Garrett Ace 250 question

Ive had my ace 250 for awhile now and have come to the conclusion that im not going to dig for nickel signals any more. 95% of the time it has been aluminum, either part of a can or some odd scrap. Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions...The sensitivity is turned down quite a bit too since I do alot of high garbage areas.
I know I get what I pay for with these machines but cant see myself buying a GTI-2500 yet...Id love one even a used one.
I know I get what I pay for with these machines but cant see myself buying a GTI-2500 yet...Id love one even a used one.
So guess I'm goin back and hitting those nickel signals. Wish me luck!
Edit to add: of course the others are right, though- the less you dig and the more targets you ignore, the more goodies you are leaving behind. It's a fact of metal detecting. Not all of us have the sanity to dig every signal in trashy areas, though. You gotta pick your battles in the war against pulltabs and aluminum trash. If it's got some depth to it, dig it, no matter what the meter says. When in doubt, dig it out!