I may play too. Just not sure if I want to fill that seller's pockets?
Would be like the old days? I snipe with 5 secs left.. you with two... then don't sleep at night... don't shave in the morning... and wonder who the heck is that s.o.b.
We'll see. Let's just say this one won't sell for as cheap as the last one. Count on it!
Anyone surprised at what went on last night with some of the 8's that ended? I was kind of surprised with the Ken Boyer ending at over $200 with some 9's out there (but, then again, Gemmint probably has those). Also saw where Gemmint is padding his lead by picking up some highest grade cards. Gemmint, why didn't you go after the Aparicio? You got the other two pretty cheap.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
I couldn't believe some of the prices that last nights auctions brought. I needed 15 or 16 of the offerings, and thought I'd cop at least 5, I ended up w/ one! The Kenny Boyer that topped $200 was crazy, even the Elston Howard exceeded $100. - Just doesn't make sense for common PSA-8's to exceed $30. when Hall Of Famers smr for $18.00. Well at least I picked up 1, which seems to be my ratio per month...jay
BIGKID - Funny thing! When I started this set almost a year ago. I figured it would be complete within 3 or 4 months. After all over 2/3 of the set are commons and easy Hall Of Famers that should be had for $20. and less. Boy was I mistaken, a Ken Boyer exceeds $200! ouch! At the rate I'm going it will be 2 more years to complete it...jay
Your absouletly right. I always try to find raw first so I can do the submitting. But this is a very tough condition sensative set due to its large size and printing & centering problems, and the few ungraded pieces I run into wouldn't even grade a 7. Just don;t get me going about the few thousand I purchased in 1981 at 5 cents each and in turn sold them ten years later for 10 times that...jay
These cards never really were rare. They just became "in vogue" when a) they started being graded and b) it turned out that they were quite rare in high grade.
There are probably a lot of sets like that. The 1969 Topps Supers set was sold at $19.95 for it's first fifteen years by most dealers -- and when I sold off my fully-graded set bit by bit, I realized almost $25,000 for it. I think the 1964 Topps Giant is a similar story. Changing times and missed opportunities ;-)
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
schmidty - I understand that these cards were never rare. Triple SSS seems to be selling off all they have graded, which includes a great many high-grade, low population cards. My only worry would be . . . if they have this many high-grade cards, might they have some more that they could grade? Would the bottom fall out on these cards if they did have some more high-grade cards that they haven't submitted yet? Althought, at the moment, there are quite a few people attempting to build this set, I wonder just how many more 9's and 10's are out there? These are the issues that have concerned me about this set.
Also, when PSA grades the '69 Supers, do all of them have the plastic sleeve inside the slab? Did most of your high-grade cards from this set go to Merkel?
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
Mikeschmidt - your thinking is pretty much on the money.
In the summer of 1999 PSA announced via the SMR that they would begin grading the '64 Topps Giants "soon". I swear it seemed like no one took notice or even cared. I started buying as much raw material as I could get my hands on. By January 2000, PSA started grading them. For at least another full year from that point there was next to no competition for raw or graded specimens. Of course there wasn't a lot of graded cards on Ebay because no one still cared. I think my only real competition was Aconte.
For about a year now the competition has swelled, and thus with the new demand for the graded cards so have the submissions. There are over 6,000 graded cards now, and while I think that number goes considerably higher, there certainly isn't an infinite supply, particularly in high grade.
Austin "Pinhigh" Powers - I don't think any one dealer can cause the bottom to fall out, and if you continue to ask so many questions, Dr. Gemmint Evil will have to unleash his team of Topps Giants "Mini Me's" on you...
I also don't feel the "bottom will fall out" on any vintage cards. If a large hoard hits the graded market the prices will start to stabilize and perhaps Ken Boyer will sell in the $20. range, not $200+ like Saturday night. Also the dealer that we suspect that has loads of these, wouldn't be foolish enough to keep plastering them out there and in turn hurt his bottom line. If a Roy McMillan who sold for $35.00 to GEMMINT, ends up not opening at $9.99, the dealer would no doubt stop submitting this player in. And since there always seems to be new collectors for this set, I see it going strong over the next several years. And if not, I'm sure GEMMINT will gobble up all the inexpensive 8's, 9's & 10's that come his way and amass 30 or 40 sets ...jay.
I think there will continue to be a very strong influx of new collectors for this set. There are a lot of collectors who want to start collecting vintage, and this is an ideal short Topps set to do it with - at a reasonable price too .
Also remember that submission increases can often help a set's value. For example, the 1968 Topps and 1964 Topps Giants sets are widely collected because they are (to some degree) readily obtainable. The hoardes of cards that have been graded in the last two to three years have allowed collectors to enter into pursuing graded sets, thus increasing demand, etc. etc.
Many other sets that are hard to find in high grade have lower values simply because they cannot be found. A set I collect, 1955 Bowman is an example. The best example is 1914 Cracker Jack, however. It is a terribly difficult set, and besides being many many times rarer than 1915 Cracker Jack in high grade, 1915's are generally worth more simply because collectors have been able to build the set in high grade.
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
Dr. Evil - The King of Card Hoarders, AKA thegemmintman - I'm just trying to spook you into parting with some of the multiple PSA 10's you have, that's all.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
Surprised to see Gemmint miss a PSA 10 1964 Giants card last night -- even if it would have just been a duplicate for him!
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
Well, Gemmint, at least you got that Brinkman card. It was nice. I wonder who this "seventray" person is? Maybe someone will begin to give you some serious competition on this set.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
Seventray is a complete newbie collector of the Topps Giants. He was buying up a bunch of cards that night. I'm glad to see new faces with this set. It's very encouraging.
"Serious competition?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Dastardly Dr. Gemmint Evil Laugh)
Psychological tricks? What would those be - I'm just discussing cards. You sound a little frustrated. Is there anything you would like to talk about? This being "your" set, I thought you would appreciate some discussion on the topic. Oh, by the way, maybe my MOJO has been reclaimed.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
Hey Gemmint, what's with the update? Did you add that PSA 10 Gibson that you didn't have? You know, the one you stole off of ebay. Must have updated more than that. Have you resorted to stealing certification numbers or something?
Seriously, it is a remarkable set.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
I think that Gemmint's pictures don't show up because I believe that Angelfire will not let you link a photo from one of their sites, but I'm not certain. I can't see any of the Gemmint's pics.
My icon has always been the picture of Chipper Jones, which is listed as one of the icons. I continue to use it out of spite, or maybe it is hope that it will one day work. Not sure why it doesn't - at one time it did. I have considered changing it, but I don't know how you guys are adding your own personal icons. I've looked and under profile, it won't let me upload one.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
Do you guys ever see my pictures? I'm looking right at them.
Pinhigh, are you doing the following?:
1 - Click on Profile
2 - Go to where it says, "Select the author icon you wish to use"
3 - Click on "View All" (this will take a few minutes)
4 - Choose an icon, and remember the exact name of the icon
5 - Go back to your profile page, and click on the down arrow button in the same area you were before. Find the name of the icon you chose in question # 4, and highlight it.
6 - Click on "Update Profile", and you're all set.
My icon came from that list. I was just looking, and your boy Chipper is no where to be found. I think it's time to choose a new one.
Actually Gemmint, my boy Chipper is there and available as a choice under Icon_MLB_CJ, but the picture doesn't load. I would like to upload an Atlanta avatar but, as I said, I don't know how these other guys are doing it.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
Gemmint, what is the Finest Possible Set Rating for the '64 Topps Giants? From my calculations, I believe it is 9.3 but I may have calculated it wrong. Either way, I know the set rating being published on the set registry is incorrect.
(Edit - asked the question)
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
Must have missed my question since I simply edited the post.
Gemmint, why did you change your set name? Getting ready to show your grades?
You did pretty well last night, especially getting the Santo. I see that you did get beat by seventray on a low population 9 card but you beat him on another.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
Pinhigh, I just decided it was time. When I started with the Registry last October I wanted to be a little more incognito. Anyway I think everyone pretty much knows me at this point.
No, I'm not getting ready to show my grades for the still very obvious reasons.
Seventray is a bit of a pest, but he felt the gemmint wrath last night .
Thanks! But I still track on my own at times.
I may play too. Just not sure if I want to fill that seller's pockets?
Would be like the old days? I snipe with 5 secs left.. you with two... then don't sleep at night...
don't shave in the morning... and wonder who the heck is that s.o.b.
We'll see. Let's just say this one won't sell for as cheap as the last one. Count on it!
See you at the fininsh line!
Before I knew you I would think to myself after winning an auction..."Good, I beat that bas-tard Aconte mother f...ker".
LOL, you're the best.
1964 Topps Giants #45 Wayne Causey SP PSA 9
Regarding the Aparicio, I never discuss my Ebay bidding strategies. My empire could crumble.
<< <i>I never discuss my Ebay bidding strategies. My empire could crumble >>
hs is serious... (isn't that funny! (
Website: http://www.qualitycards.com
<< <i>Just doesn't make sense for common PSA-8's to exceed $30. when Hall Of Famers smr for $18.00. >>
Quality, I am with you! - slow but sure... and within a budget!!
Website: http://www.qualitycards.com
collect raw
and send in to PSA yourself.
(then sell your 8s and 9s for $200!
Website: http://www.qualitycards.com
There are probably a lot of sets like that. The 1969 Topps Supers set was sold at $19.95 for it's first fifteen years by most dealers -- and when I sold off my fully-graded set bit by bit, I realized almost $25,000 for it. I think the 1964 Topps Giant is a similar story. Changing times and missed opportunities ;-)
Also, when PSA grades the '69 Supers, do all of them have the plastic sleeve inside the slab? Did most of your high-grade cards from this set go to Merkel?
In the summer of 1999 PSA announced via the SMR that they would begin grading the '64 Topps Giants "soon". I swear it seemed like no one took notice or even cared. I started buying as much raw material as I could get my hands on. By January 2000, PSA started grading them. For at least another full year from that point there was next to no competition for raw or graded specimens. Of course there wasn't a lot of graded cards on Ebay because no one still cared. I think my only real competition was Aconte.
For about a year now the competition has swelled, and thus with the new demand for the graded cards so have the submissions. There are over 6,000 graded cards now, and while I think that number goes considerably higher, there certainly isn't an infinite supply, particularly in high grade.
Austin "Pinhigh" Powers - I don't think any one dealer can cause the bottom to fall out, and if you continue to ask so many questions, Dr. Gemmint Evil will have to unleash his team of Topps Giants "Mini Me's" on you...
Also the dealer that we suspect that has loads of these, wouldn't be foolish enough to keep plastering them out there and in turn hurt his bottom line. If a Roy McMillan who sold for $35.00 to GEMMINT, ends up not opening at $9.99, the dealer would no doubt stop submitting this player in. And since there always seems to be new collectors for this set, I see it going strong over the next several years. And if not, I'm sure GEMMINT will gobble up all the inexpensive 8's, 9's & 10's that come his way and amass 30 or 40 sets ...jay.
Website: http://www.qualitycards.com
I think there will continue to be a very strong influx of new collectors for this set. There are a lot of collectors who want to start collecting vintage, and this is an ideal short Topps set to do it with - at a reasonable price too
Many other sets that are hard to find in high grade have lower values simply because they cannot be found. A set I collect, 1955 Bowman is an example. The best example is 1914 Cracker Jack, however. It is a terribly difficult set, and besides being many many times rarer than 1915 Cracker Jack in high grade, 1915's are generally worth more simply because collectors have been able to build the set in high grade.
"Serious competition?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Dastardly Dr. Gemmint Evil Laugh)
Come on Austin "Pinhigh" Powers - Start collecting the '64 Topps Giants, and reclaim your MOJO
This is how I look just as I'm ready to snipe.
Seriously, it is a remarkable set.
This is me showing Mr. Bigglesworth my gratitude...
or do NONE of Gemmintman's pictures he adds ever show up!
they just show an "Angelfire" Logo
watup widat??
What I would like to know is where is Pinhigh's icon? It has been a tiny red "x" for weeks now.
his icon has never worked that I can remember
My icon has always been the picture of Chipper Jones, which is listed as one of the icons. I continue to use it out of spite, or maybe it is hope that it will one day work. Not sure why it doesn't - at one time it did. I have considered changing it, but I don't know how you guys are adding your own personal icons. I've looked and under profile, it won't let me upload one.
Pinhigh, are you doing the following?:
1 - Click on Profile
2 - Go to where it says, "Select the author icon you wish to use"
3 - Click on "View All" (this will take a few minutes)
4 - Choose an icon, and remember the exact name of the icon
5 - Go back to your profile page, and click on the down arrow button in the same area you were before. Find the name of the icon you chose in question # 4, and highlight it.
6 - Click on "Update Profile", and you're all set.
My icon came from that list. I was just looking, and your boy Chipper is no where to be found. I think it's time to choose a new one.
I have not been able to see your pictures.
Pinhigh - not sure what to tell you. My icon was already available when I chose it. Why not pick another until "Larry" comes back?
Gemmint, what is the Finest Possible Set Rating for the '64 Topps Giants? From my calculations, I believe it is 9.3 but I may have calculated it wrong. Either way, I know the set rating being published on the set registry is incorrect.
(Edit - asked the question)
Gemmint, why did you change your set name? Getting ready to show your grades?
You did pretty well last night, especially getting the Santo. I see that you did get beat by seventray on a low population 9 card but you beat him on another.
No, I'm not getting ready to show my grades for the still very obvious reasons.
Seventray is a bit of a pest, but he felt the gemmint wrath last night