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You know you've been around the coin biz for a while when.......



  • JedPlanchetJedPlanchet Posts: 907 ✭✭✭
    Whatever you are, be a good one. ---- Abraham Lincoln
  • I've not only got #1 Teltrade on tape, but also #2 in my collection.

    That's as many as I could stomach.
    PM me if you are looking for U.S. auction catalogs

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    << <i>Thank you Adrian for the history. >>

    You're welcome. I know I gave more than just the history directly related to my selling coins but I think the rest gives you a little background on me which helps you to know who I am. And know this: I'm an OK guy, no matter what my mother says. >>

    I'll dive into this Adrian and I may need CPR when I'm finished because of some folks attempting to drown me.

    In your thread about Anaconda screwing you.....it was so long ago now that I don't remember all the details. Essentially I bought a commem from you that, if memory serves me right (and I'm subject at my age to being 100 percent wrong) you were very confident would cross as I only deal in PCGS and that was NGC.

    The coin didn't cross and a top national, well respected dealer, after looking at it, suggested it was a bit weak for the grade anyway.

    I emailed or PM'd you about this. You said mistakes happen but you would make yours good. You told me to tell Brendan, at any show, that you said "to make a past deal good for me." I wound up getting a much more expensive, and rarer higher grade, commem (taking full advantage of your offer). Without hesitation, Brandon took about 25% off the cost of the coin and I, literally, got a rip from you under bid. When I told you about it later, you had absolutely no problem with it at all and you offered to buy back the original coin at its original cost but I had already sold it at my purchase price to an inferior dealer nowhere at your level.

    In short, you more than held up your word by me. I'd do business with you again, with absolutely no hesitation. >>

    tcmitssr...I can't tell you how much I appreciate your taking the time to relate this story. Not because I needed the world to hear it, but because today has been kind of a rough day...I have not seen my wife and her sisters for almost two years even though I talk to them almost every day.....I am quite a ways away from my children and parents, so I'm just a little lonely!!....and being "out front" without my flame retarndant suit on at all times exposes me to some occasional bashing on the internet....so, your kind words are probably appreciated more by me than you could possibly have anticipated. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart for caring about me.....I really needed it and your timing was unbelieveable.

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