Sold Out Please Pay! BBCE December Football Rip

There was some demand for everything so I'll open it up... Steve @ BBCE has agreed to our normal 10%. I will keep this open till Friday Afternoon since I do not want to tie up Steve's inventory on high price boxes so if you want in please post soon. Each Box has 24 packs and we'll need to sell the full box in order for this to go off.
The shipping and insurance charges will be the same as previous breaks. Please wait until we are sold out before sending payments. For those that have not been in past breaks, just post a reply stating what you want. Each person will be responsible for sending the correct amount to BBCE and be sure to include in your Paypal message your user name, real name and what you are paying for. Also in the message line include "CU Group Rip"
1972 Topps Wax Series 2 - $103.25 per pack
1974 Topps Wax - $45 per pack
1984 Topps Cello - $19.75 per cello
Everyone please make payments to - Please use your screen name when you pay the BBCE so they can keep track of who has paid on their end.
Box breaks: (each Pack $see chart above)
1-5 packs---->$3.00 plus insurance (optional)
6 packs or more---->$5.00 plus insurance (optional)
The added insurance rates are exactly what has listed:
$50 and under---->$1.75
$50 to $100.00---->$2.25
$100.00 to $200.00---->$2.75
SOLD OUT 1972 (cards 133 through 263) Butkus, Simpson, Unitas, Stauhbach
1 gemint Paid
2 Toro
3 Toro
4 Toro
5 Toro
6 Toro
7 Toro
8 Toro
9 Toro
10 mcolney1 Paid
11 bobbyw8469 Paid
12 gameusedhoop Paid
13 daddymc Paid
14 daddymc Paid
15 nightcrawler Paid
16 nightcrawler Paid
17 BobS Paid
18 ssollars
19 ssollars
20 ssollars
21 thunderdan
22 thunderdan
23 thunderdan
24 BobS Paid
1 Leathtech Paid
2 gemint Paid
3 gemint Paid
4 mcolney1 Paid
5 nightcrawler Paid
6 nightcrawler Paid
7 nightcrawler Paid
8nightcrawler Paid
9nightcrawler Paid
10nightcrawler Paid
11nightcrawler Paid
12nightcrawler Paid
13nightcrawler Paid
14nightcrawler Paid
15nightcrawler Paid
16nightcrawler Paid
17nightcrawler Paid
18nightcrawler Paid
19nightcrawler Paid
20nightcrawler Paid
21nightcrawler Paid
22nightcrawler Paid
23nightcrawler Paid
24nightcrawler Paid
1 08HALA20 Paid
2 SidePocket Paid
3 SidePocket Paid
4 Sean1125 Paid
5 gemint Paid
6 gemint Paid
7 gemint Paid
8 Sportsamerica
9 Sportsamerica
10 mcolney1 Paid
11 mcolney1 Paid
12 scashaggy
13 scashaggy
14 scashaggy
15 kmnorton Paid
16 kmnorton Paid
17 BobS Paid
18 BobS Paid
19 BobS Paid
20 mknez Paid
21 mknez Paid
22 08HALA20 Paid
23 08HALA20 Paid
24 08HALA20 Paid
The shipping and insurance charges will be the same as previous breaks. Please wait until we are sold out before sending payments. For those that have not been in past breaks, just post a reply stating what you want. Each person will be responsible for sending the correct amount to BBCE and be sure to include in your Paypal message your user name, real name and what you are paying for. Also in the message line include "CU Group Rip"
1972 Topps Wax Series 2 - $103.25 per pack
1974 Topps Wax - $45 per pack
1984 Topps Cello - $19.75 per cello
Everyone please make payments to - Please use your screen name when you pay the BBCE so they can keep track of who has paid on their end.
Box breaks: (each Pack $see chart above)
1-5 packs---->$3.00 plus insurance (optional)
6 packs or more---->$5.00 plus insurance (optional)
The added insurance rates are exactly what has listed:
$50 and under---->$1.75
$50 to $100.00---->$2.25
$100.00 to $200.00---->$2.75
SOLD OUT 1972 (cards 133 through 263) Butkus, Simpson, Unitas, Stauhbach
1 gemint Paid
2 Toro
3 Toro
4 Toro
5 Toro
6 Toro
7 Toro
8 Toro
9 Toro
10 mcolney1 Paid
11 bobbyw8469 Paid
12 gameusedhoop Paid
13 daddymc Paid
14 daddymc Paid
15 nightcrawler Paid
16 nightcrawler Paid
17 BobS Paid
18 ssollars
19 ssollars
20 ssollars
21 thunderdan
22 thunderdan
23 thunderdan
24 BobS Paid
1 Leathtech Paid
2 gemint Paid
3 gemint Paid
4 mcolney1 Paid
5 nightcrawler Paid
6 nightcrawler Paid
7 nightcrawler Paid
8nightcrawler Paid
9nightcrawler Paid
10nightcrawler Paid
11nightcrawler Paid
12nightcrawler Paid
13nightcrawler Paid
14nightcrawler Paid
15nightcrawler Paid
16nightcrawler Paid
17nightcrawler Paid
18nightcrawler Paid
19nightcrawler Paid
20nightcrawler Paid
21nightcrawler Paid
22nightcrawler Paid
23nightcrawler Paid
24nightcrawler Paid
1 08HALA20 Paid
2 SidePocket Paid
3 SidePocket Paid
4 Sean1125 Paid
5 gemint Paid
6 gemint Paid
7 gemint Paid
8 Sportsamerica
9 Sportsamerica
10 mcolney1 Paid
11 mcolney1 Paid
12 scashaggy
13 scashaggy
14 scashaggy
15 kmnorton Paid
16 kmnorton Paid
17 BobS Paid
18 BobS Paid
19 BobS Paid
20 mknez Paid
21 mknez Paid
22 08HALA20 Paid
23 08HALA20 Paid
24 08HALA20 Paid

"Molon Labe"
Working on:
1973 Topps PSA 8+ (99.81%)
1976 Topps PSA 9+ (36.36%)
1977 Topps PSA 9+ (100%)
1938 Goudey (56.25%)
1951 Topps Redbacks PSA 8 (100%)
1952 Bowman PSA 7+ (63.10%)
1953 Topps PSA 5+ (91.24%)
1973 Topps PSA 8+ (70.76%)
1985 Fleer PSA 10 (54.85%)
1 - '72
1 - '74
2 - '84
<< <i>Better yet, what are the card #'s for series 2 in 1972? >>
Is it 133 through 263? ebay checklist
<< <i>Is it 133 through 263 >>
Great answer! The pics were even better, able to read all the names!
Put me down for one pack of 72's. Hope they sell out! - Masonic Regalia & Supply
I'd like a few packs of 72s, put me down for three please.
Thanks for the rip.
Working on:
1973 Topps PSA 8+ (99.81%)
1976 Topps PSA 9+ (36.36%)
1977 Topps PSA 9+ (100%)
1938 Goudey (56.25%)
1951 Topps Redbacks PSA 8 (100%)
1952 Bowman PSA 7+ (63.10%)
1953 Topps PSA 5+ (91.24%)
1973 Topps PSA 8+ (70.76%)
1985 Fleer PSA 10 (54.85%)
<< <i>You forgot about Bradshaw!!!!!!!!! >>
You are right Cory!!! Bradshaw, Mean Joe Greene, Larry Csonka, Tarkenton!!! The 2nd series is chock full of superstars!
I guess I'll settle on ripping 3 packs instead of the whole box!
I'll also take a '76 cello too, my last one went so well, I'll see if lightening can strike twice!
If anyone wants to give a few up, I'll take their spot.
Also - I feel like a d-bag but you can take me off the 84 list. Was only throwing them in with the 72's.
If I get a chance at the 72's, and there are still spots left, then I'll take them.
<< <i>Awe crap. Missed out on the 72's.
If anyone wants to give a few up, I'll take their spot.
Also - I feel like a d-bag but you can take me off the 84 list. Was only throwing them in with the 72's.
If I get a chance at the 72's, and there are still spots left, then I'll take them.
Sorry. >>
you can have my 72
And put me down for 4 packs of the 74s.
Thanks again.
<< <i>Paid. >>
Please DO NOT pay till we have sold everything out or have dropped boxes and closed everything.
stupid print dots
<< <i>Each Box has 24 packs and we'll need to sell the full box in order for this to go off.
The shipping and insurance charges will be the same as previous breaks. Please wait until we are sold out before sending payments
<< <i>
I thought it was on a box by box basis. My bad.
<< <i>if any 84's left I will take up to 5
Joe >>
You are in for 4 - thanks!
<< <i>
<< <i>if any 84's left I will take up to 5
Joe >>
You are in for 4 - thanks! >>
Thanks leathtech.
<< <i>At whatever time you call the rip, put me down for whatever's left of the 74s.
Thanks leathtech. >>
I'll give this till 1:30pm central time if anyone else wants in and then I'll shut this down... If anyone else wants in please let me know now. Right now the 1972 and 1984's have sold out - we still have room in 1974 and 1976.
thanks to Nightcrawler for offering to buy up the remaining 1974's.
Box breaks:
1-5 packs---->$3.00 plus insurance (optional)
6 packs or more---->$5.00 plus insurance (optional)
The added insurance rates are exactly what has listed:
$50 and under---->$1.75
$50 to $100.00---->$2.25
$100.00 to $200.00---->$2.75
<< <i>Ok so I've never ordered off bbce and I have no idea what to do. >>
Use Paypal to send your total amount to this email address:
Your total amount is the total for the packs plus shipping (insurance if wanted).
Make sure to note that the payment is for the CU Football Rip, the packs you purchased, and your CU username.
Wait until the packs arrive and have a blast ripping. - Masonic Regalia & Supply
Paid for my 72 pack. Good luck all!!
I'm paid, good luck and thanks again to leathtech.
"Molon Labe"
The money has been sent!
Kurt, you have sent $42.50 USD to Steve Hart.
Thanks leathtech and Steve