Burbank is good

EDIT- It was more of a misunderstanding than anything else. Burbank fixed the situation to my satisfaction and I would continue to buy from them.
This discussion has been closed.
-CDs Nuts, 1/20/14
*1956 Topps baseball- 97.4% complete, 7.24 GPA
*Clemente basic set: 85.0% complete, 7.89 GPA
Obviously it's their card and they can do what they want with it. But after I essentially send them a $22 gift, I would expect them not to play hardball and start nickel and diming the guy that just gave them the gift. In my response, I asked how they'd feel if they gave a homeless person a $20 bill and then the guy asks for $5 more.
It really just goes to show how little they care about their customers, repeat business, or if their cards even sell.
Edit, sorry saw you already sent it
it seems like they were willing to work with you as a thanks you and I don't think meeting you in the middle
is unreasonable.. you said yourself they are not usually looking for offers but in this instance they considered it
due to your honesty.. you telling them where they could go negates the original good deed here
And, no good deed shall go unpunished.
NEVER expect reciprocal consideration.
Virtue must always be its own reward.
I am not fond of giving discounts but, under the described
circumstances, I would have accepted the offer.
Hello lady, I have your lost dog; give me a reward or I'll kill it.
Nice guys finish last...
For some, its all about the Benjamins...
Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
- uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
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I don't expect a 'reward' for being honest, but I also don't expect to be chiseled for such a small amount from a company that describes themselves as one of the biggest in an industry full of scumbags, thieves and false paypal claims when I've shown that I'm not only a good customer, but also an honest one.
they were willing to do $8 off.. not too bad..
it seems you do want to be rewarded.. I mean after all.. you got the cards.. so if you didn't actually pay them.. it would be stealing
so it isn't really doing the right thing.. as it is doing what you agreed to do in the first place.
( I will throw in this disclaimer.. I agree.. you did the right thing as I think many people wouldn't)
but because you honored your end of the original sale doesn't mean you should get to lowball someone and expect them to have to take it..
if it were me ( and I am guessing you too, if the shoe was on the other foot) would gladly eat that $22 and not listen to a buyer who wanted to be
compinsated for doing the right thing. It the end it seems like it wasn't the most decent thing after all.. since it kind of came with strings attached
<< <i>but because you honored your end of the original sale doesn't mean you should get to lowball someone and expect them to have to take it..
if it were me ( and I am guessing you too, if the shoe was on the other foot) would gladly eat that $22 and not listen to a buyer who wanted to be
compinsated for doing the right thing. It the end it seems like it wasn't the most decent thing after all.. since it kind of came with strings attached >>
I doubt if his offer could be considered lowball, since Burbank is overpriced on everything by about 300%
And IMO, Burbank coming down $53 to $40 on a card they likely have $5 into, isn't exactly offering compensation to the buyer
Trying to negotiate $5 out of somebody is chiseling, I don't care how you look at it. I expect it from somebody I don't know; like you said, it's part of doing business. But I don't expect it from somebody I just did a favor for. The only strings attached to my 'act of decency' were don't nickel and dime me after $22 fell out of the sky because of me or you're going to lose my business.
And yes, you are correct that I'd tell someone who gave me $22 to go screw himself if he started demanding favors in return. In fact, I'd give it back to him and tell him to eff off. But I also wouldn't try and squeeze him for $5 extra in our next transaction, I'd either accept his offer or politely decline.
I think possibly your good deed may have opened a door for you
to negotiate future deals where previously you fell short?
but said door was probably since slammed shut and locked.. lol
I don't know..
So I just got through reading a thread about some guy calling out another person for giving them a lowball offer. Now this thread is about a guy complaining that somebody won't accept their lower offer. Can't have it both ways folks.
<< <i>We all may see things differently but coming back with a counter offer would not have made me mad.
Obviously it's their card and they can do what they want with it. But after I essentially send them a $22 gift, I would expect them not to play hardball and start nickel and diming the guy that just gave them the gift. ll. >>
You'd EXPECT them not to get the most out of you that they can? You're the one that, as you said, just gave them a $22 gift....I would have asked for $10 for than the list price because you like giving money away so much.
<< <i>I don't think it is chiseling
Trying to negotiate $5 out of somebody is chiseling, I don't care how you look at it. I expect it from somebody I don't know; like you said, it's part of doing business. But I don't expect it from somebody I just did a favor for. The only strings attached to my 'act of decency' were don't nickel and dime me after $22 fell out of the sky because of me or you're going to lose my business.
And yes, you are correct that I'd tell someone who gave me $22 to go screw himself if he started demanding favors in return. In fact, I'd give it back to him and tell him to eff off. But I also wouldn't try and squeeze him for $5 extra in our next transaction, I'd either accept his offer or politely decline. >>
It's a good thing trying to negotiate $13 out of somebody is not chiseling.
You did the proper thing, and if I was the seller, heck yeah you could have the other card for $40(and I would have at the least given free shipping as well.) However, I don't think sending a counteroffer for 5 more bucks is worse than declining altogether
Looking at it from a different angle, I'm quite sure someone else who said they are in the card at $5 or less, but consider all the millions of cards they are sitting on, paying for a building/store front and all the costs associated, that sit and sit and sit and no one needs and are mostly worthless. Basic operating expenses, employees, and listing fees(anyone that sells on Ebay currently knows how rough it is), and most cards are so cheap in price if you don't have a large profit percentage then you won't be around long. From what I have witnessed and talking to other large sellers, everyone agrees that many cards are weak and all fees continue to rise.
In all seriousness, I don't find anything wrong with how you went about things. First off, you did the right thing by letting them know that you were going to resend payment for cards you could just as easily kept your mouth shut about. Then, in an effort to send more money their way, made a more than reasonable request for a card that was still overpriced. I'd say piss on 'em, but they have a niche - lots of rare cards, and the patience to sit on those cards until someone comes along and pulls the trigger. I've gotten the 'card is no longer in our inventory' email in the past, so when it happens to others, I'm never surprised. I am somewhat stunned you got the cards after getting the not-so-surprising email.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
<< <i>Me trying to be a decent human being and all (many here would disagree), >>
Lee sent me some fine Irish Whiskey, Lee's the greatest man that ever lived.
If If I were the seller and a buyer did this I would of said "Holy $heet!! my bad... I can't believe this happened thanks for being honest" and just gave you the card you asked about but that's just me..
I never expect anything from anybody...Including buyers of my goods.. Looks like they are the ones that lucked out and actaully had a good buyer this time..
by the way good job Lee.. and lol at some of the replies here
I can't believe it! This is the first time that I can say that you are wrong.
What is the world coming to?
<< <i>Hmmm... I don't know maybe it's the beer talking but...
If If I were the seller and a buyer did this I would of said "Holy $heet!! my bad... I can't believe this happened thanks for being honest" and just gave you the card you asked about but that's just me..
I never expect anything from anybody...Including buyers of my goods.. Looks like they are the ones that lucked out and actaully had a good buyer this time..
by the way good job Lee.. and lol at some of the replies here
What Dizzle said, and I probably would have given the card to Lee as well, and I guarantee with 100 % certainty I would have never tried to negotiate another $5 bucks out of him after his Honesty!!!!!!!!!!!
I would say that conservatively over the last few years I have given $100's and $100's of dollars away of FREE cards related to Customer Service!! Sometimes we (And They) tend to forget that on E-bay it's still a business based on Customer Service!!!!!
IMO they are under no obligation to award you anything.
And like some are lol'n some of the remarks here you can bet your a&&
the other side is laughing just as hard.
<< <i>I will say this though, it is a funny situation.
IMO they are under no obligation to award you anything.
And like some are lol'n some of the remarks here you can bet your a&&
the other side is laughing just as hard.
Steve >>
Very good point Steve.
I generally try to make good points.
Yours was just as good.
to cause a slight regurgitation: The onions I ate are repeating on me.
<< <i>This thread is worthless if it doesn't escalate somehow. >>
I am calling Burbank on this issue....
Hi Lee.
Before this gets worse than it already has, I need to explain something to you.
I left early yesterday, and the person who took over for you (responding to my emails) did not know what the situation was between me and you. He got the email, and asked my manager, what's the best we can do? (My manager doesn't know what's going either) I am very sorry about this.
If you would like to card for $40.00, I can go ahead and sell it to you for that price. Believe me Lee, I am very sorry about this mess.
Please let me know if your still interested in it.
Let me be the first to say that I jumped the gun and probably shouldn't have started this thread for a couple days to give them a chance to respond, and for that I apologize. I will now edit the title and OP so no more harm is done.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
this is stuff you cant make up...
Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
- uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
Then in my eyes you are still batting 1000.
"Molon Labe"
<< <i>I suspect Eddie is a reader of this forum. >>
I suspect he is not. Eddie s a really nice guy but I don't think he collects cards/memorabilia or even follows sports that closely.
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That was very classy to come back to the board and straighten out a misunderstanding.
<< <i>I am super impressed with the OP.......... >>
I find him to be unimpressive and a bit of a clod.
<< <i>EDIT- It was more of a misunderstanding than anything else. Burbank fixed the situation to my satisfaction and I would continue to buy from them.
Lee >>
What a douchey cop out
<< <i>I suspect Eddie is a reader of this forum. >>
full of rats
<< <i>every forum has its rats. CBT has its fair share as well, unfortunately. >>
Probably the same ones with no job and nothing better to do all day long.