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Barndog's "While Waiting to Board My Aircraft" FUN Report

BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,488 ✭✭✭✭✭
I'm about 45 minutes from boarding my aircraft at the Tampa airport (which has free Wi-Fi, by the way). Here's a brief report about my Wednesday - Friday FUN Show experience:

1. The "Super" Shuttle is not super. Beware the blue van. My driver must have been brand new to the job (and maybe to motorized vehicles). A fifteen minute trip took about 1.5 hours. Despite the assistance of two GPS devices, he got lost at least three times and I stopped counting how many times he find himself in the wrong lane of a restricted turning lane. The taxi from the hotel to the airport on the way back was WAY more pleasant and worth the extra money.
2. I brought maybe a half dozen half dimes plus a few other bust type coins to sell and sold all with ease for my asking prices. All of my asking prices were higher than greysheet bid, in case you were wondering. I also brought a bunch of lower grade, raw, but problem free Barber halves to sell (fifty or sixty of the coins!). Good experience with Brad Schiff at Cybercoins in the past had me taking the coins directly to him. He worked the coins up overnight and had a very fair offer for me. Brad and Blaine are good people in case you haven't talked with them or had a transaction with them yet.
3. I spent most of my time talking to and catching up with friends (dealers and collectors). In fact, used most of Wednesday's early bird time to do just that. This is always the best part of the show for me.
4. Met some forum members whom I had never met before, which was great. Finally met TomB too. Great guy with some really cool coins!
5. Went to the PCGS lunch today. Great food, excellent presentations on anti-doctor methods and technology from Mr. Willis and Mr. Hall. BJ Searls is the best. Got to sit and converse with TooTawl and DPoole, always a pleasure.
6. Looked at maybe a hundred half dimes, bought zero. JJ Teaparty had some really, really nice new purchases, but none were for me, unfortunately. That's not a function of my high standards...it's just a function of having an "advanced collection" -- upgrades or new additions are just not readily available. That's OK though, the show, the coins, the people are enjoyable.
7. Viewed auction lots and enjoyed doing so. Looked at coins for a couple of people and I think they were pleased with my interpretations/assessments. Some screaming bargains were available for some rare coins if you knew what to look for.
8. The FUN staff puts on a great show every year, this year was no exception. They work their tails off, I'm sure. .
9. I consigned three early coppers to Mr. Grellman for the upcoming EAC Meeting and Auction in Oregon. Sure was easy filling out the paperwork for the consignment! Took all of three minutes. I'm an EAC member and have to say it was the easiest consignment I have ever done!
10. Saw STONE's wonderful new dime. Very cool.
11. While talking to STONE at Rich Uhrich's table, I got to meet DIMEMAN. Excellent conversation!

Half hour to go before boarding. Thanks for reading.

edit: Arrived home safely, snow waited until the next day!


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