contractors at the house today, doesn't look promising for two cards

I might be jumping the gun, but for the life of me I cant find two cards. Before there is a trail of bodies I am going to keep looking
These two are missing, they were together for a crossover sub

These two are missing, they were together for a crossover sub

I know it was a relative , that had seen the coins before , knew which ones were "The" best ones , then shopped out lower quality samples.
It made me sick , as it was thousands of dollars , gone.
I now keep all the best cards and coins elsewhere.
Hope for the best as maybe , just maybe you may find them somewhere else.---- Sonny
<< <i>Whenever I have people over, no matter who, I lock my office door, where my cards reside (key lock). Especially contractors, they never see inside that room. I would certainly bring it up with the owner of the contractor's company. MAN that sucks... I hope you get them back. >>
Very good idea. I have a step son who was sticky fingered and I put a lock on the door to the room where the cards were kept. I still would like to get a big gun safe someday.
I hope they turn up somewhere and you can breath a sigh of relief. Good luck!
- John Wooden
I hope they turn up, bud.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
Hope you find them somewhere.
The part about relatives coming over and waiting for an opportunity to swipe things sickens me, but I hear it all the time.
Its better to put valuables away and lock the room where they are at when having many guests or contractors over. Keep in mind that sometimes kids take things from the homes and their parents may or may not have been part of it.
Here is an idea. Set a decoy out in a few spots around the home while your true valuables are locked away and out of sight. A decoy could be anything of little value like a $10 bill, fake coins, fake cards, something that looks valuable but is really fake, then always inspect after people leave to see who is the one with sticky fingers. That way you will know who is honest and who isn't with little lost. You don't have to associate with certain people again.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee - Masonic Regalia & Supply
Sure hoping for a good outcome on this.
Hope that your cards turn up one way or another Ted.
At first, I didn't think much of it. After the 3rd month I began to get suspicious that one of my wife's family/friends was stealing them from me. I had an idea of who might be doing it. One day before she came over, I decided to count the pills and replace them with vitamin C tablets that looked similar. As soon as she left, I re-counted them and found that she had stolen 17 of them. To keep this story short, I will just say, that was the last time she was allowed in our home.
<< <i>I would freak out and go PTSD mode if something like that happened to me.
Hope you find them somewhere. >>
<< <i>This thread makes me sick to my stomach. I hope this turns out well for you. I will be moving all my cards to a safety deposit box on Monday. >>
<<< safety deposit box >>>
Yes definitely - to me with cards and coins I can't afford to lose, and couldn't bear to lose, as well as certain types of paperwork, a safe deposit box at the bank is the only option.
Keep scans on your computer whenever ya have the quick urge to look at the collectibles stored at the bank.
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
I have this photo framed on my gun safe which also has my high dollar cards in it.
<< <i>I will be moving all my cards to a safety deposit box on Monday. >>
You mean in a BANK ???
If so, I would not
1935 National Chicle
1961 Golden Press
1962 Bell Brand Dodgers
Top 200 cards in the hobby
Top 250 cards in the hobby
All time lakers
All time Dodgers
1957 Disney Characters
1965 Donruss Disneyland
1966 Get Smart
When we go out of town for a few days - I ask my son to stay - just for a bit of peace of mind.
I "have" had dreams where I'm cleaned out!
If so, I would not
Please expound.
<< <i>You mean in a BANK ???
If so, I would not
Please expound. >>
Because DeNiro and the rest of the crew from Heat might show up?
<< <i>You mean in a BANK ???
If so, I would not
Please expound. >>
Do your research
As for Ted's situation I am sorry. I know it happens but it sucks. We all need video survelience I guess!?!?
<< <i>
<< <i>You mean in a BANK ???
If so, I would not
Please expound. >>
Do your research >>
I've done mine, and I'm still more comfortable with having them in a bank safe deposit box as opposed to sitting in my house. The instances of bank inside jobs, outside people having the wrong box drilled open accidently, damage from any sources either internal or external to the bank, wrong access, etc, pales to the theft of items from residences.
What a lot of people probably don't realize, is that your items in your safe deposit box are NOT covered by FDIC up to xxx amount, like your deposit balances are. Additonally, they are not covered by the banks property insurance. In addition to keeping them in a safe deposit box, you would be well served to make sure YOU have insurance that covers your items in off-site locations.
<< <i>
<< <i>You mean in a BANK ???
If so, I would not
Please expound. >>
Because DeNiro and the rest of the crew from Heat might show up? >>
classic post
great insight.......MORON
you have 11 posts and you come up here with half-witted quips with zero substance.
so tell me and anyone else why going to a safe deposit box is a bad idea. if you tell me that you work at a bank (i would guess on the night cleaning crew, picking up fast food wrappers in the parking lot or maybe pulling weeds as a landscaper) i will definitely stay away from that one.
done mine, and I'm still more comfortable with having them in a bank safe deposit box as opposed to sitting in my house. The instances of bank inside jobs, outside people having the wrong box drilled open accidently, damage from any sources either internal or external to the bank, wrong access, etc, pales to the theft of items from residences.
I concur Mike. If you have a 1/1 and your house burns down all insurance does is give you the money. If you wanted the money you would have not bought the card in the first place.
Bank boxes are pretty safe. Stored items should ALWAYS be
insured by your own carrier. (Contents should be filmed, and
receipts should be kept in a separate location.)
Crooked employees are a risk. That risk would increase during
a time of local/national emergency.
Some govt entities can seize your box administratively; without
a noticed judicial proceeding.
Private judgement-creditors can grab your box, following judicial
grant of such authority.
Visible gun safes are good and provide adequate security against
amateur burglars. They provide little/no protection against robbery.
If the home invaders get the drop on you, you WILL open the safe.
Hidden - concrete encased - safes are the best. Generally, there
are two ways to lose such a safe: 1 - Tell somebody you have
it; 2 - Tell somebody where it is.
The good stuff - the really good stuff - was locked away so I'm not worried about that.
I HATE reading threads like this. I hope you find the missing cards.
Buying Vintage, all sports.
Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
I should add that the prospect of someone, like a contractor, stealing them reminds me of another reason I want to sell my cards. I have an irrational fear about my cards getting stolen more than anything else. I don't care if someone steals my car, which is worth more than my cards, because I have insurance.... I think my cards are insured but I worry much more about them getting stolen. It's not like they are one of a kind. It's funny how the mind works. I should add that Ted's situation sucks more becuase it's not enough money to file an insurance claim (I assume) so you are left without cool cards and without the money to replace them. Hopefully they are lost and will turn up!
I guess the robbers pawn shop of choice doesn't deal in vintage cards.
They actually had to move some off the compter.
Are 72's that cold!?
I guess the robbers pawn shop of choice doesn't deal in vintage cards.
They actually had to move some off the compter.
Are 72's that cold!?
Sorry to hear that. At least you can laugh about it.
So, this is just par for the course!
<< <i>That morning I had my 72 Topps BB PSA collection all over the place: kitchen table, living room floor, toilet. >>
Toilet?? LOL!! I mean sometimes I open my mail there, but still! Got a good laugh out of that one.
I hope you put all your treasures in there, only to find paper documents one day, if it ever comes to that ... MORON !!!!!!!!!!
Too bad you don't know too much about bank policies and federal regulations
<< <i>Do your research
great insight.......MORON
you have 11 posts and you come up here with half-witted quips with zero substance.
so tell me and anyone else why going to a safe deposit box is a bad idea. if you tell me that you work at a bank (i would guess on the night cleaning crew, picking up fast food wrappers in the parking lot or maybe pulling weeds as a landscaper) i will definitely stay away from that one.
done mine, and I'm still more comfortable with having them in a bank safe deposit box as opposed to sitting in my house. The instances of bank inside jobs, outside people having the wrong box drilled open accidently, damage from any sources either internal or external to the bank, wrong access, etc, pales to the theft of items from residences.
I concur Mike. If you have a 1/1 and your house burns down all insurance does is give you the money. If you wanted the money you would have not bought the card in the first place. >>
<< <i>Thanks
I hope you put all your treasures in there, only to find paper documents one day, if it ever comes to that ... MORON !!!!!!!!!!
Too bad you don't know too much about bank policies and federal regulations
<< <i>Do your research
great insight.......MORON
you have 11 posts and you come up here with half-witted quips with zero substance.
so tell me and anyone else why going to a safe deposit box is a bad idea. if you tell me that you work at a bank (i would guess on the night cleaning crew, picking up fast food wrappers in the parking lot or maybe pulling weeds as a landscaper) i will definitely stay away from that one.
done mine, and I'm still more comfortable with having them in a bank safe deposit box as opposed to sitting in my house. The instances of bank inside jobs, outside people having the wrong box drilled open accidently, damage from any sources either internal or external to the bank, wrong access, etc, pales to the theft of items from residences.
I concur Mike. If you have a 1/1 and your house burns down all insurance does is give you the money. If you wanted the money you would have not bought the card in the first place. >>
IMO, the whole point of these threads are for people who have the deep knowledge of the topic to share that knowledge. The people on these forums are great at passing along knowledge. When someone new comes in and writes something with nothing backing it up, it only causes animosity from the other board members. If you can give legitimate advice, please do so. Again, IMO.