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I knew there was something I forgot to do last year...........THE WINNER IS ponderit $6.16 was the

nd money give-a-way.

I just realizes I forgot to have my annual found money give-a-way for for 2009, so this year we'll have 2 of those. We'll do one at a time.

This give-a-way is for monies found in 2009.

Check here for past money found

Same rules,

One guess, no editing your post, except when I change the rule, closest without going over.

I'll let it run for a few days, same prize as last year, now head over to the give-a-way forum

Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.


  • image
    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since this picture is different than the one on the other forum linked, I assume it was that coin pile that is the topic. Cheers, RickO
  • Sorry ...................don't mean to confuse.

    this pic is of all the money I found over the years, I have yet not turned it into silver or gold as is my plan with the found money.

    the 2 pictures on the giveaway forum is what we're guessiong at.

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • ponderit send me your addy

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.

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