Found My First Wheat Cent!

I got tired of MDing in the park and drove a few miles out of town and found an older farmstead and worked up the courage to ask if I could dig in their farm yard. The owner had no problem saying yes, I actullay met the guy before in my home town back when I was in high school, he runs a dirt track racing outfit...another story. I started out between the garage and the barn, all I could thing is DAMN THATS ALOT OF IRON. Found numerious car parts, wagon parts, tractor parts, not many beer tabs though...what kind of farm was this? I worked my way out into the tree line in hopes of better finds. And there it was! a not a coin a Ford 2 door sedan. I got a bit tired of all this so I walked back out into the yard and set my detector down so I could put my tools away...then Beep beep....well shlt I better dig that. 6 Inches down only but hey there it was my dark encrusted 1927 D Wheati. I shall display it with pride!
Oh and those interested in the car Im guessing the farmer would part with it but Im holding out its location till I make up my mind on either 29 ford 2 door rat rod or 55 chevy 2 door. One of the hardest decisions of my life...
Oh and those interested in the car Im guessing the farmer would part with it but Im holding out its location till I make up my mind on either 29 ford 2 door rat rod or 55 chevy 2 door. One of the hardest decisions of my life...
I would go for the ford