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Arlodis Chapman 105MPH!!!

This is pretty cool.

The sleaper but major prospect steps up to the plate at the right time.

The 105 MPH will be heard around the world. This is serious heat and he is wild. Bring him up and turn him lose. This could be real fun. You need another major prospect that is a pitcher to step forward and cary the torch.

I pulled his card out of the five packs I bought and was initially thrilled because I had heard the hype when he signed. The price in the book did not.

I only have his base Bowman Chrome card so I have no real money in the race. I just want someone to come off the bench and crush it.


  • 2 months from now he will be like any other major pitching prospect
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What does that mean? Do you not expect him to do well?
  • While 105 mph is impressive, he'll most likely be used in a reliever role....it's just hard to get excited about a relief pitcher.
  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭
    There are Youtube videos on him .

    I don't see 105 MPH , but he does pitch well.--- Sonny
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am not up on all the new ball players. This just sounds like a devastating fast ball that if he can throw a few of these he will be tough to hit.
  • Nobody can throw that hard through the course of a season without damage to the arm even in the reliever role the wear and tear will make for a short career. There are exceptions but they are trly rare
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Whats a sleaper?
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't have a current price on his card but at one point it was a $5 card and Strasburg was as much as $60. That is a sleeper.
  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭
    I never heard of this 'Arlodis Chapman' character, how's his hitting.

  • << <i>While 105 mph is impressive, he'll most likely be used in a reliever role....it's just hard to get excited about a relief pitcher. >>

    I have been preaching Chapman's ability for a few months now. He is a beast and will be called up as a reliever just like Joba but with much more ability than Joba.

    Chapman has a 92 MPH curveball and a 80 MPH off speed pitch that will make him a starter SOON!!
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Once again I am no expert on MLB right now.

    I thought the Reds bet the farm on this guy and have very high hopes for him.

    Why would he only be a set up guy?

    I was under the impression they were looking at him as a franchise player and were hoping for a dominant starter.

    If I am wrong please let me know.
  • He will be called up as a reliever. Eventually he will be a starter very similar to Stras but left handed.
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They should call him up soon. I lefty with nasty stuff is so hard to hit. I have no clue if this guy is the next somebody but MLB needs a fresh story quick. Strasburg sold tickets, TV time, baseball cards and I am sure National's merchandise.

    This guy does not have the all American feel but if he throws this hard I am sure the baseball public will want to see him. I say turn him loose and let's see what he has got.
  • I couldn't care less now. I be drunk
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Me too.

  • << <i>Me too. >>

    Nite nite before I say something stupid
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Drunk Ebay purchase. Let's see what happens!!
  • As a reds fan I'm excited for him to come up as a relief pitcher sometime this season. Once he is ready he will be a starter! Straussburg is overrated how about some love for my man Mike Leake, he has had a very impressive rookie year! Not to mention Travis Wood in the minors. Are pitching future is looking pretty good in Cincinnati!
    who dey!

    looking for 1964 topps baseball psa graded 7+
  • Anyone see some racial undertones why his card isn't taking off like Strasburg? He's a dark skinned Cuban who did come through the hype machine here in the States. People have been waiting on Strasburg since his jr. year in college. I mean Chapman may not have the control of Strasburg, but still ...

  • << <i>Anyone see some racial undertones why his card isn't taking off like Strasburg? He's a dark skinned Cuban who did come through the hype machine here in the States. People have been waiting on Strasburg since his jr. year in college. I mean Chapman may not have the control of Strasburg, but still ... >>

  • shagrotn77shagrotn77 Posts: 5,617 ✭✭✭✭
    I read the same story and my first thought was...BS. I know all about Chapman, but there's no way he's throwing 2-3 MPH faster than anyone else in the WORLD. I think that scout needs to get his radar gun re-calibrated.
    "My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Our childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When we were insolent we were placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard really."
  • lanemyer85lanemyer85 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭
    I have been preaching Chapman's ability for a few months now. He is a beast and will be called up as a reliever just like Joba but with much more ability than Joba. Chapman has a 92 MPH curveball and a 80 MPH off speed pitch that will make him a starter SOON

    Chapman doesn't throw a curveball. He has a fastball, slider, and a change. There's nothing similar to Strasburg and Chapman aside from velocity. Strasburg has total command of 4 plus pitches (FB, change, slurve, 2 seamer). Chapman has command of nothing. He's averaging 5 BB/9 which is awful. One of the reasons he is in the bullpen with the other being his slider is flat, and his change-up is worse than mine. Doesn't mean that eventually he could become David Price with more velocity, but at this point he's merely Matt Anderson or Kyle Farnsworth. There's nothing "racial" about it. Strasburg came out of SDSU as a finished product. Chapman is still a project.
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here was the lottery ticket I bought last night.

    I don't think race has anything to do with the issue.

    It will take him coming up to the bigs and blowing some batters away for his cards to get a lift. If that happens his cards may catch fire.

  • << <i>They should call him up soon. I lefty with nasty stuff is so hard to hit. I have no clue if this guy is the next somebody but MLB needs a fresh story quick. Strasburg sold tickets, TV time, baseball cards and I am sure National's merchandise. This guy does not have the all American feel but if he throws this hard I am sure the baseball public will want to see him. I say turn him loose and let's see what he has got. >>

    This reasoning is why Stras is getting surgery and out for a couple years

  • << <i>

    << <i>They should call him up soon. I lefty with nasty stuff is so hard to hit. I have no clue if this guy is the next somebody but MLB needs a fresh story quick. Strasburg sold tickets, TV time, baseball cards and I am sure National's merchandise. This guy does not have the all American feel but if he throws this hard I am sure the baseball public will want to see him. I say turn him loose and let's see what he has got. >>

    This reasoning is why Stras is getting surgery and out for a couple years >>

    He's not out for a couple years. He will be back midseason next year. Plus, his injury was a fluke. He wasn't rushed. He was babied.
  • He'll be out for the entire 2011 season.

    As for Chapman, it would be smart for them to use him as a closer for now
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Bill I bought the card I posted for $138 inlcuding shipping. Is that an okay price for that card? I see it is low book for $120 if I am looking at the right listing.
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    book value is almost completely meaningless, research actually completed listings
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes I am aware Beckett makes up prices.

    I bought it as a lottery ticket. I don't follow modern cards closely that is why I was asking. If you have any sales data you could share that would be good. It is not a huge deal to me I just thought it would be fun to throw a few bucks at this guy and if he pops it would be fun to have some money on him.
  • billwaltonsbeardbillwaltonsbeard Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭✭
    how does Chapman look in tights and a feather boa?
  • fkwfkw Posts: 1,766 ✭✭
    105 MPH..... then you woke up!

    A catcher will have trouble reacting to anything over 102... within the strike zone, let alone a wild 102+

    A smart "thrower" like that will bring it down a notch and learn some control... or he will become another Steve Dalkowski

  • << <i>He'll be out for the entire 2011 season.

    As for Chapman, it would be smart for them to use him as a closer for now >>

    Strasburgs injury is identical to Josh Johnsons in 2007. Johnson was out 11 months. Like I said, Strasburg will be back for a few starts next season.

    Chapman will be used as a middle reliever and eventually will be targeted for the rotation, very similar to Joba.
  • mtcardsmtcards Posts: 3,340 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Anyone see some racial undertones why his card isn't taking off like Strasburg? He's a dark skinned Cuban who did come through the hype machine here in the States. People have been waiting on Strasburg since his jr. year in college. I mean Chapman may not have the control of Strasburg, but still ... >>

    No, some people look for racial undertones in everything. Those people are, in my opinion, more sick than those that actually have the racist problem. Please keep carp like that off the boards, I get enough of that nonsense watching the nightly news

    The reason why Chapmans cards arent taking off like Strasburg

    (A) Strasburg has been on the radar for a few years now, unlike Chapman
    (B) Strasburg has actually pitched in the majors and had success
    (C) Strasburg played for Team USA. There are still people here that support there own country.
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    if anyone interested I have two of his cards on ebay right now.....chapman that is...auction
  • 08HALA2008HALA20 Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭

    << <i>if anyone interested I have two of his cards on ebay right now.....chapman that is...auction >>

    What no "best offer" ? image

    The Purple refractor title is incorrect.


  • << <i>[No, some people look for racial undertones in everything. Those people are, in my opinion, more sick than those that actually have the racist problem.

    Probably the dumbest post of the year.
  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>He'll be out for the entire 2011 season.

    As for Chapman, it would be smart for them to use him as a closer for now >>

    Strasburgs injury is identical to Josh Johnsons in 2007. Johnson was out 11 months. Like I said, Strasburg will be back for a few starts next season.

    Chapman will be used as a middle reliever and eventually will be targeted for the rotation, very similar to Joba. >>

    The typical return time is 12-18 months, but there are a few pitchers that have turned it around in less time. The Nats have Jordan Zimmerman as their current example. Given the investment they've made in Strasburg, I would not expect to see him back in the bigs until the Spring of 2012 assuming everything goes perfectly with the surgery and the rehab...
  • lanemyer85lanemyer85 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭
    typically it takes an additional year after the initial return date for a pitcher to get his command and full velocity back, but for the most part every recent star level pitcher aside from Francisco Liriano pitched pretty well almost immediately after the initial return. As expected, the hit and BB rates fluctuates...but even in some cases like Burnett's, his command improved.

    Aj Burnett

    Chris Carpenter #1

    Chris Carpenter #2

    John Smoltz

    Francisco Liriano #1 & #2

    Josh Johnson

    Kerry Wood

    Tim Hudson
  • so what year card is Chapman true rookie card. 2009 or 2010?
  • Less hype than Strasburg.....maybe, but the Reds paid him 3 times more!!!! Even if he threw 95 he'd be one of the hardest throwing lefties in the big leagues, therefore, there should be big some skeptisicm.

    #1. He is on a playoff team that rushed Mike Leake to the big leagues with no Milb time. If he were ready, he'd be there.

    #2. Command issues. Most young hard throwing pitchers have command issues. 5bb/9 can be tolerated as a young guy.

    #3. How will he pitch without his best fastball?

    Here is some optimism.

    #1. It's August and this guy is still throwing 100mph. He can survive a season.

    #2. He's getting a lot of K's per/9.

    #3. His splits are good against R and L.

    Let's learn something from Strasburg and give this guy a chance to excede expectations.

  • BigRedMachineBigRedMachine Posts: 2,563 ✭✭✭
    He'll get called up to the big club, probably before the end of the week, if not before the end of the day today.

    Should be exciting to watch. Reminds me of when the Angels brought up a young K-Rod during their postseason run a few years back.
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I bought this one yesterday for $25. I am ready for this guy to throw some gas!
  • Now that I have everyone distracted by Chapman, let me go search ebay for Sterlin Castro and Dustin Ackley rookies.
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>if anyone interested I have two of his cards on ebay right now.....chapman that is...auction >>

    What no "best offer" ? image

    The Purple refractor title is incorrect.

    Joe >>

    Did PSA make a mistake on the label?? I don't understand.....not being an expert on modern I want to make sure I am saying the correct thing about the card. doesn't Purple ref mean purple refractor??? thanks al.

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>if anyone interested I have two of his cards on ebay right now.....chapman that is...auction >>

    What no "best offer" ? image

    The Purple refractor title is incorrect.

    Joe >>

    Did PSA make a mistake on the label?? I don't understand.....not being an expert on modern I want to make sure I am saying the correct thing about the card. doesn't Purple ref mean purple refractor??? thanks al. >>

    I think someone got confused. It's a purple refractor.
  • digicatdigicat Posts: 8,551 ✭✭

    << <i>so what year card is Chapman true rookie card. 2009 or 2010? >>

    When you say "true rookie card", what definition do you accept?

    Some folks go with the traditional definition of "rookie card", and consider the first year a player appears in major card sets as a "true rookie cards".

    MLB showed up in 2006 and tried to force their own definition of "rookie card" on the hobby, saying that the only true rookie cards are those with the official MLB rookie card logo, which usually coincides with their MLB debut.

    So, by the typical hobby definition for instance, Chapman's rookie cards are in 2009 (2009 Donruss Elite, 2009 Bowman Chrome WBC, etc). By the MLB official definition, Chapman doesn't have a rookie card yet. If he makes his debut before the end of the year, I'm sure 2010 Bowman Chrome Draft will catch him. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until 2011.
    My Giants collection want list

    WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
  • 08HALA2008HALA20 Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Now that I have everyone distracted by Chapman, let me go search ebay for Sterlin Castro and Dustin Ackley rookies. >>



    I have a Dustin Ackley auction on watchlist and don't know why. image Lot of 20 Bowman.

  • digicatdigicat Posts: 8,551 ✭✭

    << <i>Now that I have everyone distracted by Chapman, let me go search ebay for Sterlin Castro and Dustin Ackley rookies. >>

    I got my Buster Posey rookies last year when no one was paying attention. Don't really care about any of those other kids. image
    My Giants collection want list

    WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25

  • << <i>

    << <i>Now that I have everyone distracted by Chapman, let me go search ebay for Sterlin Castro and Dustin Ackley rookies. >>



    I have a Dustin Ackley auction on watchlist and don't know why. image Lot of 20 Bowman.

    Joe >>

    Now that I have everyone distracted by Ackley, let me go search eBay for.........?
  • digicatdigicat Posts: 8,551 ✭✭

    << <i>Now that I have everyone distracted by Ackley, let me go search eBay for.........? >>

    I heard that some kid named Arlodis has a 105 mph fastball...
    My Giants collection want list

    WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
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