Home Metal Detecting

April 23 and 24th, 2010 finds: Record Silver and Wheats on the 23rd!

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
Warning... wordy story to follow...

My buddy invited me to visit him in another state, so of course, the E-trac came with. He worked on Friday so I researched some local parks and scouted out one that looked prime. I asked a local if there would be any issues detecting there and they mentioned they've seen people detecting in the past. "Hmmm... maybe I don't want this park if it's been pounded??" I decided to try it anyway, but try an area I thought would be less detected. Not only was this less detected, but I may have been the first one to ever detect it! There was literally hundreds of bottlecap/nickel/foil/gold signals that I chose not to dig because of the sheer volume and my lack of time. I ended up going for the cent, dime, quarter, etc signals - I still dug my fair share of bottlecaps and junk though!

Day one netted this:
1 Buffalo Nickel - could be 1928-D

19 Wheat Cents - A one-day wheat cent record for me!
one wheat was 1909 - no mint mark though, and another was 1914, no mintmark either

and 10 silver coins! A one-day silver record for me!
1. 1943-P War Nickel
2. Dateless Standing Liberty Quarter
3. 1962-D Roosevelt Dime
4. 1940 Merc Dime (all 4 were part of one pocket spill - along with 2 wheat cents)
5. 1943-P War Nickel
6. 1943S Mercury Dime (did a pretty good job on this one with the shovel)
7. 1946 Roosevelt
8. 1947 Roosevelt
9. 1952 Roosevelt
10. 1958D Roosevelt

Day one unearthed 59 coins - 30 were either wheats, buffs, or silver.
The pocket spill was interesting. Started with a dime/quarter signal. After lifting the plug a War Nickel popped out. That didn't make sense so I re-checked the hole - out comes a merc sitting directly on top of an SLQ - now we're talking! Two wheats then surfaced. Covered the hole and checked around - a silver 1962D Roosevelt had dropped on the ground at some point. Who could be carrying around a pocket with an SLQ, Merc, War Nickel, silver Roosevelt and two wheats? Very eclectic pocket contents. It may be possible the Roosie was coincidentally dropped later? The Roosie has some green corrosion like the nickel, so that almost seems like they were touching?

Also picked up a 3 MerryWidows condom tin lid, which looks like it may be from the 1920s.

Day two brought high hopes of more flowing silver!
Ended with another dateless SLQ (the bottom SLQ in the pics)
a Sterling Earring
and 9 Wheats
All items are included in the images.

The SLQ was an interesting find. Got a high-pitched signal and dug as usual. Right in the plug was a bottlecap, which sometimes gives a high-pitched sound if they're newer (my headphones broke the day before so I couldn't fully tell the signal either). Figured that was all, but stuck the ol' Pistol Probe in the hole and got another signal - reaching in my hands haphazardly, out comes the SLQ... got a few hairlines on it as I wasn't as careful as I should have been, but it wasn't expected.

I found one SLQ all last year, but found two in two days in 2010. Overall, found 121 coins and 40 were either wheats, silver or buffs. Would have been nice to dig the hundreds of foil/bottlecap signals. There has to be gold there too, but it would take an entire summer to dig all of those signals there.

I apologize for the long story. You can just look at the pics if you want.

So, the moral of the story is... GO OUT THERE AND DETECT!

Pocket spill coins on top
Get ready to cringe when you see the merc... in 3...2...1...
28 Wheats
1920s Condom Tin Lid... hmmm


  • kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, talk about a successful day! Too bad about the Merc, but that happens. image
    "I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,975 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is quite a haul. 10 silvers in a year would be a record for meimage How many hours did you spend there? Or maybe I should say how many hours do you WANT to spend thereimage
  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,668 ✭✭✭✭✭
    good stuff. id love to get 10 silver finds in one year image one day maybe 2 one day
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great hunt... that site undoubtedly has a lot more to offer. Cheers, RickO
  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>That is quite a haul. 10 silvers in a year would be a record for meimage How many hours did you spend there? Or maybe I should say how many hours do you WANT to spend thereimage >>

    Thanks! Certainly made my week. I was there for about 7 hours total. Any longer and my buddy would have killed me. Wish I wasn't 6 hours away or I'd definitely hit it up all year. Goes to show there are still plenty of places out there.
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