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Ebay Feedback

This topic is not quite beat to death so.....

I don't leave feedback for a seller until and unless they leave my feedback first WITHOUT being prompted. I don't ask. I don't care. As a buyer, the feedback I receive from a seller is meaningless.

A seller waiting for a buyer to leave feedback first is feedback extortion. Plain and simple. I have 3 sellers that I curently have left no feedback and probably won't ever. I find that about 70% of sellers leave feedback soon after I complete my part of the transaction and pay. The other 30% still go for the feedback extortion angle.

I really wish Ebay would do away with the totally meaningless seller to buyer's feedback. It does nothing accept skew the important buyer to seller's feedback.
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  • All feedback to a buyer is positive, save for the message. Why do you say a buyer's feedback to a seller is meaningless? It is ALL that matters to his overall rating.
  • TorinoCobra71TorinoCobra71 Posts: 8,050 ✭✭✭
    I leave feedback (as a buyer) after I have received the item and am satisfied that the transaction is complete, regardless if the seller has left me feedback or not.

  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Feedback is always optional. To me it makes little sense to leave feedback BEFORE a buyer is happy and it's a done deal. Prompt communication for situations that deviate from the norm goes a long way towards making a smooth transaction.
  • slipgateslipgate Posts: 2,301 ✭✭

    << <i>All feedback to a buyer is positive, save for the message. Why do you say a buyer's feedback to a seller is meaningless? It is ALL that matters to his overall rating. >>

    **clarified in OP**
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  • slipgateslipgate Posts: 2,301 ✭✭

    << <i>Feedback is always optional. To me it makes little sense to leave feedback BEFORE a buyer is happy and it's a done deal. Prompt communication for situations that deviate from the norm goes a long way towards making a smooth transaction. >>

    What you are describing I would call feedback extortion. The buyer has one duty; to pay the seller. Once that is done, if a seller is going to leave feedback at all, it should be done at that time. You are withholding your feedback, which (unfortunately) some ebay buyers hold as a medal of honor, until they leave you good feedback for you. Yes?

    If a buyer were to leave you bad feedback, would you also put a bad message in the feedback to them (or leave them no feedback)? (I know the seller to buyer rating has to be positive)

    For you to say, "I want to make sure everything is hunky dory before I complete the transaction by leaving feedback" again, is feedback extortion since the buyer has no other duties to you after paying.

    But I still want to stress that the best solution to feedback extortion is that Ebay should do away with seller to buyer feedback.
    My Registry Sets! PCGS Registry
  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 12,781 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I leave feedback (as a buyer) after I have received the item and am satisfied that the transaction is complete, regardless if the seller has left me feedback or not. >>

    Same here. Many sellers feel feedback is appropriate once the buyer receives the item and is satisfied, indicating the transaction is complete. I don't think any "extortion" is implied by not leaving feedback.

    As a seller, I leave feedback as soon as I am paid, as there really is no reason not to do so, and it satisfies buyers who are obsessed with receiving feedback first.
  • llafoellafoe Posts: 7,220 ✭✭
    As a buyer, I leave feedback the moment I receive the item.

    As a seller, I leave feedback the moment I receive payment.

    Anything else is just a power play.
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  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,067 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Feedback is always optional. To me it makes little sense to leave feedback BEFORE a buyer is happy and it's a done deal. Prompt communication for situations that deviate from the norm goes a long way towards making a smooth transaction. >>

    What you are describing I would call feedback extortion. The buyer has one duty; to pay the seller. Once that is done, if a seller is going to leave feedback at all, it should be done at that time. You are withholding your feedback, which (unfortunately) some ebay buyers hold as a medal of honor, until they leave you good feedback for you. Yes?

    If a buyer were to leave you bad feedback, would you also put a bad message in the feedback to them (or leave them no feedback)? (I know the seller to buyer rating has to be positive)

    For you to say, "I want to make sure everything is hunky dory before I complete the transaction by leaving feedback" again, is feedback extortion since the buyer has no other duties to you after paying.

    But I still want to stress that the best solution to feedback extortion is that Ebay should do away with seller to buyer feedback. >>

    If you as a seller or buyer eff up then you deserve bad feedback. If there is a return policy in play then as a buyer you can't possibly be happy until you have the coin in hand and have confirmed that you will keep it; UNLESS of course you have seen the coin in hand in the past. Once there is no chance of a return, the buyer should then leave feedback. As a buyer, I generally pay promptly and am proud that my feedback reflects that. I had one seller leave FB even after an item was returned, I left none. The only problem with FB is that it has gotten away from its intended purpose. When buyers know that you hold it near and dear, they try to use it to extort a seller too. Sadly, it has gotten to the point that I will never sell on eBay.
  • "Same here. Many sellers feel feedback is appropriate once the buyer receives the item and is satisfied, indicating the transaction is complete. I don't think any "extortion" is implied by not leaving feedback."

    Try to compare it to a real-time, in-store, at-the-counter purchase.

    In a perfect world, if they're pleased with their purchase, the buyer smiles and says, "Thank you" as they leave the counter and walk out the door.

    Only then would I, as the seller, believe the buyer was content and the transaction was complete, ...and since it's on ebay, I'd then leave feedback.

    That's just the way I look at it, ymmv. Communication is key.

  • << <i>A seller waiting for a buyer to leave feedback first is feedback extortion. Plain and simple. >>

    You may want to look up extortion.
    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?

  • << <i>For you to say, "I want to make sure everything is hunky dory before I complete the transaction by leaving feedback" again, is feedback extortion since the buyer has no other duties to you after paying. >>

    What happens if a package gets lost and an insurance claim needs to be filed? Does the buyer have no obligation to cooperate as needed in order to confirm the loss and file that claim?
  • nankrautnankraut Posts: 4,565 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I leave feedback (as a buyer) after I have received the item and am satisfied that the transaction is complete, regardless if the seller has left me feedback or not. >>

    Same here.image
    I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    Every month or so, when I have no life and nothing else to do and looking for excitement, I click on the "Leave Feedback " link and do feedback.
    I know the Top Rated Sellers are on pins & needles wondering why I haven't left feedback within 30 minutes of receiving my item. I know they surf the Post Office site constantly and know to the minute when my item is delivered.
    I actually don't know or even care if the other guy has left me any feedback or what it said when I leave mine. It's not a game or power play, just a chore that I do when convieniant.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
  • slipgateslipgate Posts: 2,301 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>For you to say, "I want to make sure everything is hunky dory before I complete the transaction by leaving feedback" again, is feedback extortion since the buyer has no other duties to you after paying. >>

    What happens if a package gets lost and an insurance claim needs to be filed? Does the buyer have no obligation to cooperate as needed in order to confirm the loss and file that claim? >>

    So you are saying that if the seller does not help you (which they should, but really have no obligation to do), you will leave them bad feedback? Again proving my point about extortion since his obligation was finished once he paid you and you are implying that you would withhold feedback and/or leave bad feedback unless he helps you.
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  • << <i>So you are saying that if the seller does not help you (which they should, but really have no obligation to do), you will leave them bad feedback? >>

    No, I'm not saying that. You said the buyer has no duties other than paying:

    "The buyer has one duty; to pay the seller."

    I disagree.

    << <i>Again proving my point about extortion since his obligation was finished once he paid you and you are implying that you would withhold feedback and/or leave bad feedback unless he helps you. >>

    No, point not proved.

    edited to add...

    << <i>Once that is done, if a seller is going to leave feedback at all, it should be done at that time. >>

    Leaving feedback for the buyer at that time is not an eBay policy or requirement. Insisting on such is inconsiderate.
  • airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,114 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>What you are describing I would call feedback extortion. The buyer has one duty; to pay the seller. Once that is done, if a seller is going to leave feedback at all, it should be done at that time. You are withholding your feedback, which (unfortunately) some ebay buyers hold as a medal of honor, until they leave you good feedback for you. Yes? >>

    I had a buyer recently go for full extortion (money-wise, not feedback) knowing he had a huge arsenal of potential feedbacks to leave. Sure, I can't leave anything but a positive anymore, but while the buyer paid on time (yippee!) he also conducted the transaction unethically and is one of the worst buyers I've ever dealt with. With the old feedback system, his escapades wouldn't have been so one-sided. This time, though, I had no choice because of the power he wielded.
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  • I used to leave honest feedback for sellers that the OP mentions, that said: Seller won't leave feedback until after buyer leaves feedback.

    Of course I also used to leave feedback like: Better than wild screaming, 5ex lets do it again!

    Sometimes I do leave feedback for those who charge for shipping: Free shipping deals are the best deals ever!

    When I was leaving feedback, I would wait till it was close to expiring 45-60 days.

    I really don't see the point of inspiring others to bid against me.

    For buyers: it generally always is: Thanks for the fast pay, your item is on the way!

  • Raybob15239Raybob15239 Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭
    When I am a seller, I leave positive feedback the moment I receive payment. As a buyer, I leave feedback when I receive the item. I've only left a negative twice as a buyer, in each case, I paid and received nothing (got a refund thru ebay/PP both times).

    Lately, my experience as a buyer has been that I leave positive feedback (glowing, in fact) for the sellers, and have yet to receive feedback from them. I've got 4 or 5 transactions where this has occurred. What's up with that???
    Successful B/S/T transactions: As Seller: PascoWA (June 2008); MsMorrisine (April 2009); ECHOES (July 2009) As Buyer: bfjohnson (July 2008); robkool (Dec 2010); itsnotjustme (Dec 2010) TwoSides2aCoin (Dec 2018) PrivateCoin Jan 2019
  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As a seller, my packing slip says that I'll leave positive feedback as soon as I know that the buyer is happy. I'm not a mind reader. They have to tell me they're happy somehow. One way they can tell me that they're happy is by leaving positive feedback. If they don't want to leave feedback, they can send me an email. Any way they want to let me know is fine by me.

    If the buyer isn't happy, then the transaction isn't complete, and it's silly (or counterproductive) to leave feedback at that point.

    As a buyer, I leave feedback when I receive the item and I'm satisfied with it.
  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,308 ✭✭✭✭
    As a seller I generally wait until the transaction is completed (i.e. buyer receives it and lets me know he's happy). Why should I leave positive feedback right away when the transaction still has plenty of time to turn less than positive?
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    These are always interesting discussions. Bottom line is that feedback is voluntary, and it's up to each person to decide how they wish to handle it.

    Russ, NCNE
  • YogiBerraFanYogiBerraFan Posts: 2,390 ✭✭

    << <i>As a buyer, I leave feedback the moment I receive the item.

    As a seller, I leave feedback the moment I receive payment.

    Anything else is just a power play. >>

    I do the same. I have been on eBay for 12 years and have plenty of feedback. I don't even check to see who has and who hasn't left feedback for me anymore.

  • << <i>As a seller I generally wait until the transaction is completed (i.e. buyer receives it and lets me know he's happy). Why should I leave positive feedback right away when the transaction still has plenty of time to turn less than positive? >>

  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,118 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>As a buyer, I leave feedback the moment I receive the item.

    As a seller, I leave feedback the moment I receive payment.

    Anything else is just a power play. >>

    I do the same. I have been on eBay for 12 years and have plenty of feedback. I don't even check to see who has and who hasn't left feedback for me anymore. >>

    Same here & I've been doing it for over 10 years.

    Contrary to pop. believe to some...FB is important to most sellers....It determines his DSR score & his monthly rebate of fees.
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