Familiar with old Ford parts?

found this about 8-10 inches deep at the beach today. Its about 2 inches high and 2 inches wide. I tried comparing it to past Ford logos to get an idea of age but I couldnt find an exact match. Anyone got any idea or approximate age and what the part might be?

If you are interested in selling, let me know. Reproductions are about 20 bucks and while yours is no longer useable, I am sure it has appeal to add to someone’s Ford collection. If you want to sell it I will check with some Ford enthusiasts that I know and act as a middle man.
Edited to fix spelling and the link to the photo
1836 Capped Liberty
dime. My oldest US
detecting find so far.
I dig almost every
signal I get for the most
part. Go figure...
cool ya I'd be interested in selling. It's interesting but I don't really have any interested in collecting things like this. There are 2 cracks on the side of the hubcap that run in parallel to each other and perpendicular to the threads. They are 1/2 - 3/4 inches long. The piece between the cracks isnt loosethough and I'm guessing the hubcap cracked there and fell off and thats how it got lost. Heres some pictures...
Posted it over on treasurenet: They said 1910s - 1920s for mine. Yours looks similar (without the massive dent, of course). Very cool find!
Lafayette Grading Set
Recognize auto make of this engine hood?
The long gold things are my hiking poles
I deserve these at 51 after 30+ years of hiking
100% Positive BST transactions
Neat find on the hubcap!
1836 Capped Liberty
dime. My oldest US
detecting find so far.
I dig almost every
signal I get for the most
part. Go figure...