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curly's most excellent FUN show

Since I am spending a few weeks sponging off my sister in Melbourne, I decided to rent a car and drive over to Tampa to see all the brothers and sisters at the FUN show.

I arrived around 11:30 AM, got registered, and off to the bourse I go! Now ol' curly ain't no fool so the first person I wanted to see is the beautiful Charmy. I get to Charmy's table, collected a big hug, and she introduces me to Johnathan Watkins (a Major Player in the MPL arena). We sat down and had an enjoyable conversation about MPLs and coins in general.

As we are chatting, I give Matt Chapman a call and over he comes (sorry brothers, I can't remember all your forum names). I tell you, ain't nothin better than talkin' coins with the brothers.

As the conversation starts breaking up, my friend Coinguy comes over and I get to talk more coins.

I then stroll around the floor looking for my old Dayton, Ohio friend Dale Williams. Alas, he wasn't there. He had to fly back to Montana. I'm sorry I missed him.

After Dale, I decide to go visit another old Dayton brother J.H. Cline and look at some beautiful Standing Liberty quarters. A pleasure talkin' with you, brother.

Off I go to Heritage and look at some of the coins up for auction. If you want to work on your grading skills, this is the way to do it.

Back up I go to visit the fine folks at Eagle Eye. As I'm setting there lookiing at IHCs, Rick's lovely assistant, Karin, offers me some home made chocolate chip cookies. Folks that know me know I ain't turnin' down no cookies. As I am setting there, Charmy come over and sets down beside me.

Picture it brothers, here's ol' curly, settin' back in a chair, talkin' coins, got one arm around Charmy, and being fed home made cookies by Karin. I tell ya, if Mrs curly gets wind of this, our little love grotto is gonna explode. Sometimes, it's good to be curly.

I also got to see Julian, Evan Gale, Blucc, my good friend Andy over at Angel Dee's, Brian Wagner, Rick Snow and Mike Stefano. I wanted to visit with Laura Sperber but she was busy every time I was at her table. I did get to see her in action at the platinum auction though.

I set through most of the platinum auction and started back to Melbourne around 10PM. I got to my sister's home around 12:30 AM, crawled in bed and Mrs curly asked if I was tired. I told her that I was. She asked if I wanted her to give me something to make me sleep. I said I did... so she did... and it did. Sometimes it's good to be curly.
Every man is a self made man.


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