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The Oak Island "Money Pit"

I know many of you who have heard about this, as well as I. I have done a lot of reading, and this intrigues me a lot. For those of you who havent heard of it... Allow Me.

After over 2 years... finally movement

July 15, 2010: After a two year halt, the team have finally been granted a Treasure Trove Licence allowing them to continue their search for treasure on Oak Island. Find out more about the treasure hunt.

For hundreds of years, treasure hunters have ventured to Nova Scotia, Canada and tried to recover the treasure lies in tyhe Money Pit, protected by a series of ingeneous traps. As treasure hunters have attempted to recover the bounty from the Money Pit, cleverly engineered flood tunnels flood the shaft with sea water.

Strange man made artefacts have been recovered from the pit over the years, but to this day, the treasure still remains buried. Pirates, the Knights Templar or Francis Bacon - no one is sure exactly who created this mysterious Money Pit or why. With excavations now taking place, discover the World's greatest treasure hunt for yourself.

So. Where did this amazing story of lost treasure originate? Begin your quest for the treasure by exploreing our website!

Oak Island Treasure is dedicated to those who have lost their lives in the search for the elusive treasure of the Money Pit and aims to provide a comprehensive resource to those captivated by the Oak Island mystery.


  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is now a tourist attraction, more than a serious treasure quest. Even the mayor dresses in pirate garb. I strongly doubt there is anything there to be recovered. Cheers, RickO
  • Might be. Ive read about all there is to be read. "Borehole 10x" gives strong arguing points to both sides. The "discovery" tale to me is a little fishy.
  • I have watched this for some years now and some gold chain parts have surfaced during this search. The chain parts came up tangled in a exploratory drill bit. Its a good story and you will have to admit the trouble these people went through constructing this pit was amazing.
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  • Yeah... but what bothered me was all they said was "gold pieces". I dont know how big the borehole was... but one would think they could identify these "gold pieces" and justify what it is down there.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If anything was ever down there, you can bet it is long gone.... that is nothing but a sinkhole for money (by those who still think there is treasure there and can afford the expense) and a tourist attraction. Cheers, RickO
  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,668 ✭✭✭✭✭
    good money after bad, jmho
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