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contractors at the house today, doesn't look promising for two cards



  • TheDudeAbidesTheDudeAbides Posts: 400 ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear that, the thread had died, and I had hoped you found the cards. That Clemente looked awesome.
    Collecting 64, 66, 67, 70 & 71 Baseball. Cubs, wax, cello & rack baseball.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    they probably did, but anyone with half a brain would crack them out of the easiest holder in the universe.
    Why keep the stolen goods in the serial #'d container that leads back to you.

    Sorry this happened to you my man.. made me sick..
    thought this was a new thread and was hoping for a positive outcome
  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,968 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>You mean in a BANK ???

    If so, I would not

    Please expound. >>

    Do your research >>

    Ok, genius.
  • MrNearMintMrNearMint Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭
    Sorry about your cards.

    I don't own super valuable cards but I could still never leave my cards out in the open where others could see them.

    It's pretty sad when collectors can't even have cards on display IN THEIR OWN HOME without worrying if someone might snatch em up. Reminds me of when people say "never leave your wallet/purse in your car". You can't even leave your property inside your other property without someone trying to rip you off.
  • totallyraddtotallyradd Posts: 949 ✭✭✭✭
    Man, reading this thread was depressing.

    Makes my stack of raw 80's cards that I was considering sending in that were taken when our house was broke into seem like nothing. (Little did they know thousands of dollars of cards were sitting in cabinet right below those, thankfully).

    Still lost a few very sentimental cards, my Canseco rookie I got for Christmas when I was 10, and my sisters little league card I was planning on getting slabbed for a gift, that one was probably in a dumpster within minutes of that jerk getting home.
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    It's not always the $$ value of a theft, more so the violation of your sacred cards!

    If they were cracked out, unless they creased them on purpose, they will resurface in an auction house.

    Not TOO many Clementes 7 or better and even less 1915 Wood cards out there
  • Gemyanks10Gemyanks10 Posts: 1,164 ✭✭✭
    I have never seen this thread before it was bumped last night. What a terrible thing to happen, I apologize for everyone's losses above. Though it hasn't happened yet, one of my worst fears is a home invasion, granted if the thieves are successful, they will have to get by two big german shepherd's. I have nowhere near the collection that others have on the boards, but it would be enough for a thief to consider it "a successful score". While some say the economy is improving and it may be slowly, it is still tough out there and something like this could happen at anytime, and I'm not even including relatives or "friends" that are trusted. My wife and I are very careful about who we let in our home because of instances stated above. My entire collection resides in a huge closet, with my very expensive stuff residing in a "makeshift vault" that is hidden to the naked eye that is built off of the closet. The man who lived in our home before us, (the original owner/builder", was a sheriff and he built that vault for his gun collection and valuables. It was an added bonus to have this when we bought the home.

    Now, and I'm not being negative or unhopeful, but this thread was originally made 4 and a half years ago. The fact that you're still looking for the cards just goes to show how much they meant to you. A lot has happened since then, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Do you still believe these cards to be out there on the secondary market someplace? So much can happen in a week, much less almost 5 years. If these were my cards, I wouldn't give up just as you haven't, I'm just trying to see it from a different perspective. These could have accidentally been "thrown away", "burned up", etc. You get it. Good luck in your search and I hope I didn't ruffle feathers, this was just the first thought that came to mind when I saw the original date the thread was created.


    Always looking for OPC "tape intact" baseball wax boxes, and 1984 OPC baseball PSA 10's for my set. Please PM or email me if you have any available.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    If they were cracked out, unless they creased them on purpose, they will resurface in an auction house.

    Agreed but would be super difficult to prove, and may not be in a holder at all.
    And may not be in the same grade - maybe higher or lower.
    Likely sell in a private sale for a steal (no pun intended).
  • A few years back we were staying at a rental property in a new city and our hot water heated broke/exploded. When the repair crew arrived I bolted for work and didn't think much of it as they worked for the rental agency. Next day I realized three new arrivals were missing from the coffee table. SGC copies of Matty Dark Cap, Young Glove shows, and a Chase Pink portrait. I raised hell with the rental agency and the contractors and they all denied knowing anything of the matter. Fast forward six months and we're moving out. One of the last things to go was our son's bed (he was almost two.) Under his mattress was the Chase and Young. Searched high and low for the Matty, but never found it. When the agency rep arrived to accept the keys I was still reaching my arm down every vent I could find. In hindsight I probably should have apologized for some of the things I said over the phone. As son as my son is old enough to get job he can buy me a new Matty, or move out. His choice.
  • ElvisPElvisP Posts: 1,066 ✭✭✭
    Several years ago I had some cello packs stolen by a contractor that was working in our building the day they were delivered from GAI. Anytime something of value is stolen it is best to make a police report. The police were instrumental in the recovery of the packs and the thief was arrested and prosecuted.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm going to add - this is new.

    I bought a 5 pack of 75 Topps mini's when we did the buy with BBCEx - don't remember what I paid. But, obviously out a tidy sum.

    Not sure where they were - best guess? On the desk where the UVerse modem is. The only "stranger" in the house in the last 4 months have been ATT - so I'm guessing when the modem was replaced, the packs were just too tempting? I didn't even remember there was anything there and never thought they would have sticky hands.

    Talk about naive trust.
  • MrNearMintMrNearMint Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Several years ago I had some cello packs stolen by a contractor that was working in our building the day they were delivered from GAI. Anytime something of value is stolen it is best to make a police report. The police were instrumental in the recovery of the packs and the thief was arrested and prosecuted. >>

    That's always nice to hear. Do you have any idea how they caught the guy? You think they would get search warrants for things like cards?
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