OK, that's it. I'm going.

Though I look outside and see ice in the birdbath and frost on the car (yes, even here in the Golden Isles), I'm going out today.
I was going to just stay indoors and take it easy today. It's my one full day "off" this week. Yesterday I was off but I had to take myself to a doctor's appointment, my daughter to the dentist, several packages to the post office, daughter to baton practice, wife and daughter out to dinner for wife's birthday, etc.
Today I had no plans.
But my daughter has some charity jump-rope thing in the school gym today and would have been highly put out if neither parent showed up. Ladymarcovan had to work, so it looks like I am going to watch second-graders jump rope in a school gym at 10:00 AM. (After staying up very late, as I usually do. *groan*)
Since I have to get up and get dressed and go out anyway, I thought, well, maybe today's the day (to steal a phrase from Mel Fisher).
It is time to put the coil to the soil. I have not detected since April of 2009. In the last ten months I have grown even fatter and more out of shape. 283 pounds at weigh-in at the doc's office, yesterday. Yep, that's right. Two-eighty-three. *shudder*. And it's not like I'm six-foot-seven or anything. I'm five-ten. My thyroid condition has been undermedicated for some time, but that is why I went to the doc yesterday- to get back on track. That has some bearing on the weight problem and the fatigue, I am sure.
My knees are now creaking whenever they bend at all. I'm not talking about that cracking sound one gets in the knees when going into a full squat. I am talking about an actual creaking, like a rusty hinge, even when the knee joints are only partially flexed, such as when sitting down in a chair.
In summary? I am grossly out of shape.
Let's get real about the expectations for today's detector outing. I don't have any hot new site lined up- it will take place on one of the old standbys. And I'll be huffing and puffing along like a bloated walrus.
But even if I don't find anything, the mission today is just ... to get out again... finally.
We can call it "Operation Cobweb", or "Operation Mothball", or something. (Except that latter is misleading since I'll be coming OUT of mothball status. And "Operation DE-Mothball" just doesn't have that nice ring to it. Hmm.)
I was going to just stay indoors and take it easy today. It's my one full day "off" this week. Yesterday I was off but I had to take myself to a doctor's appointment, my daughter to the dentist, several packages to the post office, daughter to baton practice, wife and daughter out to dinner for wife's birthday, etc.
Today I had no plans.
But my daughter has some charity jump-rope thing in the school gym today and would have been highly put out if neither parent showed up. Ladymarcovan had to work, so it looks like I am going to watch second-graders jump rope in a school gym at 10:00 AM. (After staying up very late, as I usually do. *groan*)
Since I have to get up and get dressed and go out anyway, I thought, well, maybe today's the day (to steal a phrase from Mel Fisher).
It is time to put the coil to the soil. I have not detected since April of 2009. In the last ten months I have grown even fatter and more out of shape. 283 pounds at weigh-in at the doc's office, yesterday. Yep, that's right. Two-eighty-three. *shudder*. And it's not like I'm six-foot-seven or anything. I'm five-ten. My thyroid condition has been undermedicated for some time, but that is why I went to the doc yesterday- to get back on track. That has some bearing on the weight problem and the fatigue, I am sure.
My knees are now creaking whenever they bend at all. I'm not talking about that cracking sound one gets in the knees when going into a full squat. I am talking about an actual creaking, like a rusty hinge, even when the knee joints are only partially flexed, such as when sitting down in a chair.
In summary? I am grossly out of shape.
Let's get real about the expectations for today's detector outing. I don't have any hot new site lined up- it will take place on one of the old standbys. And I'll be huffing and puffing along like a bloated walrus.
But even if I don't find anything, the mission today is just ... to get out again... finally.
We can call it "Operation Cobweb", or "Operation Mothball", or something. (Except that latter is misleading since I'll be coming OUT of mothball status. And "Operation DE-Mothball" just doesn't have that nice ring to it. Hmm.)
By the way, kicking the smoking habit (3 weeks now) was much easier than losing weight. If there's no cigs in the house, oh well. But there's
always food!
At any rate, good luck with going out today. We just received a foot of snow overnight, I hope your ground is bare.
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
<< <i>Wow, sounds like you need the same remedial therapy that I'm undergoing for weight loss and smoking. >>
I TOLD ye, brother... we walk in similar shoes. But I suspect I am even more overweight than you.
CT is getting hammerd again today with snow that was supposed to be rain, so
I ripped the cellar apart and for the first time ever am painting the foundation and
everything else down there.
I actually even found a small bag ofsilver I hid near the furnace, gonna check that out when I get the
chance-I know theres nothing special in there but some may have picked up some color.
enjoy your day old friend
(old only cause the creaking knees)
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Have a good hunt, but leave some of the goodies for me!
But I took a few pictures of our sunny and beautiful day, and made sure to include a palm tree or two to taunt our snowbound brethren with.
I am working on my "index" project you have probably seen going on here, and when I get mostly caught up I will post today's story and the lone 2009 outing that never got written up. I also found an unposted draft of that night you and I were in the woods down in Camden County and you found that 183(8?) large cent and I got that boot heel plate. There were no other pictures taken besides a scan I later got of your large cent, though. It was dark that night. I am sure you remember the trip.
detecting stories.link
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato