November 10, 2010 Chinese EMP Attack Prompts US Missile Strike After Cruise Ship Crippled
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Director Anatoly Perminov of the Russian Federal Space Agency states that an Arkon-1 military satellite monitoring the western coastal regions of North America detected an “EMP anomalous event” occurring on November 8th at 0600 Pacific Standard Time (-8 hours GMT) that bore the “direct signature” of a YJ-62 subsonic anti-ship missile fired from a Chinese People’s Liberation Navy Type 041 submarine (NATO code name Yuan-Class) [photo 2nd left] known to be patrolling approximately 200 kilometers off United States coast.
Nearly 11 hours after this EMP “event”, this report further says, Arkon-1 then detected a BGM-109 (Tomahawk) subsonic cruise missile launched from a US Navy Ohio-Class submarine operating off the coast of California [photo bottom left] on a “training mission” from its home port located at US Navy’s Kitsap Base in Washington State and was enroute to the largest American Naval Base on the US west coast in San Diego, California.
Note: A Russian military intelligence (GRU) addendum to this report states that the “training mission” the Ohio-Class submarine was on is related to a new US law passed this year allowing for the first time in history for women to serve on US Navy subs and was an “operational exercise” testing female Naval Officers competence prior to their first “operational deployment”.
The “immediate effect” of the Chinese Navy’s firing of their EMP missile, this report continues, was the “catastrophic crippling” of the US based cruise ship Carnival Splendor [photo 3rd left] that stranded its nearly 4,500 passengers and crew in a “dead in the water” boat and prompting the Americans to send the US Navy’s Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, warplanes, and supply aircraft to protect it from further attack after all of its electronic systems were destroyed.
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) such as was used upon the Carnival Splendor is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that causes rapidly changing electric fields (or magnetic fields) that when coupling with electrical/electronic systems produces damaging current and voltage surges destroying all non-hardened electrical systems.
The US Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) had previously warned that American ships were vulnerable to such attacks with EMP Assessment Group Leader of Blaise Corbett stating that “the consequences of failing to take appropriate precautions to protect fleet mission critical systems can ultimately prove catastrophic to the Navy’s mission.”
The purpose of this Chinese EMP upon an American ship, this report says, was twofold: 1.) A test of the EMP weapon itself that in a war against the Americans and would be used against their Naval Fleet and Marine Forces operating out of California and the west coast of the US, and 2.) A test of the response time for American retaliatory measures against any Chinese warship attacking the US and/or its interests in the Pacific.
The GRU further states that the timing of this attack was timed even more crucially due to China’s testing of America’s response time during a period when their President, as Commander In Chief of all US Military Forces, was out of the country, as Obama was as he was in India at the time.
The Americans response time of nearly 11 hours between the EMP attack on the Carnival Splendor and the US retaliatory strike, the GRU states, “virtually assured” that the Chinese submarine responsible for the attack escaped, but which they further point out may have been intended by the Americans so as not to escalate this crisis.
To the geo-political reason(s) for a Communist Chinese attack upon the Americans just days before the crucially important G-20 Summit in South Korea, which both President’s Hu and Obama will be attending, this report says was due to the United States, in essence, declaring total economic war upon the rest of the world by its printing of nearly $1 Trillion US Dollars in order to monetize its staggering debt and that China warned:
“If the United States can increase the volume of dollars and it can transmit inflation to other countries to lessen the pressure of debt, then it will bring about a catastrophic influence on the world.”
Typical of the United States propaganda media organs in telling their citizens about the true events relating to this crisis, it as if they have put themselves in total Cold War mode reminiscent of the 1940’s to the late 1980’s when they, likewise, failed to inform them of the many incidents or US Soldier deaths related to that conflict.
Most dangerous about the American people not being informed of the true and tragic state of our world today is their not being able to prepare for the much larger conflicts to come, especially in light of China’s Communists vowing that they won’t go down without a fight. A fight, mind you, that now appears not only a sure thing, but imminent.
Nearly 11 hours after this EMP “event”, this report further says, Arkon-1 then detected a BGM-109 (Tomahawk) subsonic cruise missile launched from a US Navy Ohio-Class submarine operating off the coast of California [photo bottom left] on a “training mission” from its home port located at US Navy’s Kitsap Base in Washington State and was enroute to the largest American Naval Base on the US west coast in San Diego, California.
Note: A Russian military intelligence (GRU) addendum to this report states that the “training mission” the Ohio-Class submarine was on is related to a new US law passed this year allowing for the first time in history for women to serve on US Navy subs and was an “operational exercise” testing female Naval Officers competence prior to their first “operational deployment”.
The “immediate effect” of the Chinese Navy’s firing of their EMP missile, this report continues, was the “catastrophic crippling” of the US based cruise ship Carnival Splendor [photo 3rd left] that stranded its nearly 4,500 passengers and crew in a “dead in the water” boat and prompting the Americans to send the US Navy’s Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, warplanes, and supply aircraft to protect it from further attack after all of its electronic systems were destroyed.
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) such as was used upon the Carnival Splendor is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that causes rapidly changing electric fields (or magnetic fields) that when coupling with electrical/electronic systems produces damaging current and voltage surges destroying all non-hardened electrical systems.
The US Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) had previously warned that American ships were vulnerable to such attacks with EMP Assessment Group Leader of Blaise Corbett stating that “the consequences of failing to take appropriate precautions to protect fleet mission critical systems can ultimately prove catastrophic to the Navy’s mission.”
The purpose of this Chinese EMP upon an American ship, this report says, was twofold: 1.) A test of the EMP weapon itself that in a war against the Americans and would be used against their Naval Fleet and Marine Forces operating out of California and the west coast of the US, and 2.) A test of the response time for American retaliatory measures against any Chinese warship attacking the US and/or its interests in the Pacific.
The GRU further states that the timing of this attack was timed even more crucially due to China’s testing of America’s response time during a period when their President, as Commander In Chief of all US Military Forces, was out of the country, as Obama was as he was in India at the time.
The Americans response time of nearly 11 hours between the EMP attack on the Carnival Splendor and the US retaliatory strike, the GRU states, “virtually assured” that the Chinese submarine responsible for the attack escaped, but which they further point out may have been intended by the Americans so as not to escalate this crisis.
To the geo-political reason(s) for a Communist Chinese attack upon the Americans just days before the crucially important G-20 Summit in South Korea, which both President’s Hu and Obama will be attending, this report says was due to the United States, in essence, declaring total economic war upon the rest of the world by its printing of nearly $1 Trillion US Dollars in order to monetize its staggering debt and that China warned:
“If the United States can increase the volume of dollars and it can transmit inflation to other countries to lessen the pressure of debt, then it will bring about a catastrophic influence on the world.”
Typical of the United States propaganda media organs in telling their citizens about the true events relating to this crisis, it as if they have put themselves in total Cold War mode reminiscent of the 1940’s to the late 1980’s when they, likewise, failed to inform them of the many incidents or US Soldier deaths related to that conflict.
Most dangerous about the American people not being informed of the true and tragic state of our world today is their not being able to prepare for the much larger conflicts to come, especially in light of China’s Communists vowing that they won’t go down without a fight. A fight, mind you, that now appears not only a sure thing, but imminent.
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Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
(x2,Meltdown),cajun,Swampboy,SeaEagleCoins,InYHWHWeTrust, bstat1020,Spooly,timrutnat,oilstates200, vpr, guitarwes,
mariner67, and Mikes coins
Tinfoil hats!!!
(x2,Meltdown),cajun,Swampboy,SeaEagleCoins,InYHWHWeTrust, bstat1020,Spooly,timrutnat,oilstates200, vpr, guitarwes,
mariner67, and Mikes coins
Tinfoil hats!!!
Without jumping to conclusions, you must first ask yourself "was it a plane, or a missile?"
Now, if you believe that it was a plane, I would simply pose a followup question, "why would anyone be so gullible?"
If you can be ok with calling someone nuts for seeing what they see, what's next?
I don't see this thread lasting very long with the current title.
Lastly, is gold responding to this story, or to the startup of QE2? Either way, I'm surprised that gold isn't more bouyant in response to QE2.
Is G-20 over yet?
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>Lastly, is gold responding to this story, or to the startup of QE2? Either way, I'm surprised that gold isn't more bouyant in response to QE2. >>
I believe the consensus is: China may raise interest rates.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
Not everyone would have known that. Consensus seems to confirm that it was a plane. Good deal!
I knew it would happen.
The fictional scare stories sound like great fun to write.
Obvious errors to the lay person.
Secret missle launch by China followed 11 hours later by Tomahawk missle lauch by the US.
The report should have gone on to say the Chinese submarine was caught off guard on the surface and damaged.
Did we just launch a missle at nothing?
Also, I think this EMP story is bunk. There were reports of passengers using their cell phones as they got towed closer to the coast. Their cell phones would have not been working if there was an EMP. There was also reports that the ship had four working phones that passengers were lining up to use. How come those electronics did not work?
If we hear reports that passengers said their watches, cell phones, electronic scooters, game boys, etc did now work, then that was an EMP. So far, we have not heard such. No way you can keep something of that nature quiet with so many people involved.
<< <i>Note: A Russian military intelligence (GRU) addendum to this report states that the “training mission” the Ohio-Class submarine was on is related to a new US law passed this year allowing for the first time in history for women to serve on US Navy subs and was an “operational exercise” testing female Naval Officers competence prior to their first “operational deployment”. >>
OK... so now we Blame it on Female Navy Officers with itchy trigger fingers?
<< <i>I looked at some youtube videos of SLBM's and there are some contrails. Not as big as the one in question. So maybe some SLBM's leave contrails and some don't. There appear to be many versions of these things.
Also, I think this EMP story is bunk. There were reports of passengers using their cell phones as they got towed closer to the coast. Their cell phones would have not been working if there was an EMP. There was also reports that the ship had four working phones that passengers were lining up to use. How come those electronics did not work?
If we hear reports that passengers said their watches, cell phones, electronic scooters, game boys, etc did now work, then that was an EMP. So far, we have not heard such. No way you can keep something of that nature quiet with so many people involved. >>
Luckily, those guests were all partying in the ships new Tesla Room. It is a special area of the ship designed specifially for a Cirque du Soliel performance which dazzles the audience using elctrical displays. Devices in that room were protected by the shielding which normally protects the rest of the ship from the violent electical and magnetic fields.
It All Makes So Much Sense!
<< <i>
Luckily, those guests were all partying in the ships new Tesla Room. It is a special area of the ship designed specifially for a Cirque du Soliel performance which dazzles the audience using elctrical displays. Devices in that room were protected by the shielding which normally protects the rest of the ship from the violent electical and magnetic fields.
It All Makes So Much Sense! >>
Good one! You should really start that Enquire website...
For 35 years, General Thomas McInerney served as a pilot, commander, and strategic planner in the U.S. Air Force.
He retired from military service as Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Director of the Defense Performance Review, reporting to the secretary of defense. He led the Pentagon's Reinventing Government effort, visiting more than 100 leading-edge commercial companies to assimilate their ideas about business re-engineering.
General McInerney graduated from the United States Military Academy and earned a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University. He also attended the Armed Forces Staff College and National War College.
General McInerney / November 10, 2010
"I watched the video a dozen times. I am absolutely certain that [the plume] is not an aircraft. It was likely a missile launched from a submarine."
things we don't know that we don't know" We are all mushrooms, kept
in the dark and inundated with fertilizer.
<< <i>everyone in the ship was in that "protected" room? Every kid with a gameboy? Every honey mooning couple devices? Every old lady with an electronic scooter? Every guest with a hearing aid? What about those 4 phones used by guests? Why did they work? >>
I think MsMorrisine was kidding...
I have wrapped my head in tin foil and stand ready to defend the beaches of Santa Monica from
the Red Chinese menace.
<< <i>Now we know how China will attack the US Navy. They will inactivate all the toilets on the ship.
I have wrapped my head in tin foil and stand ready to defend the beaches of Santa Monica from
the Red Chinese menace.
Are you saying you are ready for the "Battle of Los Angeles II" ??
"I watched the video a dozen times. I am absolutely certain that [the plume] is not an aircraft. It was likely a missile launched from a submarine."
From the "open mind" Department......ok pod-gatherers. Comments?
I knew it would happen.
However, I am not buying the Chinese attack sub-plot.
<< <i>I am still not convinced on the contrail question.
However, I am not buying the Chinese attack sub-plot. >>
I agree. I'm also very aware what could happen if a EMP attack came to fruition. If this was one it certainly sucked. MJ
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<< <i>
<< <i>Note: A Russian military intelligence (GRU) addendum to this report states that the “training mission” the Ohio-Class submarine was on is related to a new US law passed this year allowing for the first time in history for women to serve on US Navy subs and was an “operational exercise” testing female Naval Officers competence prior to their first “operational deployment”. >>
OK... so now we Blame it on Female Navy Officers with itchy trigger fingers? >>
There have already been women serving as commanders of US Navy subs for many years.
I'm moving to mexico .... time for them to have some illegal aliens (I will be wearing one of Bear's tin foil hats). Or better yet, think I'll go to China and sit on the great wall and write poetry. Isn't that what Mrs. Obamashama said we should do? Write poetry?