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I had some coins tucked away and when I went to spend some time with them they were gone.

Also stolen was my Rolex watch, wedding ring and other.

I last saw the coins at the end of the summer.

I was robbed many times.

Not to give away my position but perhaps someone local in the coin business bought them.

The wedding ring was 18K gold band with another platinum band around it.

The coins, ugh!

(4) 2006 AGE 1/2 unc. the OGP was also taken and they were in two different places.
(1) Reverse proof $50 AGE that was in a PCGS Holder. yes it was a 70. They could have cracked it out
(1) 2008 APE $100 MS70 in PCGS holder
(1) 2008 Buffalo $50 MS70 First strike PCGS
(1) The new Ultra high Relief $50 gold coin
(1) 2009 $50 Buffalo proof, they took it out of the OGP and put the packaging together to look untouched
(1) 1/4 2008 unc Buffalo
(1) 2006 $50 Buffalo in NGC holder labeled first year of issue


Various spouse coins, all not in OGP
an assortment of pre 1933 gold coins, most notably a 1880 $10 Eagle in a Red and clear plastic square holder

Many other gold coins, gold roosters,

whoever did this did the big hit sometime after early August 2008 and Mid November

I was collecting the spouse subset. They got 2, Van Buren and Jackson plus 3 more, both Tylers and Polk.

a 10 ounce Engelhard bar, old style, a loaf with serial number. I will have number shortly

1 1853 $1 gold US coin
1 1854 $1 gold US coin, had a small gold loop attached to wear as jewelry.
1 5 gram Credit suisse bar with serial number and assay certificate

these items were stolen at different times

My hunch is that a cleaning person did this.

It happened all during last year.

I had the four AGE $25 unc in OGP pouch
at first 3 were missing
later the last one was gone

Your all probably thinking how could I have exposed myself to this.

Well I have lived here in my location for a year and a half.

Everything was stashed away, nothing was exposed.

I had coins in draws, coins in clothing pockets but the bulk were in a case,within another case, within another bag.

Whoever did this to me was so kind as to have left me the OGP for the 2009 Buffalo $50, how odd.

They also left behind which was mixed in with the coins gold cufflinks made from 1/10 ounce foreign gold coins.

Another set of cufflinks made from precious stones and diamonds.

A very old heavy gold chain.

Basically anything jewelry or of a personal nature.

Most of what I own is someplace else, whew!

I am guessing that they sold them locally, at the coin show at the Westchester County center, Scarsdale coins storefront location or other gold buyer.

I am only guessing but I lost alot and why steal this if they didn't want to sell it?

Many persons where I live have been replaced with new staff.

There is much more including old foreign coins that were in 2X2 holders, purchased over 20 years ago at a show. They had prices paid on them.

there was an error dime and error penny. the kind were most of the planchet is there, blank with like a small press, about 1/10 of the coin.

I didn't want to put this on the board but changed my mind.

The only way I can prove anything is mine is I have a receipt listing the item for everything except the foreign coins and error coins.

I can describe things to anyone who asks.

I can't remember everything.

Just can't believe it happened to me.

I am hoping someone local bought some of this stuff and will step up and tell me so.
If they do then they have admitted to having purchased stolen property and would if honorable return said items or pay me.

Someone bought this stuff.

I think the thief stole this stuff over time and was using me as there $ source.


Please contact me privately.

I just know someone in my area bought this stuff. Did anyone have perhaps a spanish man or woman coming by over this timeframe?

Police report to be filed tomorrow if I don't get a lead tonight.




Ships are safe in harbor but thats not what ships were built for.


    Ships are safe in harbor but thats not what ships were built for.
  • coinkid855coinkid855 Posts: 5,012 ✭✭✭
    Ugh, that SUCKS!! I'm so sorry! It sounds like it might have been someone with access to your house, especially because they left the "personal" stuff...A lot of times these thefts are by someone you know. I had many coins stolen once by my sister...you never know who you can trust. Use this as a learning experience, and invest in a good safe!

    Good luck with recovering your items!

  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,138 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i hope for a speedy recovery of your lost items. will keep an open eye out for them in this area. sorry to hear about that
  • DrBusterDrBuster Posts: 5,356 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just noticing after a year and a half???? And keeping that amount around, exposed, with cleaning staff in and out of your place???? Ouch.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    How very painful... even losing one item to theft is a horrible thing... you have lost much more. I hope you recover your property. Cheers, RickO
  • JeshJesh Posts: 277
    I am really confused? How did you not notice after this long? If you didn't notice after this long it is either a cleaning service you are using, or sadly family. You saying it happened slowly or all at once? No forced entry?? <lost>
  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 32,794 ✭✭✭✭✭
    (1) The new Ultra high Relief $50 gold coin

    The UHR is a $20 double eagle

    (1) 2009 $50 Buffalo proof, they took it out of the OGP and put the packaging together to look untouched

    very telling.

    a scant few BnE burglars would ever take the time to do that.

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • LindeDadLindeDad Posts: 18,766 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dang you should of put them under the mattress. At least they would of been safe when you were in bed then.
    How much does a Safty Deposit Box cost now? Mine has been locked in for the last ten years or so and is just deducted from my saving account..
  • BigEBigE Posts: 6,949 ✭✭✭
    Dang coinspeak, hope you are feeling a little better. Remember the good things you have going right now and realize that bad things happen along the way in life to everyone, and now you have one of these events out of the way. A suggestion:

    If you make a drawing of the error coins, since you probably dont have a pic, or a copy of a pic from the seller when you bought them, maybe post it and the error guys might spot it. Seems like the errors are the only coins which might be unique enough in the batch that could identify them as yours.

    Good (better) luck to you!-----------------------BigE
    I'm glad I am a Tree
  • ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WESPNEX coin show is this weekend.... print a flyer with serial numbers etc.. and hand out to dealers at the show
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,534 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good luck.

    That's enough value that the police might be willing to take fingerprints on the OGP left behind.
    Tempus fugit.
  • I bet your stuff went to one of the cash for gold places or a pawn shop. Hopefully you can get them back
    "If you hit a midget on the head with a stick, he turns into 40 gold coins." - Patty Oswalt
  • This post brings back some very bad memories. My brother in law's cleaning woman, and family friend, stole one or two coins at a time, each week for over 6 months. He did not notice right away as he had a fairly large collection and the fact that he did not look at his albums and coin cabinet very often. She was caught but unfortunately did he not recover any items. They were all generic gold and silver coins , so very difficult to trace. I hope you have a better outcome. Take it easy on the sedatives, your health is more important than the stuff you lost.

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