Half Dime type set with flowing, draped, capped, seated
the 1803 is new to the collection.. what do you think?

Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Are you creating a type set of half dimes? Will you expand your set?
Successful BST transactions with: copperhunter (2010), Tdec1000 (2010), barrytrot (2011), kaz, (2011), Metalsman (2011), jimineez1 (2020), U1chicago (2020)
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
What a great looking group! I love the small eagle Bust, even with the hole.
Thanks for letting me use your pic in my blog post. It'll be up tomorrow.
-Jim Morrison-
Mr. Mojorizn
my blog:www.numistories.com
Here's the newp, searched a long long, time to find an example of the Draped Bust, Heraldic Eagle 1800-1805 type with A) most of the detail at least outlined and hopefully some interior details,
Well, I hate to upstage mister Jones's DBHE half dime NEWP (
edited to add, note this is the large 8 variety, the 8 in the date made by joining two small circular punches. The small 8 variety has a narrow 8 made by hand graving the numeral into the working die
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
I think that you could up grade the Flowing Hair piece some day. Believe it or not the 1795 half dime is the most common date in the series. That tells you something about how tough these little coins are.
Buying top quality Seated Dimes in Gem BU and Proof.
Buying great coins - monster eye appeal only.
Don't forget to keep treating us every now and then.
Early half dimes sure are tough to find.
This is a coin that saw heavy circulation and somehow made it into collectors hands instead of being lost, destroyed, or melted. I have been willing to fill a hole with a less than perfect coin rather than doing without in the meantime, while waiting for the opportunity to upgrade someday. All of these pieces have been compromises of one sort or another.
the 1835 I've had for over 30 years, was the first capped bust coin I ever bought, got it from the San Jose Coin Shop at age 12.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
the shop was run by a woman (Celia? CeeCee?) and her son and second husband, I forget their names but would recognize them if reminded. You know?
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Do you remember the coin shop names? Hit every coin store in San Jose at least once between 1976 and 1982, some knew me..
The experience of trying to find any draped bust, much less any decent , affordable ones, led to my eventual specialization in pre-1808 UStype coins
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Oh, it came to me, Don was the son I think, and I wanna say Skip for his stepdad, who i believe was either the same age or younger 😆
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Cool set
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
Very nice!
Love it!
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.