1839-O Half



  • I would agree that I like the CRO pics better. I am always a little dissapointed if the only picture I have to see is a trueview. Just a little to much juice for my tastes. I do like the the guys on the boards pics better, but that is just my tastes. With that being said, either are better than what I can take.

  • CCC2010CCC2010 Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭
    I like the CRO picture better. I would have been disappointed if i got the coin in hand and had no idea that they do not look like the TrueView pics at all.
  • claychaserclaychaser Posts: 4,405 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>which ones show the true look of the coin in normal lighting?? Of course the true view pics look better but if this look can only be seen in just the right light when tilting the coin just the right way.......... >>

    It's kind of a cross, but Mark's (CRO) image is really more what you see. You do get additional color patterns when tiliting the coin in the light.

    What is not mentioned is this coin has a very "three dimensional" look to it. At times, I think that Liberty's face is almost medallic - and I think that is due to a hammer strike on this one.

    ==Looking for pre WW2 Commems in PCGS Rattler holders, 1851-O Three Cent Silvers in all grades

    Successful, problem free and pleasant transactions with: illini420, coinguy1, weather11am,wayneherndon,wondercoin,Topdollarpaid,Julian, bishdigg,seateddime, peicesofme,ajia,CoinRaritiesOnline,savoyspecial,Boom, TorinoCobra71, ModernCoinMart, WTCG, slinc, Patches, Gerard, pocketpiececommems, BigJohnD, RickMilauskas, mirabella, Smittys, LeeG, TomB, DeusExMachina, tydye
  • coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,308 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If anyone has one of these in XF that they would like to get rid of....I'm your man. image

    I love the AU example shown. One of the great coins in numismatics IMO and underappreciated...still.
  • claychaserclaychaser Posts: 4,405 ✭✭✭✭
    TTT to go with the other 39-O thread.

    ==Looking for pre WW2 Commems in PCGS Rattler holders, 1851-O Three Cent Silvers in all grades

    Successful, problem free and pleasant transactions with: illini420, coinguy1, weather11am,wayneherndon,wondercoin,Topdollarpaid,Julian, bishdigg,seateddime, peicesofme,ajia,CoinRaritiesOnline,savoyspecial,Boom, TorinoCobra71, ModernCoinMart, WTCG, slinc, Patches, Gerard, pocketpiececommems, BigJohnD, RickMilauskas, mirabella, Smittys, LeeG, TomB, DeusExMachina, tydye

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