I'm Giddy!!

Hey all,
As you can see, I'm pretty new to the forums but I've been an enthusiast for years. I just recently got my ACE 250 and have been eager to use it. That leads us to today...
A friend has a house that dates back to mid to late 1700's. Abutting her property is an old mill and three foundations. I couldn't wait to get there. With my wife and son in tow we got there around 10 a.m. Our friend showed us around and on the right side of her house there is about a 20 foot dropoff. She told us that this is her "digging area" and that she oftens just pulls stuff out of the ground...with no metal detecting...just digging and BINGO..there something is. My wife and son started there and in about 1 minute's time they start pulling up crazy stuff. Bottles, Gem Junior safety razors, 3 skeleton keys, and more. They move a rock on the side of the hill...boom out falls a spoon and a fork. The fork says "U.S." on it. The spoon says something about Florida, has an Eagle and a shield on it.
I was off using the Ace and hitting all kinds of signals...actually way too many. I really struggled with all the signals, moving signals and signals off the board. I will talk about that later. Anyways, I get a signal that jumped around and I dig away. About 4 inches down I see this coin but I can't tell what it is. Gently brushing it off I see a woman sitting with a trident on he reverse with what looks like the word "Brittania" On the front I can only see the letters "GIUS III" and the image of a man. Woooooooooohhoooooooo I thought, but I have no clue what it is. It did have a hole in it but I didn't care...i was stoked! We checked around for a bit more and found a few wheaties and scrap stuff and called it a day.
As best I can tell it is some sort of British coin from around 1780-1805. I've seen similar ones online but I can't tell which one mine is. It is just about the size of a Franklin or Liberty half dollar. I included some pics of the day...
I'm heading back 7 a.m. tomorrow!

As you can see, I'm pretty new to the forums but I've been an enthusiast for years. I just recently got my ACE 250 and have been eager to use it. That leads us to today...
A friend has a house that dates back to mid to late 1700's. Abutting her property is an old mill and three foundations. I couldn't wait to get there. With my wife and son in tow we got there around 10 a.m. Our friend showed us around and on the right side of her house there is about a 20 foot dropoff. She told us that this is her "digging area" and that she oftens just pulls stuff out of the ground...with no metal detecting...just digging and BINGO..there something is. My wife and son started there and in about 1 minute's time they start pulling up crazy stuff. Bottles, Gem Junior safety razors, 3 skeleton keys, and more. They move a rock on the side of the hill...boom out falls a spoon and a fork. The fork says "U.S." on it. The spoon says something about Florida, has an Eagle and a shield on it.
I was off using the Ace and hitting all kinds of signals...actually way too many. I really struggled with all the signals, moving signals and signals off the board. I will talk about that later. Anyways, I get a signal that jumped around and I dig away. About 4 inches down I see this coin but I can't tell what it is. Gently brushing it off I see a woman sitting with a trident on he reverse with what looks like the word "Brittania" On the front I can only see the letters "GIUS III" and the image of a man. Woooooooooohhoooooooo I thought, but I have no clue what it is. It did have a hole in it but I didn't care...i was stoked! We checked around for a bit more and found a few wheaties and scrap stuff and called it a day.
As best I can tell it is some sort of British coin from around 1780-1805. I've seen similar ones online but I can't tell which one mine is. It is just about the size of a Franklin or Liberty half dollar. I included some pics of the day...
I'm heading back 7 a.m. tomorrow!

Keep us posted on your progress.
Neat find!
Like the others here are saying, I'd be back to that spot every day all summer long! Looks like virgin ground, which is getting more and more scarce!
I believe it's the exact same buckle...this was in Georgia...
Congrats on the find!
That's bizarre. Until Steve posted that second one, I wouldn't have thought it to be anything but somebody's initial. But seeing TWO of them makes me wonder if that monogram isn't a logo. Looks like "L I"? Or perhaps just a single Old English "I"? Some kind of Infantry plate, perhaps? Hmm.
<< <i>The fork says "U.S." on it. >>
Military, then. A friend of mine found one like that on a Civil War site.
<< <i>The spoon says something about Florida, has an Eagle and a shield on it. >>
Very interesting. I wish we could see it better. Maybe an old souvenir spoon of some kind? But with the eagle and shield ... hmm.
There appear to be four tabs on both buckels, kind of reminds me of a box cover of some sort, some old tins used a cover that required one to squeeze the box itself to open it. But since the area behind the monogram is open I can't see it being a cover. The sets of dimples (four of them, two on each side of the buckel) each appear to form a parallelogram... I wonder if this is significant? I can't wait to see what someone else can come up with as far as ID. I gave up trying to identify the letter(s) using calligraphy alphabet as my search criteria. I found a new appreciation for people who do calligraphy though!
Very cool finds. I can't wait to hear more!
1836 Capped Liberty
dime. My oldest US
detecting find so far.
I dig almost every
signal I get for the most
part. Go figure...
-Weinman Fan