Good article on a civil war site...

It makes some references to metal detectorists...
All in all, it tends to paint detectorists as looters, and, with a site as historic as Camp Lawton, I have to agree. Hopefully we can all respect and recognize when a find is of enough of a historical nature to turn it over to archeologists, especially if it's on public land. It's pretty depressing to think about how many relics were swiped from the notorious Camp Anderson-- now those relics may be lost again to private collectors.
All in all, it tends to paint detectorists as looters, and, with a site as historic as Camp Lawton, I have to agree. Hopefully we can all respect and recognize when a find is of enough of a historical nature to turn it over to archeologists, especially if it's on public land. It's pretty depressing to think about how many relics were swiped from the notorious Camp Anderson-- now those relics may be lost again to private collectors.
"I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.