9/13/10 finds: 3 Mercs and a Silver Roosie

Took the day off to do some detecting since the days are getting shorter. I guess I won't make metal detctecting my primary job 'cause I'd starve!
Ended with 7 wheat cents and 4 silver dimes. The dimes are:
1941 Merc (a litte crusty)
1940 Merc
1944 Merc
1957 Roosevelt Dime
Also got a couple of junk rings and a dateless buffalo nickel.

Ended with 7 wheat cents and 4 silver dimes. The dimes are:
1941 Merc (a litte crusty)
1940 Merc
1944 Merc
1957 Roosevelt Dime
Also got a couple of junk rings and a dateless buffalo nickel.

Lafayette Grading Set
Thanks Bob! You still blow me away with change each month. My whole year's total is still less than your August sum.
Alright Ricko, you got a deal. I'll reluctantly keep my day job.
Jesse, next time I'm down in your neck of the woods, we should get together and have a "detecting date." That state is full of history... and old coins!