MSA Discs

Would anyone be able to rank each MSA Disc set on a score of 1-10 based on degree of difficulty of obtaining using their own personal collecting experience?
The 1982 FBI discs are almost impossible to find. Are any of the others anywhere near that difficult to find?
1976 Buckmans Discs
1976 Carousel Discs
1976 Crane Potato Chips Discs
1976 Dairy Isle Discs
1976 Isalys/Sweet William Discs
1976 MSA Sports Blank Back Discs
1976 Orbackers Discs
1976 Red Barn Discs
1976 Safelon Discs
1976 Towne Club Discs
1976 Wiffle Ball Discs
1977 Burger Chefs Funmeal Discs
1977 Chilly Willee Discs
1977 Daily Isle Discs
1977 Detroit Caesers Discs
1977 Holiday Inn Discs
1977 MSA Customized Sports Discs
1977 Pepsi Cola Baseball Stars
1977 Saga Discs
1977 Wendy's Discs
1977 Zipz Discs
1978 Big T/Tastee Discs
1978 Pepsi Cola Superstars - Handcut
1978 Saga Discs
1981 MSA Discs Peter Pan/Sunbeam Bakery
1982 FBI Discs
1982 On Deck Cookies Discs
Thanks in advance.
The 1982 FBI discs are almost impossible to find. Are any of the others anywhere near that difficult to find?
1976 Buckmans Discs
1976 Carousel Discs
1976 Crane Potato Chips Discs
1976 Dairy Isle Discs
1976 Isalys/Sweet William Discs
1976 MSA Sports Blank Back Discs
1976 Orbackers Discs
1976 Red Barn Discs
1976 Safelon Discs
1976 Towne Club Discs
1976 Wiffle Ball Discs
1977 Burger Chefs Funmeal Discs
1977 Chilly Willee Discs
1977 Daily Isle Discs
1977 Detroit Caesers Discs
1977 Holiday Inn Discs
1977 MSA Customized Sports Discs
1977 Pepsi Cola Baseball Stars
1977 Saga Discs
1977 Wendy's Discs
1977 Zipz Discs
1978 Big T/Tastee Discs
1978 Pepsi Cola Superstars - Handcut
1978 Saga Discs
1981 MSA Discs Peter Pan/Sunbeam Bakery
1982 FBI Discs
1982 On Deck Cookies Discs
Thanks in advance.
There is also a 1975 MSA [Test?] set that is pretty darn difficult.
Agree that 1982 FBI is by and far the hardest listed.
1976 Buckmans Discs = 2
1976 Carousel Discs = 7
1976 Crane Potato Chips Discs =1
1976 Dairy Isle Discs = 8
1976 Isalys/Sweet William Discs = 1
1976 MSA Sports Blank Back Discs = 6
1976 Orbackers Discs = 5
1976 Red Barn Discs = 8
1976 Safelon Discs = 4
1976 Towne Club Discs = 2
1976 Wiffle Ball Discs = 3
1977 Burger Chefs Funmeal Discs = 3
There's also a disc that's the same front as the Peter Pan and On Deck, but it has MSA Promo stuff on the back. It's about a 7 in difficulty.
1981 MSA Discs Peter Pan/Sunbeam Bakery = 3
1982 FBI Discs = Impossible
1982 On Deck Cookies Discs = 3
There's also a disc that has the same front as the Peter Pan and On Deck, but it has MSA Promo stuff on the back. It's about a 6 in difficulty.
CDsNuts, 1/9/15
Here would be my guess as to toughest to easiest:
1983 FBI Discs
1982 FBI Discs
1975 Test Discs (w/ Seaver being the toughest by far)
1977 Cup Lids
1977 Saga Discs
1976 Red Barn Discs
1977 Wendy's Discs
1977 Customized Sports Discs
1977 Holiday Inn Discs
1976 Wiffle Ball Discs
1982 Roy Rogers NY Yankees Cup Lids
1981 Promo Discs
1985 Thom McAn Discs
1985 Subway Discs
1977 Burger Chefs Funmeal Discs
1976 Blank Back Discs
1976 Carousel Discs
1977 Detroit Caesers Discs
1977 Chilly Willee Discs
1978 Saga Discs
1976 Buckmans Discs
1977 Daily Isle Discs
1981 Peter Pan/Sunbeam Bakery Discs
1977 Pepsi Cola Baseball Stars
1976 Safelon Discs
1976 Towne Club Discs
1976 Orbackers Discs
1982 On Deck Cookies Discs
1982 Burger King Braves Cup Lids
1977 Zipz Discs
1978 Big T/Tastee Discs
1976 Dairy Isle Discs
1976 Isalys/Sweet William Discs
1976 Crane Potato Chips Discs
Edited to add both years of FBI discs.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
collecting 1977 topps baseball in psa 9 and psa 10
I have 2 Brooks Robinson unpunched cup lids for sale....50.00 a piece.
Thanks Scott
<< <i>Thanks everyone for your responses. Out of curiousity, are both Saga discs (1977 and 1978) hard to find or is one harder than the other? >>
77's are much harder to find.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
cup lid is real tough.
Carousel backs are fun, because I've got half a dozen different ones, but not necessarily
hard to find. I suppose there are potentially a couple hundred different Carousel backs, as
they were hand stamped by the local Carousel franchise.
Buckmans, Crane, Dairy Isle, Isaly's, Blank Back, Orbakers, Safelon, Towne Club,
Wiffle, Burger Chef, Chilly Willee, Holiday Inn, Wendy's,Big T/Tastee Freeze
are pretty easy on Ebay.
The Saga discs are kind of tough, but not like Red Barn or Detroit Caesars.
Brock is not in Pepsi or the later discs.
Isaly's is by far the easiest to find in my opinion.
A true story, I spent a couple years looking on Ebay for a Red Barn. I finally found one,
opened it on the couch, set it on the couch, came back 30 seconds later and sat on it,
creasing it down the middle. I've since gotten a couple more.
I would put the 1983 FBI disc first, then the 1982 FBI disc, then the Customized, then the Saga and then the Red Barn. At least that has been my experience while collecting Nolan Ryan.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
Who is on the checklist for 1983 FBI? I've never even heard of them!
I would have to say this set
1977 MSA 7/11 Wax Paper Lid Set with Straw Hole Intact
If not, does SCG, Beckett or GAI?
<< <i>Donato:
Who is on the checklist for 1981 FBI? I've never even heard of them! >>
Hi Marc...
Sorry, I don't have a list of the players in the set and neither does the SCD. I've never searched out other players in the set only the Nolan Ryan. Rick Bosetti is the player pictured with Ryan on the 1981 box. The 1982's are much more common.
It's a crappy picture, but here is a picture of the 1982 and 1981 FBI boxes with Ryan. If anyone has the 1981 complete box (shown on the right), I would pay $1,500 for it, maybe more if the condition is really nice.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
<< <i>I agree with Carew! No doubt the lids !!!! Unpunched!!!! >>
These are rare, but I'm sorry not nearly as rare as the 1981 FBI. I've owned a couple of Ryan's and a Pete Rose of the 1977 MSA cup lids.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
<< <i>
<< <i>Donato:
Who is on the checklist for 1983 FBI? I've never even heard of them! >>
Hi Marc...
Sorry, I don't have a list of the players in the set and neither does the SCD. I've never searched out other players in the set only the Nolan Ryan. Rick Bosetti is the player pictured with Ryan on the 1983 box. The 1982's are much more common.
It's a crappy picture, but here is a picture of the 1982 and 1983 FBI boxes with Ryan. If anyone has the 1983 complete box (shown on the right), I would pay $1,500 for it, maybe more if the condition is really nice.
Thanks for sharing the picture and information. Like Marc, I have never heard of the 1983 set.
I completely forgot about a Reggie Jackson FBI disc I used to own, scan shown later in the thread.
<< <i>Probably more likely to be a 1981 FBI panel with the Bosetti on it as he played for Toronto for part of 1981 and then went to Oakland for rest of 1981 and briefly in 1982. >>
That actually makes a lot of sense. I once had a Reggie Jackson that listed him with New York, I have a scan around here somewhere, but it resembled what Donato showed as a 1983. It was the only one I had seen up until seeing this box.
He has images of both the [assumed] 1981 and 1982 FBI discs on his blog.
Any idea of the value of such a set?
I have the 7-11 Lids set unpunched, and with all the original "padding" around the edges, which is how they were made. I believe it's a complete set. I wish PSA DID grade this issue.
Any idea of the value of such a set?
Do you have scans of any of them with the padding that you can post online?
Thanks in advance.
<< <i>I'm borrowing these images from Mr. Mopar. Who's a Steve Garvey collector.
He has images of both the [assumed] 1981 and 1982 FBI discs on his blog. >>
It is listed as 1983 in the Nolan News, and I assumed it was correct, but it makes that it's an '81 when you take into account when Bosetti played for Toronto.
Thanks for the research and info...Donato
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
It's really a lid, ya see:
It looks a little rough in the scan, but I think this is how they just 'looked'.
I didn't look at 'em all, but I did see a Rollie Fingers, Fred Lynn and Willie Stargell in the lot as well.
Pete Rose, Gary Templeton, Larry Hisle
<< <i>Interesting 1981 Bench Lid my Rose says Coca-Cola above him were there variations or 2 different set? >>
I'm not sure if there were variations in the set or if it is 2 completely different sets, but the Rose that I once had in my collection had the Coca-Cola logo above his head also.
By the way that's a great looking 1981 FBI Rose disc. Thanks for showing it, I have never seen it before.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
I've got like 17 Hank Aaron Carousel, 27 frank robinson carousel... another 17 aaron blank back...
<< <i>How do you get rid of these noone on the boards seems to want them???
I've got like 17 Hank Aaron Carousel, 27 frank robinson carousel... another 17 aaron blank back... >>
If you have any 1976 Carousel MSA Discs of Cubs players that I need I will be glad to take them off of your hands.
<< <i>I've been working on getting each of the Mark Fidrych discs for the past couple of years or so--but I'm confused: The Beckett website claims that Fidrych has both a "1977 Customized Discs #19" and a "1977 MSA Discs #19". Are there really two different discs? The disc I have reads on the back: "CUSTOMIZED SPORTS DISC AVAILBLE WITH MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS..." and so on, continuing with "...AVAILABLE THROUGH MIKE SCHECHTER ASSOCIATES, INC...." and finishing with "ALSO AVAILABLE IN A VAREITY OF PAPER, PLASTIC AND GLASS PRODUCTS". >>
Can somebody please help me with this? Thank you.
<< <i>
<< <i>I've been working on getting each of the Mark Fidrych discs for the past couple of years or so--but I'm confused: The Beckett website claims that Fidrych has both a "1977 Customized Discs #19" and a "1977 MSA Discs #19". Are there really two different discs? The disc I have reads on the back: "CUSTOMIZED SPORTS DISC AVAILBLE WITH MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS..." and so on, continuing with "...AVAILABLE THROUGH MIKE SCHECHTER ASSOCIATES, INC...." and finishing with "ALSO AVAILABLE IN A VAREITY OF PAPER, PLASTIC AND GLASS PRODUCTS". >>
Can somebody please help me with this? Thank you. >>
As far as I know those are the same disc.
CDsNuts, 1/9/15
<< <i>
<< <i>I've been working on getting each of the Mark Fidrych discs for the past couple of years or so--but I'm confused: The Beckett website claims that Fidrych has both a "1977 Customized Discs #19" and a "1977 MSA Discs #19". Are there really two different discs? The disc I have reads on the back: "CUSTOMIZED SPORTS DISC AVAILBLE WITH MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS..." and so on, continuing with "...AVAILABLE THROUGH MIKE SCHECHTER ASSOCIATES, INC...." and finishing with "ALSO AVAILABLE IN A VAREITY OF PAPER, PLASTIC AND GLASS PRODUCTS". >>
Can somebody please help me with this? Thank you. >>
I don't know of any blank backed 1977 MSA discs, like the common blank backed 1976 MSA discs which were probably meant to be stamped by the Carousel stores. The 1977's that I know of are Chilly Willie, Customized Sports, Dairy Isle, Detroit Caesars, Holiday Inn, Saga, Wendy's, and Zip'Z. There also different sized Burger Chef, Pepsi, and Wiffle discs, and Slurpee cups and Slurpee cup lids. As far as I know there is only one type of the customized disc.
<< <i>How do you get rid of these noone on the boards seems to want them???
I've got like 17 Hank Aaron Carousel, 27 frank robinson carousel... another 17 aaron blank back... >>
Looking for the following backs:
Manny Sanguillen: blank, Dairy Isle, Pepsi Cola, Red Barn, Saga, Wiffle Ball, and Carousel other than #9310.
Rennie Stennett: Red Barn, Wiffle, Chilly Willee, Dairy Isle, Detroit Caesar, Holiday Inn, Pepsi, Saga, Wendy's, Zipz and Carousel other than #427, #485, #818, #925.
I had an almost complete autographed set of MSA blank back discs. I have the following Pirates autographed discs available if you are interested:
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
I found these recently, all FBI with no MSA date. Includes Nolan Ryan, Rick Bosetti, Reggie J

ackson and more
Great score! Perhaps it's the complete set?