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What's a good and reasonably priced detector of the surf?

Hi I have a Whites M6, It's really good!
It loves to find quarters!

I'd like to find a good multipurpose detector for surf and lake detecting...

any under $400/$500 Dollars???

Liberty Loan Bond Man


  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I recommend the White's Dual Field PI.... it is slightly more expensive than your price range, but worth every penny. Very deep seeking, simple to operate. Learning the tones and tone signatures does take some practice, but using any MD has a learning curve to really get the benefits. Cheers, RickO
  • Rick: Thank you!

    Is this a water resistant unit... I.E. can the screen and unit get wet? Larry
    Liberty Loan Bond Man
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Absolutely... it is a sealed unit and White's did a great job on it. I have had it splashed and soaked... no problems. If you would like to read many more positive reports on the DF, go to www.metaldetectingforum.com A great site. Cheers, RickO
  • kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree with Ricko on the White's DF-- great Surf detector!
    "I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
  • heres a detector with lots of tweeks,,,,With Mr. bills mods.....Enjoy!!!
    Tor Mason
  • Whoops I forgot too add pics...
    Tor Mason
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